The word "drum" is derived from the Latin word "drumba". This word means "small round object" and it has been used in the English language since the 13th century. The first drum that was used in Africa was a hollow gourd, which was filled with dried animal skin. It was played with sticks.
In the 16th century, African tribes began using hollowed logs as drums. These drums were made from tree trunks. They had holes drilled into them and they were covered with animal skins. In the 19th century, metal barrels were used to make drums. These drums were called "tumbaos" and they were used in the military. The most popular tumbao was the conga drum.
In the early 20th century, the conga drum was used as a percussion instrument. The drum was used in jazz and blues bands. The conga drum was used as the main instrument in Afro-Cuban music. The drum was also used in rock and roll and other genres of popular music.
In the 1950's, the conga drum was replaced by the samba drum. The samba drum is made of wood and it has a wooden head. It was used by African musicians. The samba drum was also used by American musicians.
The samba drum was replaced by the djembe drum in the 1960's. The djembe drum is made of wood and its head is made of animal skin. The djembe is the oldest type of drum in Africa. The djembe is an important part of the culture of many African tribes. The djembe is also known as the "African drum".
There are different types of djembe drums. The djembe is made of a hollow wooden trunk. The djembe has two heads. One head is made of animal skin and the other head is made of a piece of cowhide. The djembe drum has a hole in the middle. This hole is used to attach a rattles. The djembe drum can be played with one hand. The djembe drum beat is very fast and it is usually played in a fast tempo.
The djembe drum is also used in ceremonies. The djembe is used in rituals. There are different types of djembes. Some of these djembes have animal skin heads. Others have cowhide heads. Some djembes are made of wood. The djembe drum comes in different sizes. The smallest djembe drum has a diameter of 30 inches. The largest djembe drum has a width of 72 inches.
The djembes are also used in spiritual ceremonies. The djembe drum plays a significant role in the ritual dances of the Ashanti people. The djembe drum accompanies the drumming of the dancers. The djembe drum also plays a significant role in the ceremony of the Dogon people. The djembe is considered sacred and it is used in the initiation ceremonies of the Dogon.
The djembee is also used in religious ceremonies. The djembe plays a significant role in the ceremonies of the Vodun religion. The djembe drum beats are used to attract the spirits. The djembe drum performs a number of functions in the ceremony. The djembe drum provides rhythm. It also provides a rhythmic accompaniment to the songs sung during the ceremony. The djembee is also used to communicate with the ancestors.
The djembees are also used in modern ceremonies. The djembe drums are used in the ceremony of the Yoruba people. The djembe drums play a significant role in the ceremony. The djeme drums are used in the ceremony to communicate with the ancestors. The djembe drum helps the Yoruba people to heal their wounds.
The djemba drum is also used in the ceremonies of the Bantu people. The djembe plays an important role in the initiation ceremonies of the Bantu. The djembe is played during the ceremony to attract the ancestral spirits. The djembe is usually played by the initiates. The djembe drum serves as a communication tool between the initiates and the ancestors.