Saturday, 18 February 2023

Unbelievable Sexuality of Wodaabe Women – How They Enjoy Their Men

the Wodaabe have one of the most bizarre practices   in the world this practice allows  a man to steal another man's wife   or girlfriend *are you serious right now* and  no this is not a game it is for real but how   does a man steal another man's wife and walks  away like nothing happened well here is how   on the southern fringes of the Sahara desert is  one of the most extraordinary tribes on earth   the Wodaabe they are despised by many of  their neighbours and struggle to exist in a   hostile landscape but for the Wodaabe beauty and sexuality is almost as important as survival   introducing the wife stealing  ceremony also known as Gerewol this is a festival held every year where men dress  up with makeups and whatnot to accentuate the   whiteness of their teeth and eyes all these with  a single goal in mind steal another man's wife   but why the makeup though? Wodaabe women find slender men who have white teeth and   eyes particularly handsome and masculine to say  the least only the strongest and most handsome of   all Wodaabe men are allowed to participate in the  ceremony because it is a tough one and physically   demanding three or two of the most beautiful women  in the competing sub tribes are chosen as judges   the men then tried to win a woman's attention  through singing and dancing all while displaying   their teeth and rolling their eyes they hold  their left hand against their faces to hide their   glances from the man and after several pauses  they individually approach the line of dancers   and with a swift slight almost heard of gesture  they select the young man they judge to be the   most beautiful and charming now for the fun part  women who are already wives of other men go ahead   to admire the men they intimately desire and here  is a nerve-wracking part at the end of the day at   the cover of darkness a man will go looking for  his new love not knowing if he will be greeted   by the knife of the woman's husband if the man  successfully steals the woman without being caught   in the process the woman automatically becomes  his wife and the union is accepted in the tribe   the now wifeless man has no rights to fight or  complain because of this most married men prevent   their wives from attending such events for the  fear of becoming wifely interestingly both Wodaabe men and women are allowed to have multiple  partners but when a woman is pregnant she will   return to her mother's camp where she will remain  for three or four years without any contact with   the husband during this time the man is free  to gather for himself more wives and the cycle   continues now how would you feel if your  wife or partner gets stolen in such an event   let us know in the comment section below do  share with your friend on facebook whatsapp   and twitter as usual I'm your host Murphy and  i'll catch you next video stay safe PEACE


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WHY ELEPHANTS NEVER FORGET A LANDMARK? - Interesting facts in English, Amazing facts #Shorts

elephants navigate by remembering the location of landmarks they embark on long treks often in search of water crisscrossing an area of up to 500 square kilometers 190 square miles in botswana during the dry season from june to october elephants leave the wilting savannas and head for water sources that do not dry up completely each herd is led by a matriarch the oldest and wisest female for it is she who remembers the traditional roots and recognizes the relevant milestones they move at speeds of four to five kilometers per hour 2.5 to 4 miles per hour along elephant roads well-worn paths as straight as any roman road the elephants return in the rainy seasons from october to december and march to june you.


African instruments here

Elephant Family Bonds | Elephant: King of the Kalahari

NARRATOR: On their search for food and water, the herds get bigger. Elephants can live to 70 years old and have large extended families. Relatives and friends meet and join forces as they travel. Adult bulls add muscle to the convoy, following the matriarch as she leads them all to water. But this family is on a different mission. They heard alarm calls and they're coming to the rescue. They're too late. A calf stands over his dead mother. He will protect her body with his life. The lions wait. They know he can't stay here forever. The herd waits too, until he is ready to leave. This is his family. He will be safe with them..


African instruments here

african kids dance #ethiopian kid chifera and dance dance kids

kid dance africa ethipia kid chifera


African instruments here


Hi welcome our come back for another tutorial my name is Laura and today I'm gonna show you how to you make a dress using a pattern so if you wanna more please stay tuned alright, for this tutorial you need African attire and as usual the link will be in the description box a zigzag scissors if you don't have one a tailor scissors will do job just as fine as fine, a zip and for the last I'm using 18 inch length, patterns and the pattern is called Mc Call's please forgive me for the pronunciation, a thread scissors a tape measure, a chalk some pin and a facing. okay so off-camera I already marked the fabric and I fold the fabric in half the design mostly right in the middle and an oppressive of the iron for some reason that come I just messed up that particular footage as soon as I put the pattern on and so yeah I just floated whatever record anyway as you can see it's very very bad so I just going to be for a couple of seconds so yeah let's go back for a description so I placed the pattern on top of the fabric then which you need to use weight or you can use pin to secure the pattern on top of the fabric and just cut around it Once this is done I'm doing the same thing at the back making sure that the pattern is as bang in the middle at the back as much as I can and yeah just going back and forth and pimp underneath to make sure that everything is is equal and oh yeah so and I leave one one-and-a-half inch so this is the most delicate thing the process from one of the most dedicated process of the this making this to make sure that the pattern is right on the line at the back so we have a beautiful nice finished look and I'm just doing the something cutting around I'm using my tailor scissors as weight yes system D just do with what I have.

I place the darts off camera I realised that this pattern is not appropriate for 100% fabric and once I realized my mistake I'll have a second look to a pattern and I realized that is for Jersey he said like a leaf or jersey fabric ends is not Jersey is cotton 100% cotton and it's not stretch one bit so yeah I have to add that off-camera I didn't want to bored you guys out and you want to come the video to be longer than he has to be so if you want to know how I place the darts leaving a comment below and I'll be more than happy to show you how I do it This part is the is the zip so it's just a straight line down nothing really fancy sorry to come a bit shaky here another is bad footage but yeah I will do better next time so he because this type looks also I sewed in the neck and all the way down to the dress no wait I'm always on to dress on the side and I just leave a small opening and on shoulder and at the bottom I'm gonna give you like that I'm not going to do anything particular I'm gonna do the notching noches and you know how to say it that don't know choose anywho um yeah I'm doing it on the neck and on armpits and I'm doing this and thing as well for the back just like so so this the neck at the back no money like to do some triangle shapes and trimming the side and we go once this is done I'm turnin g the fabric around and I press it with the iron just like so and so and just pressing flats everywhere else ohm which is again the sides the armpits and the neck so when you press fabric please be sure that the lining stay inside that we can see little bit of the of the main fabric to have to say it in alright let me try again the fabric the, lining must stay in and then only the the fabric must come out that still come out wrong but let's keep moving I sew the back together I'm so straight line down I made opening of 17 inch and this is to help me insuring the zip. Alright the zip being pray iron and if again if you want me to show you in details how I put a zip on let me know and I'll be more than happy to do so ; ) So I'm starting by pinning the zip into the entire dress just like so Changing the foods from a flat foots to zip foot ideally supposed to use invisible food but I still can't find one and I keep on forgetting to go and get one when I get to shop.

And I start sewing from the bottom to the top easy lazy way for me. and finish with a backstitch okay so now I'm gonna close the zip and I'm going to mark on the other side so that to make sure that when I'm closing the zip everything match properly this is um this is a step we can escape if you wanna have a proper finished look especially when you using ankara so just like just some guests for me they're not really precise this is how I do we pin the other side once I'm transferred the the mark on to the other side of the zip and then I just pin everything together just like so I just sew a straight line down some same old same old nothing new year hear. You can over take off the pin or sew right on top. I'm finished the back stitch and I open at the bottom and I cut the bottom part and this is a have a look and off-camera a hand stitched on the side and this is opening and now I'm gonna join them together for the shoulder so this is very meticulous so be sure not to skip it and I turned the fabric inside out and right we've wright fabric and this's the right one underneath I'm poking the east both sides the shoulder just like so and the other side before you doing that I need to make sure that the exact some size that one shoulder is not a bigger or smaller the other, otherwise is not gonna work this technique and I understand much easier than the one I normally do I make sure to push on the side and you spin to help you along the way and like start with the back stitch and finish make sure you push the fabric on the side just the way I'm doing right now I love using my blades and I'm doing the same thing I never showed up make sure he's pushed on the side if he's not just gonna look Winky so yeah push it properly.


I'm now taking off the pin finish with a back stitch again and trim in the side just like so an excess of fabric while we're there this is optional but just like to do it and I do distant thing on that side now trim the fabric so now I'm putting it out and VoilĂ  see magic whoo-hoo and this is How the shoulder look like in front and at the back professional finished look that all this is the end, nice and easy and I'm gonna pin the side and sew straight line down as you can see here and I left half inch half inch room no more than that no more than that don't be gready girls! Otherwise is gonna look Winky and the fabric gonna squeeze and straights on the other side just just not gonna look good so no more than 1/2 inch please sister's please okay and voila so I just turn the fabric inside out and this is how you look like and that's my dad's and back zip.

Right that's it for me beautiful people thank you for watching the video until the end if you are still here must be a die-hard fan so I'm gonna ask you to subscribe to my channel and then let me know in the description down below what you think about the tutorial if you want some more this description now if you want me to go deeper and see on the darts oh if you want to see more footage on how I put a shoulder together what ever you just say hi if you're like it whatever I want to say feel free to leave a comment down below I love love love love to hear from you guys and also you can give this video a thumbs up it will be much appreciated and yeah I'm gonna yet there's a giveaway and I'm gonna give away at the beautiful fabric I made more information will be in the description box and I'm going on holiday for two weeks I'm not gonna be here no video for 2 weeks I will probably gonna keep on posting stuff on Instagram oh talking about asta gram I made it at jumpsuits using African fabric and you can go and have a look if you are very noisy and we should see to follow me on Instagram and I'm some Facebook I tried to post as much as I can for I would try for you guys I will try what yes I'm going for 2 weeks yeah oh so when I'm what I'll be back it's then I will upload the video about the dashiki but a dashiki bag so yeah keep on subscribing keep on loving and sharing and when I will be back you guys who's the winner all right thank you again have a blessing week have a blessing holiday whatever it may be and Peace.


african instruments

HOW TO MAKE AFRICAN JOLLOF RICE#viral #cooking #shorts

foreign foreign different now it seems all right before I met you everything  was black and white but it's so different now it's a surprise.


african instruments

Advanced Djembe Drum Solos | African Drums

Audio speaker 1: Below is one more idea for an intermediate or innovative solo suggestion to play it on the djembe with the enhancement I'' m gon na play a standard djembe accompaniment. and master drummer Mbemba Bengora it'' s gon na play a bit even more of a complex concept to make sure that you can learn just how to repeat the songs. That'' s appears sort of difficult, can you explain that? Speaker 2: Yes, it'' s hard, but is a little various since this set you opt for a tone, tone, slap, tone.You go back with tone, tone, put, tone, then it'' s put, tone, slap, tone, put, tone, put, tone, put. Speaker 1: Program me how that goes. So here'' s the beat. One even more. That'' s exceptional. Currently we'' re gon na go a bit much faster, this means you can get some actually good workout on the djembe. Below we go. Exact same expression. And that'' s an intermediate to advanced solo phrase for the djembe. Speaker 1: Show me exactly how that goes. One more. Here we go.


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