Showing posts with label africandrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label africandrum. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Djembe Drums

A djembe is a large hand held African drum that is played with sticks. It is also known as a gourd or calabash. This is a very important African drum and it has been used by Africans for centuries. The djembe drum is used in many ways. It can be played in a variety of different ways. In fact, it is used by many different cultures. In this article we will discuss some of the ways that the djembe is used. We will discuss some of the djembe drum beats that are used in various types of music.graphicstock-serious-african-young-man-writing-and-learning-in-the-park_HOfqxMhr3l_thumb.jpg

Djembe Drum Beats

There are many different kinds of djembe drum beats. They are used in many different kinds of music. Some of these kinds of music include traditional music, dance music, jazz, and rock and roll. Djembe drum beats are often used in traditional music. The djembe is a very popular African drum. It is a very important part of African culture. The djembe drum beat is usually played in a slow rhythm. This is a very important rhythm in African culture. It is very important in all types of African music.


Djembe festivals are events that celebrate the djembe drum. They are often held in Africa. Many people attend these festivals. These festivals are often held at local clubs. The djembe drum plays an important role in the festival. There are many different kinds of djembefests. There are many different types of music that are played during these festivals. There are many different kinds and styles of music. Different kinds of music are played during different festivals.

Djembes for Schools

Djembes are also used in schools. Children often learn to play the djembe in school. There are many different kinds. There are different sizes and shapes. The djembe is often used in children's music. There are many different kinds that are used in school. Children often learn to play these kinds of djembes. They are often played during children's music lessons.


Djembe circles are a type of djembe festival. They are often held in countries like Kenya. They are often held at clubs and other places. The djembe is usually played during these kinds of festivals. These festivals are often attended by many people. There are many different kinds, but they are usually held at clubs.

Djembefestivals are often held in Africa. They are often held at local clubs and other places. These festivals are often attended many people. There are many kinds of music that are played during festivals. There are many different styles and kinds of music.

Djambe drum beats are often used to play traditional music. They are also used in jazz, dance, and rock and roll. There are many different kinds.

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Djembe Drum - A Brief History

The djembe drum has been around for centuries. The djembe is an African drum, and is played in many African countries as well as other parts of the world. In some countries, the djembe is used for spiritual purposes, while in others, it is used for entertainment. It is also known as the "drum of the gods."

The djembe is a large drum with a round or oval shaped body, with a single skin stretched over the top. It has a hole cut into the center of the drum, so that it can be held with one hand while the other hand plays the djembe. It is a very simple drum, and is often used in ceremonies or spiritual practices.

There are many different types of djembe drums. They range from small hand drums to large drums that are more than two feet in diameter. The drum is usually made from wood, and is covered with animal hide.


The djembe drum is played with a stick called a djembe stick. The djembe stick is usually made of hardwood, and is about four inches long. It has a rounded end that is flat and slightly curved, which allows it to fit comfortably into the palm of the player's hand.

There are many djembe drumming styles. Some of these styles are more popular in certain areas than others. One of the most popular styles is the djembe african style, which is the most common style in Africa. This style uses a variety of rhythms, including many fast and complex patterns.

In addition to the djembe african drum, there are many other styles of djembe drumming. Some of the more popular styles include the djembe amazonian style, which is similar to the djembe africain style, but has a faster beat. There is also the djembe kwela style, which is used in Zambia and Zimbabwe. The djembe kwela has a slower beat, and is often used for ceremonial purposes.

The djembes have a wide variety of uses. They are often used in religious ceremonies, as well as for entertainment. Djembe drumming is a very popular form of entertainment, and is often performed at parties, festivals, and other special events.

Saturday 24 September 2022

Learn To Play The Djembe Drum

If you're looking for an inexpensive way to get into the world of African drumming, then you might want to consider getting yourself a djembe drum. A djembe drum is an African hand drum that is used in a wide variety of different ways. The djembe is often used as part of a drumming ensemble or it can be played alone. You will find that the djembe is a popular instrument amongst many different types of people including musicians, dancers and even people who just want to play around with it.

There are a number of different types of djembe drums available. If you are looking for one to play solo or as part of a group, then you may want to consider a basic djembe drum. This type of djembe has a single head and is usually made from wood. The djembe is typically between 3 and 5 feet in length and about 2 feet in diameter. It's important that you buy your djembe drum from a reputable dealer. There are many unscrupulous dealers out there who will try to sell you a cheap imitation. Make sure that you know exactly what you're getting before you part with your money.


You may also want to consider buying a djembe drum kit if you plan on playing the djembe with other musicians. A djembe drum kit will include a number of different parts. These include the djembe drum, a cow bell, cymbals and a set of sticks. You can get these things separately but it's usually cheaper to purchase them together.

Djembe drumming can be fun and exciting. You'll find that this type of music is very rhythmic and has a lot of energy. You can learn to play the djembe quite quickly if you have the right instruction. Many people find that they enjoy playing the djembe for its own sake. If you are interested in learning more about the djembe, you should consider visiting a local drum shop or online retailer.

Saturday 17 September 2022

How To Play A Djembe

A djembe is an African drum. It is used in the music of many different African countries, including Ghana, Nigeria and Benin. The name djembe is a shortened form of the term 'djenkor', which means drum. Djembe is also known as a 'talking drum'. This is because it is made from a hollowed out tree trunk and has two wooden hoops that fit inside it. The drums are played with sticks and are used in various styles of music.

In Africa, djembe is often played at funerals and other ceremonies, but it can also be used in many other styles of music. In the US, it is mainly used in hip hop and rap music, but there are some musicians who use it in reggae and rock.

Djembe can be used in a variety of styles. There are many different types of djembe, including the kosongo djembe, the kusun djembe and the mbila djembe. The kosongo djembe is the most common type of djembe, and is the one used in many styles of music. The mbila djembe is another type of djembe that is used in some styles of music.

There are also different types of djembe heads. These include the traditional djembe head, which is made from animal skin, and the modern head, which is made from synthetic materials such as plastic or rubber. The modern head is more durable than the traditional head and therefore lasts longer. The modern head is also lighter, so it is easier to transport.

The djembe is also available in different sizes. Some djembes are smaller than others, but they all have the same basic shape. The largest djembe is about four feet tall and two feet wide. Smaller djembes are only a foot or so in height and width.

There are several different ways of playing the djembe. The most common way is to beat it with your hands. You can also strike it with a stick. Another way is to hit it with a drumstick. However, this method is not very popular, as it is difficult to produce the right sound using this method.

If you want to learn how to play the djembee, you should buy a book about it. There are many books available on the market, and you can choose one according to what you want to learn.

Friday 2 September 2022

Djembe - An African Drum

The Djembe is a traditional African drum that was used in various rituals and ceremonies. It is also a popular drum amongst African Americans, especially in the south. The word "Djembe" means "stick" in Swahili, but it has come to be known as a drum in English.IMG_0448-2-527_thumb.jpg

The Djembe is usually played by one person and has three basic parts: the head, body, and the skin. The head is made of wood, with a hollow space inside that is filled with air. The skin is usually made from animal hide or cowhide. The body of the drum is made from either wood or metal. The body may be round or rectangular. The Djembe is played by hitting the head with a stick.

The Djembes have a wide variety of sounds, and can be played with many different rhythms. The most common rhythm is called "double time." This is played with a fast beat followed by a slower beat. Another common rhythm is "four to the floor," which is played with a fast beat on each quarter note followed by a slow beat on each quarter note.

The Djembee is an instrument that has been around for thousands of years. The earliest record of a Djembe dates back to 2000 BC in ancient Egypt. There are records of Djembes being used in Africa since the 1500s. The Djembe has also been used in other countries such as France and England.

The Djembees are still used today in Africa, especially in the south. In addition, they are popular in the US among African Americans. The Djembe is often used in religious ceremonies and rituals, and is sometimes played during funerals.


There are many different types of Djembe, and some are made from metals. Some of the more common types are the "Bass Tone," the "Djembe Bass," and the "Kusun." The "Bass Tone" is made from a large piece of metal that has a hole cut out for the head. The "Djembe Bass" is made from two pieces of metal that are connected with a crosspiece. The "Kusun" is made from a metal cylinder that has a hole cut out at the top for the head.

Some Djembe's are made from plastic or fiberglass. These types of Djembe's are usually inexpensive and are good for children. They are also easier to carry than metal Djembe's.

There are many books available about Djembe. Some books teach how to play the Djembe, while others teach different styles and techniques.

Djembe Drums

What is the Djembe?

A djembe is an African drum made of a hollowed out tree trunk. It has a very wide, deep and rounded shape. The djembe is played by striking it with the hand or with sticks. The djembe can be played as a solo instrument or in combination with other instruments.


The djembe is often used in African music, but also in world music. The djembe is often used as an accompaniment to dance music. It can be used to create rhythms that can be played by one person or by many people at the same time.

The djembes are usually made from the trunk of a tree that is cut down in the rain forest. In most cases the djembe is made from the trunk of a baobab tree. This tree grows in the rain forests of Africa.

The djemba drum is used in several different types of African music. The most common type is the rhythm section of a group of musicians playing together. Other types include solo music and ceremonial music.

The djembee drum is a popular instrument in the music of West Africa. The djembe is used in many different styles of music. There are many different types of djembe drums. The most common are the djembe bass tone slap, the djembe drum kit and the djembe drum set.

The djembees are played by a single player or by a number of players. The djembee drum is usually played with two sticks. The sticks are held in the left hand and struck with the right hand.

The djemee drum is also called the djembe drum. This is a term that is used by the American drummer Alan Dworsky. He uses this term to refer to the drum he invented and developed. This drum was first introduced in his book Drumming With the Djembe.

The djembo drum is another name for the djembe drum. The term djembo is derived from the word jambi which means 'to strike'. The word jambi is also used in some African languages to refer to the djembe.

The drum is also called the djemboh drum. This name comes from the Bantu language of the Congo. The word djemboh means 'to beat'.

The djembe drum is also known as the djembe bass tone slaps. This name is derived from the bass tone slap technique that is used to play the drum. The technique is also used to play the djembe bass tone.

The djembie drum is a name that is used to refer to the djembee drum. The name is derived from the Bantu word jembe which means 'to beat'.

The Djembe Bass Tone Slap

The djembe bass tone slap is a technique used to play the djembee drum. This technique involves striking the drum with the fingers of the right hand. The fingers are placed close together. The fingers are used to hit the djembe bass tone, which is the deepest part of the djembe drum.

The djemble drum is a term that is used to refer to a drum that is played with a bass tone slap. The name djemble is derived from the Bantus word jambi which means to beat.

The Djembe Bass Tones

The djembe has a unique sound that is created by the bass tones. These tones are created by hitting the djembe with the fingers of the right or left hand. The bass tones can be played with a variety of techniques.

One technique is to use the thumb to hit the bass tone. Another technique is to use the index finger. A third technique is to use the middle finger. A fourth technique is to use the ring finger.

There are other ways of playing the bass tones. One way is to use the palm of the hand to hit the bass tone.

The Djembee Bass Tone Slap

There are several techniques that are used to play the bass tones. One technique is to use the thumb of the right hand to hit the bass tone of the djembe. This technique is called the djembe bass tone slapping technique.

Another technique is to use the index fingers of the right and left hands to hit the bass tone. This technique is called the index finger technique.

The third technique is to use the ring fingers of the right and left hand to hit the bass tone that is found on the djembe. This is called the ring finger technique.

The fourth technique is to use the middle fingers of the right and left to hit the bass tone. The middle finger technique is also called the middle finger technique.

The fifth technique is to use the palm of either the right or left hand to hit the bass tones. This technique is called the palm technique.

The Djembie Drum

The djembe can be played with the djembe bass tone technique. This is a technique that is used to play a djembe bass tone. The technique is used to play the djembie drum.

The djebbie drum is a term that is sometimes used to refer to the djebbie drum. The term djebbie is derived from the word jebbi which means 'to beat'.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Djembe Drum - What Is It?

The djembe is a large, hand held drum that originated in West Africa. It has been used in various forms of African music for centuries. It is also popular among people who practice martial arts. The djembe is played with two sticks and is used in a variety of ways.

The djembe drum is often referred to as the "African drum". This is because it is one of the oldest drums used in Africa. It is made from animal skin stretched over a wooden frame. It is played by slapping the skin with the drumstick. It is also played by striking the skin with a stick or another drum. There are many types of djembe drum. They are:


  • • Djembe Bass Tone Slap
  • • Djembe Drum
  • • Djembe Drum Bag
  • • Djembe Drum Head
  • • Djembe Drum How To Play
  • • Djembe Drum Music
  • • Djembe Drum Rhythms
  • • Djembe Drum Sets
  • • Djembe Drumming For Beginners
  • • Djembe Drum Books
  • • Djembe Drum Beats
  • • Djembe Drum Gear
  • • Djembe Drum Heads
  • • Djembe Drum Healing
  • • Djembe Drum Instruments
  • • Djembe Drum Kits
  • • Djembe Drum Lessons
  • • Djembe Drum Mastering
  • • Djembe Drum Musical Instruments
  • • Djembe Drums For Schools
  • • Djembe Drum Playing For Beginners
  • • Djembos For Schools
  • • Djembes For Schools
  • • Djembs For Schools
  • • Djembos For Schools
  • • Djembo For Schools
  • • Djembas For Schools
  • • Djemba For Schools
  • • Djembos For Schools
  • • Djembos For School
  • • Djembos For Shools
  • • Djembo For Shools
  • • Djembos For shools
  • • Djembo for shools
  • • Djembas For shools
  • • Djembos for shools
  • • Djembros For shools
  • • Djebo For shools
  • • Djems For shools
  • • Djenbos For shools
  • • Djengos For shools
  • • Djejembos For shools
  • • Djenbos For shools
  • • Denbos For shools
  • • Dejembos For shools

Monday 15 August 2022

What You Need To Know About Playing The Djembe Drum

A djembe is a type of African drum that is played in a variety of styles. The name comes from the Yoruba word for drum, which is "dje". It is often referred to as the African drum or the djembe drum.

The djembe has been used for centuries in Africa and has evolved over time. It was originally a large drum with a cowhide skin stretched across it, but today's version is made of wood with a goatskin cover. Djembe drums are also known as the dundun, jumbie, and gumboot. The drum is used in many types of music, including jazz, reggae, and funk.


Djembe drumming is a great way to learn about African culture. You can play it at home or in an outdoor setting. It is a fun activity that is easy to learn. If you have never tried playing this type of drum, here are some things to consider before getting started.

You need to know how to play the drum. There are several different ways to do this. You can either learn how to play the drum by ear, or you can buy a book that will teach you how to play the drum. You can find these books at most bookstores.

Once you have learned how to play the drum, you can use your new skills to practice at home. You can play the drum for yourself, or you can invite friends over to play it with you. You can even play it outside.

If you decide to take your djembe drumming outside, you will need to think about what you are going to wear. You may want to consider wearing a hat to protect your head from the sun. You will also need a pair of gloves to keep your hands warm. If you are planning to play outside, you may also want to bring along a towel or blanket to sit on.

Djembes can be loud. You will want to play quietly when you are practicing. If you live near other people who may be sensitive to loud noise, you may want to ask them to turn down their music.

There are many benefits to playing the djembe drum. It can help you to relax. It is a good way to exercise. It is also a great way to bond with others. It is a fun activity to do with your family. You can use your djembe drumming skills to help you to learn about African culture.