Sunday, 27 November 2022

'Top Chef's' Eric Adjepong is putting West African food front and center

-Eric Adjepong. -Hi. -Hi. "Top Chef" finalist. -How's it going? -Yeah. Pretty big deal, right? -Yeah. It's a huge deal. I mean, it really is. -Not too bad. -It's sort of like -- It's a life-shifting deal. -I would say so, yeah. There's definitely a before-and-after kind of phase after "Top Chef" happens. So, it's hard to say where everything's kind of leading me, 'cause, like, the elevator's still kind of clicking up. But yeah, I'm just so very fortunate to make it this far and kind of just to see what happens from here, so yeah. -So, you went on the show saying that you wanted to showcase what West African cuisine was all about. -For sure. -What's it all about? -Spice, flavor, heat. There's a lot of nuances. You know, there's a lot of combinations of things that folks are not necessarily familiar with as far as, like, you know, taking grounded spices like cinnamon and clove, nutmeg, and then pairing it with, you know, habaneros and tomato and things like that.

I think there's complexities that a lot of, like, Western palates and just folks who are just not familiar with the food can really explore and have fun with. -And one of the things that Tom Colicchio said to you during the season was all your life, you've been told that maybe this is not the kind of food to cook. -Yeah. Right, right. -And now you're getting to cook it. And really, I mean, it's been a showcase. Like, I learned a lot about West African cuisine from the season. -Yeah, yeah. You know, I grew up eating this food for so long. It's so nuts. We think about Africa being the second-biggest continent in the world, you know, and yet the food is so under-represented. I went to school and didn't really learn too much about African food. Some of the chefs that I worked with weren't so, you know, familiar with the ingredients and products from Africa.

So it's essentially up to me to kind of bring that out and really showcase and put that forth. -I would say it needs acid, but I don't know the flavors of your food. -Totally get it. I'm gonna do this really traditional West African rice dish called waakye. -One of the judges -- I don't remember who it was -- said, "I don't even have a frame of reference for this dish." -For sure. -And so often, you know, when you're making fried chicken, people very often in this country have a frame of reference for that. -A loose one, a general one. Yeah, you have something. -Yeah, yeah, or a waffle. -Mm-hmm. -People in this country very often have a frame of -- who are born in this country have a frame of reference for that.

But something like fufu, as you were saying -- fufu is as common as rice. -It is, yes. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Cooking that type of food and really putting myself out there during the competition was a risk. You know, and in order to break through that ceiling, you have to kind of present it. It has to be done. For me to, you know, cook the food for, one, for the judges to kind of understand where the food is coming from or have some sort of frame of reference to it, and, then, you know, being judged accordingly.


So yeah, there's so many different ways that it could have happened and, you know, the chips could have fell, but I'm definitely -- third place is not too shabby. So yeah. -Here's what we need to talk about. I mean, this is where the dish comes in. -Okay. -Because being on a cooking -competition show is hard. -Yeah. It is, it is. -It's really hard, and you're in this moment right now that is a very vulnerable space. -It is, yeah. I mean, you know the deal. So, like, it's tough, because you have cameras in front of you, and you have the pressure of the actually competition, and, then, you know, your mind is racing a mile a minute, and, you know, you're gonna be judged in front of some of, like, the most legit palates in the world. So it's like that no pressure-type situation, but it's kind of nerve-racking, right? So with the added kind of pressure of cooking food that's just so unfamiliar, you know, I definitely could have came with a modern American approach or, you know, a classical French approach.

-Yeah, yeah. -But it was kind of a mission that was sort of bigger than me. You know what I mean? Again, no one's ever heard of fufu on "Top Chef." -I'm doing a West African dumpling called fufu. -I love fufu! -No one's ever heard of waakye or, you know -- any of these things that when I grew up eating, those were like secondhand -- these are, like, things that I grew up, like -- yeah, yeah. -Right.

And when they were like, "Oh, you made fufu twice," and it's like telling somebody, "You made rice twice." Like, it's so common. -Right. Or -- yeah, it's so common. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Or it's even, like, a pasta dish. You know, people -- yeah. -Right. You made pasta twice -- like, of course -- in a different shape. -You made pasta, yeah, in a different shape. Right. -Yes. Of course. -It's the same deal. It really is. So, again, some of those kind of glass ceilings that you have to break and really have to kind of reinforce in people's minds. Like, you can present certain things in different ways and can call it different things. -I look forward to seeing what's gonna happen. You absolutely never know. -Yeah. -I'm here at The Washington Post. Who the hell knew, you know? -I'm here at The Washington Post. Like, that's -- -Yeah, that's right. -It's pretty crazy, right? -That's great, yeah. -Yeah, right, right, right. You're right.

-Who knew? -Yeah, right. It's not a big deal, right?.

african instruments

Saturday, 26 November 2022


When the event is over and you require to turn your prick as well as balls for the last time, this is the song that i use! I know I must have been publishing extra material yet ive obtained a big ass drumfest soon as well as i have actually been preparing myself with even more tunes like this one so it ' s been a fucking headache. As always, it ' s been an absolute honor playing for you all.Take great treatment of yourselves and your families! When the event is over and you need to swing your penis and also balls for the last time, this is the song that i usage! I know I ought to have been uploading more content yet ive got a large butt drumfest soon and also i have actually been preparing myself with even more tunes like this one so it ' s been a fucking problem. As always, it ' s been an absolute honor playing for you all.Take great treatment of yourselves and also your households!


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Djembe de Guinée Haut de gamme avec peau de cheval d'épaisseur moyenne

Top Guinea djembe with medium thickness equine skin


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Wild Elephant chasing 2 wheeler

Elephants, the largest land animals on the planet, are among the most exuberantly expressive of creatures. Joy, anger, grief, compassion, love; the finest emotions reside within these hulking masses. Through years of research, scientists have found that elephants are capable of complex thought and deep feeling The elephant's aggression may be partially caused by a reaction to the temporin, which naturally trickles down into the elephant's mouth. If facing down a charging, angry elephant, your best bet is to shout, yell, and make as much noise as you can. Respect Anmial Feely.


African instruments here

Dance Moms: Dance Digest - "Country Cuties" (Season 3) | Lifetime

ABBY LEE: Come on, girls. Let's go! Let's do it. We only have one more week before Nationals. And we are traveling to Buffalo, New York, where we will be attending Intensity Dance. The group routine is a hoedown. It's entitled "Country Cuties." This is the week we attended regionals to qualify for the national competition. Every girl needs to give me 110%. And the moms? Well, they better mind their P's and Q's. Paige is too piked over in her strato jump. Keep your legs up higher. This week, we're doing a hoedown. And the name of the piece is "Country Cuties." Now, it may seem like just a fun, upbeat routine. But this is loaded with tricks, partner work, and you have to have a lot of stamina. Come on! I need the type of routine that's going to guarantee us a spot in the national competition. Four, five, six, seven, eight.

Oh, my god. Look at Paige. She's like, I have Asia. I'm used to there being a lot of gymnastics in Brooke's solos. But in a group dance, there just is so much acrobats in this. Like, everybody is just flipping and flopping around. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. HOLLY: Oh, my gosh. Mackenzie is not doing this. I hope Mackenzie doesn't fall in the group dance. Walking on her hands for 48 counts is such a hard move. She's been nailing it in rehearsal. But where it counts is on the stage. All the moms come down. OK. Oh, gosh, that's never good. I don't know why Abby's calling all the mothers into the studio. But I really hope it's for her to yell at us. I haven't been screamed at today. I'm feeling a little empty inside. ABBY LEE: I'm running the group routine two dancers at a time. Because we do partner work, and I want to see whose timing is on and whose timing is off. Point, point. Smile, Brooke. Second foot. Watch your alignments. Shut your feet.

Watch your alignments. Your legs are supposed to be perpendicular to the floor. You will ruin the entire number if you fall. You threw yourself into that hand walk. You didn't take your time and kick up nice and controlled. This group routine should have been finished and clean the first day of rehearsal. The girls know all these steps. It's not that difficult. It's just demanding. And you have to work with your partner and trust that. The timing has to be right on the money. This "Country Cuties" number is not perfect yet. But I trust Abby. And hopefully, it will be cleaned up by competition. GROUP: Yee-haw! Oh, you guys look cute. You're cute! Oh, yeah, look how cute you are. If their hair is out, that's their fault, not your fault. OK? Don't hold your breath. You're never going to make it if you hold your breath. ABBY LEE (VOICEOVER): Mackenzie has to hand walk over a line of girls.


Is it going to happen or not? Come on, Mackenzie. Point your foot. Oh. ABBY LEE: Sure enough, she falls over. It looks ridiculous. Ruins the whole ending in the number. Because I pulled someone's hair. That's OK. Abby's going to yell at me now. It's OK. Now for our elite junior small groups. In second place, with a score of 276.7 points is act number 45, "Boy Meets Girl." And your highest scoring elite junior small group, with a score of 280.3 points is act number 72, "Country Cuties" from the Abby Lee Dance Company.

Mackenzie is lucky that this group won the overall first place high score. Mackenzie, you screwed up this routine. You better thank everybody else for pulling their weight and taking us to Nationals. Mackenzie practiced that over and over and over, when I said don't, you're going to get tired. And that's why she fell. Girls, one week until Nationals. Dream it. Eat it. Breathe it. Live it. I thought I would have a very clean, easy decision after the results today. But I saw stuff on that stage that I haven't seen go wrong in years. You know what it's going to be like for you guys if the Abby Lee Dance Company loses? .

African instruments here

AFRICAN FOOD MUKBANG! 먹방|Cow Heels, Dumplings & Veggies||*Eating Sounds*||South African Food Mukbang

hello welcome back to my channel okay let me first  off just start by saying that setting this up was   extremely difficult oh my goodness so look at this  plate i hope nothing drops a plate of thickness so it's um this is chocolate the  orange one and that's spanish cow heels and on the back here i've  got steamed bread dumplings i don't   know if you can see this but i've  got coleslaw and cabbage as well so do you guys see that let me try this i hope nothing drops on the word okay so i hope nothing drops anyway let's get started we've got south african food today so we're gonna eat this with our hands of  course this is south african food i mean come on   come on i've been craving okay so  this is a dumpling steamed bread fresh fresh i've got some cabbage here it was so difficult to set this up because the  juices were like seeping everywhere you know   so this is cow feet this is a  cow food let's go for a bite so so september is heritage month in south africa i'm also wearing like a duke to commemorate that i might not be able to finish this food because   i wasn't really sure of like  the portions so i bought a lot so this orange stuff here like i said  it's chakalaka it typically consists of   like carrots and onions yeah carrots and  onions and like spices best thing ever so it's a little mixed with the spinach   as you can see so you might see like  these green stuff that's from the spinach so i'm dipping it in its own sauce you know so so um you guys you have to try south african food  you just have to look at this plate of beauty okay i'll be honest with you guys for 19 years i've i had never tried cow feet  or cow hoofs whatever you want to call it   because for me honestly it always looked like  fat and also like it just kind of like looked not so appetizing so i never tried it  but my friend convinced me to try it   and i've never looked back since then oh i'm realizing that i haven't tried the spinach we call this morocco in south africa just amazing let me add some salt to the spinach i've got some closely here as well here oh my god that's amazing it is like a lot of a lot of like it's  juices yeah i know that you guys can see it oh that was amazing okay so i'm not really sure how to  describe the the texture of this but it's it's kind of slimy i think that's   that's probably one of the reasons  that it took me 19 years to eat it how are you guys doing today am i out of napkins excuse that oh yeah that one okay so these cow heels um get sticky very very quickly so   if you don't eat it like fast enough  it'll get sticky like way too sticky and like it's soup gets very very sticky so in south africa like traditionally  we also eat our food with our hands some coleslaw beautiful coleslaw so so everything on here is just  beautiful and tasty and fresh uh the mirror is like the best part hands down and get of summer's big piece uh i know this might look gross if you're not familiar with it but trust me  if you get someone to like cook it properly   you're gonna have an amazing time so look at the juices here goodness in this super um so initially i was planning on like having  this next week on heritage day but i'm like   i've been craving couples i've been i have been so  i'm like you know what i'm not gonna wait a week i'm not gonna wait for like a week so  i'm just gonna go ahead and get my food and you know it's so soft cabbage uh okay this right here is just fat so i think the main meat here is well i'm not sure  maybe cartilage i'm not sure but it looks like fat   but it's not it does have fat like inside but the  main thing like this it kind of looks like a ring   i think it's i'm not sure what to call it i'm not  sure all i know that all i know is that it's bomb and so tasty this right here is the bite let me know in the comments   have you ever tried south african food  like south african traditional food let me know this is just a mix it's cabbage coleslaw some  of that spinach that was left like little pieces i'm so full but this is so amazing i can't stop i've got some bone in here i break something basically i've been sleeping for 19 years i've been sleeping i'm just to my friend who convinced me  to try call you bless your heart i've got not from the container there's still  some soup see it's stringy now it's getting sticky but this this is just some leftover  soup from you know the container because i bought this food so didn't make it cow heels take hours to cook hours i ate all of this by myself this was absolutely amazing absolutely amazing  absolutely like i can't even stress it enough   so let me know if you guys  have tried south african food   i mean like traditional food and yeah i'll  see you guys next time stay safe be well   and i love you guys so much please subscribe if  you like this video hit the notification bell   after subscribing and comment down below  share this you know and i'll see you bye


african instruments