- OK, y'all, these are the
formations for the African dance. You do not know the intro,
but you're about to learn it. The African dance showcases
the versatility of the team. OK, everybody get down. You're going to be on your
knees, hands in .. Step out with your left knee. hands up jazz. 1, 2, head, and head. Lean head, down
hip, pop, 7, and 8. The African dance is a
mixture of tribal movements. It has ballet style. It has passes. It has . It has pique turns. It has a lot of leaps and jumps.
Lean and head. Lean and head. Why are you up here-- you're
up here rolling your neck. You dip your whole body. Get your booty out there. You're up like this. Sit down. Do it again. The Prancing Tigerettes are one
of the Dancing Dolls' biggest rivalries, so I want them to
dance as if President Obama is about to hit the
building, and they're giving a million dollars
away to the best dance team. Let's try it with music
and see if you can do it. Get down. They need to always be on their
toes and ready for whatever. Sometimes I'm having cuts,
and I'm not even telling them that I'm having cuts. You don't know what
I'm going to do. Make sure you're ready for
whatever at any given time. OK, y'all ready? Here comes the music. Crystianna, I say
that's too loud. I shouldn't be talking to you. Come on, Crystianna, where
are you supposed to be? they
hard or too soft. Come on, Sunjai, . It looks really awful. When you dance, you
need to breathe, because as soon as you
start to shut down, you can guarantee the judges
are looking right in your face.
I mean, I scream,
and I yell a lot. A lot. Anytime there are ever mistakes,
that one person that makes a mistake, the judge
is going to follow you around the floor the
whole time to see, oh, she's going
to mess up again. Oh, she's out of breath. Oh, she's on the wrong foot. And they're going to-- the
whole squad loses points because of that one person. It has to be no
mistakes on the floor. Name a football coach
that doesn't yell. Name a basketball coach
that doesn't yell. You know, I watch the Eagles
coach all the time scream and go crazy from the sidelines. And I'm like, yeah,
get their butt. That's right. Y'all can not get out there
and just give it away. Y'all be pissed off
about last week. I'm still mad. African dance is what we need to
go ahead and have cuts on right now. Every time she has
cuts, Miss Dianna yells.
So it's kind of like
you've got to take what she giving
you about it and be like, next time dance harder. When I call your name, these
are the folks, the 20, to have made cuts for right now. Let me see Maya Hayes,
,, Kayla, Camryn, Makalah, Crystianna, Tamia,
,, Shakayla, Sydney, Caitlyn, Tiara,
Ken'Janae, Makaya, Brianna Jones, Jayden,
Brianna Williams, Shakira Gatlin, and Sunjai. Not everybody's
doing African dance, so she made the cut for that,
and I'm just being so proud, but I want to be even
more prouder when Sunjai make cuts for stand battle. kill
this .. Energy, energy, energy,
energy the entire time. the Dancing Dolls. All right, y'all! Slow down. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I didn't make ,,
but I am excited about the African dance. We're going to have probably
one of the best creative dance routines, because
I'm sure people down there are not expecting
what we're going to do. All right, ladies! When all of them
rush to stage with those red and white feathers,
I was like, don't talk. You know, nobody speak,
because right now the girls are ready to do it.
It was amazing. Everything was perfect. Sunjai was out there. You know, I couldn't
take my eyes off her. She did an awesome job. I just felt like I was
going to jump up and cry. I was happy that I
got to get up there and do it with the rest of the
girls, go up there and compete. With our creative
dance, we actually did something different. You went back to African
dance, mother land.
What you do? Pray for Tigerettes. Snap those heads, baby! That's what I'm talking about! The routine was
just beautiful. Everything flowed perfectly. I mean, it was just great. .
African instruments here