Showing posts with label westafrica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label westafrica. Show all posts

Friday 20 January 2023

African Art

Africa has some of the most beautiful and exotic art in the world. It's an amazing place to visit, with its natural beauty and ancient history. The continent is home to many different cultures and each one has developed their own unique style of art. This article will give you a brief overview of African art.

The art of Africa is very diverse, ranging from the most ancient forms to the most modern. It is also highly influenced by other cultures. This means that the art of Africa can be categorized into many different styles. For example, the art of the west coast of Africa is known as West African art, while the art of the east coast is known as East African art. There are also many sub-styles within each of these styles.

West African art is often characterized by bright colors and geometric patterns. The art of the west coast of the continent is also known for its use of gold. The art of the east coast of Africa is often characterized by more complex patterns. The art of this region is known for its use of masks and intricate designs.

African art can also be categorized by the materials used to create it. Some of the most common materials used to make African art include:

• Metal - Examples of African metal art include jewelry, spears, knives, and shields.

• Wood - Examples of African wood art include sculptures, masks, and carvings.

• Stone - Examples of African stone art include carvings, statues, and masks.

• Clay - Examples of African clay art include pottery, sculptures, and masks.

The art of the African continent is truly a wonder to behold. Whether you're looking for something to add to your home or you want to buy African art as a gift, there are many different places to find it.

Sunday 2 October 2022

Djembe - A Musical Instrument

The word Djembe means drum in the Fula language. It has been said that the Djembe was first used as a musical instrument in Africa. In fact, it was used by the ancient Egyptians and also by the ancient Greeks. The Djembe was also used in the Americas by the early Spanish explorers.

The Djembe has a long history of use in West Africa. It is used today in many different cultures. It is still used today in many parts of Africa. In West Africa, the Djembe is called the Gbanje. The Djembe is played with sticks and usually has four or five heads.

In West Africa, the Djembes are made from various woods including bamboo and the wood of the Moringa tree. They can be made in various sizes, from small ones that are held in the hand to large ones that are played by two people.

The Djembes are played by the Fula people of West Africa. The Djembe is a very important part of the culture of the Fula people. The Djembe is often used in their religious ceremonies and also during celebrations such as weddings.

In some parts of West Africa, the Djembedes are often played by women. This is because they are considered to be a woman's instrument.

There are several types of Djembes. There are the basic Djembes which are made from bamboo and are played with sticks. Then there are the Djembes made from the wood of the Moringe tree. These are usually larger than the bamboo type and are played with the hands.

There are also the Djembe Bass Tone Slap. These are smaller than the Djembes made from bamboo and are played using a mallet. The Djembe Bass Tone Slaps are played by drummers who have a good bass tone.


The Djembedo is a special type of Djembe that is used in the Fula culture. It is made from a special kind of wood and has three heads. The Djembedo is played by two people and is similar to the Fula Djembe.

The Djembodio is a very special type of Djembe. It is made from the wood of the Fula tree. It is played by two people and has four heads. The Djembodio is very difficult to make. It takes years to master this instrument.

The Djembo is another special type of Djembe and is played by two people. It has two heads and is played with sticks. The Djembo is played in a special way.

The Djembel is a special type of Djembodio. It is played by two men and has six heads. The Djembel is played in a special way and is used in the Fula Culture.

The Djemba is a special type of Djebo. It is played by two women and has eight heads. The Djemba is played in a special way.

Djembe - The African Drum

What is a djembe? The Djembe is a hand held drum that originated in West Africa. It is made from a hollowed out tree trunk, and is played with two sticks or a stick and a drumstick. It is used as an accompaniment to singing and dancing. There are many different types of djembes and they are made from a variety of materials. Some are made from wood, some from animal skin, and others are made from plastic.

The Djembe has a deep rich tone and it can be played in any key. The djembe can also be played in a solo style. The djembe is not only used in Africa but also in the Caribbean and other parts of the world.


What is the djembe used for? The djembe is used for various purposes. In West Africa it is used in the context of religion. The djembe is used in praise and worship services. It is also used as a background rhythm for songs.

In the Caribbean it is used for traditional calypso music. It is also used in many forms of music including reggae and rap. In Brazil it is used in samba music. In the US it is used in jazz and blues. It is also used in folk music and rock and roll.

The djembe is often referred to as the African drum. This is because it was first used by African slaves who were brought to the Americas. Many of them brought the djembe with them when they came to America.

The djembes that are made from wood have a very warm tone. They are usually carved from a single piece of wood. These are often made from trees such as palm, mahogany, ebony, and rosewood.

The djembs that are made from animal skin are much more resonant than those made from wood. The skin of the animal is stretched over a frame and then covered with a skin. The skin is often sewn onto the frame. The skin is usually made from cow hide or sheep skin.

The djembers that are made from plastic are often used by percussionists in modern music. The djembe is one of the most popular drums in contemporary music.

Friday 2 September 2022

Djembe Drums

What is the Djembe?

A djembe is an African drum made of a hollowed out tree trunk. It has a very wide, deep and rounded shape. The djembe is played by striking it with the hand or with sticks. The djembe can be played as a solo instrument or in combination with other instruments.


The djembe is often used in African music, but also in world music. The djembe is often used as an accompaniment to dance music. It can be used to create rhythms that can be played by one person or by many people at the same time.

The djembes are usually made from the trunk of a tree that is cut down in the rain forest. In most cases the djembe is made from the trunk of a baobab tree. This tree grows in the rain forests of Africa.

The djemba drum is used in several different types of African music. The most common type is the rhythm section of a group of musicians playing together. Other types include solo music and ceremonial music.

The djembee drum is a popular instrument in the music of West Africa. The djembe is used in many different styles of music. There are many different types of djembe drums. The most common are the djembe bass tone slap, the djembe drum kit and the djembe drum set.

The djembees are played by a single player or by a number of players. The djembee drum is usually played with two sticks. The sticks are held in the left hand and struck with the right hand.

The djemee drum is also called the djembe drum. This is a term that is used by the American drummer Alan Dworsky. He uses this term to refer to the drum he invented and developed. This drum was first introduced in his book Drumming With the Djembe.

The djembo drum is another name for the djembe drum. The term djembo is derived from the word jambi which means 'to strike'. The word jambi is also used in some African languages to refer to the djembe.

The drum is also called the djemboh drum. This name comes from the Bantu language of the Congo. The word djemboh means 'to beat'.

The djembe drum is also known as the djembe bass tone slaps. This name is derived from the bass tone slap technique that is used to play the drum. The technique is also used to play the djembe bass tone.

The djembie drum is a name that is used to refer to the djembee drum. The name is derived from the Bantu word jembe which means 'to beat'.

The Djembe Bass Tone Slap

The djembe bass tone slap is a technique used to play the djembee drum. This technique involves striking the drum with the fingers of the right hand. The fingers are placed close together. The fingers are used to hit the djembe bass tone, which is the deepest part of the djembe drum.

The djemble drum is a term that is used to refer to a drum that is played with a bass tone slap. The name djemble is derived from the Bantus word jambi which means to beat.

The Djembe Bass Tones

The djembe has a unique sound that is created by the bass tones. These tones are created by hitting the djembe with the fingers of the right or left hand. The bass tones can be played with a variety of techniques.

One technique is to use the thumb to hit the bass tone. Another technique is to use the index finger. A third technique is to use the middle finger. A fourth technique is to use the ring finger.

There are other ways of playing the bass tones. One way is to use the palm of the hand to hit the bass tone.

The Djembee Bass Tone Slap

There are several techniques that are used to play the bass tones. One technique is to use the thumb of the right hand to hit the bass tone of the djembe. This technique is called the djembe bass tone slapping technique.

Another technique is to use the index fingers of the right and left hands to hit the bass tone. This technique is called the index finger technique.

The third technique is to use the ring fingers of the right and left hand to hit the bass tone that is found on the djembe. This is called the ring finger technique.

The fourth technique is to use the middle fingers of the right and left to hit the bass tone. The middle finger technique is also called the middle finger technique.

The fifth technique is to use the palm of either the right or left hand to hit the bass tones. This technique is called the palm technique.

The Djembie Drum

The djembe can be played with the djembe bass tone technique. This is a technique that is used to play a djembe bass tone. The technique is used to play the djembie drum.

The djebbie drum is a term that is sometimes used to refer to the djebbie drum. The term djebbie is derived from the word jebbi which means 'to beat'.

Monday 15 August 2022

Types Of Music In Africa

African music has been an integral part of the culture of Africa. It has influenced all other forms of music in the continent and beyond. Music in Africa is a very important part of their lives. This article will focus on some of the most common types of music in Africa and the cultures behind them.

Traditional West African Music

West African music is known for its rhythmic nature, which is derived from the use of drums and other percussion instruments. The music is also characterized by the use of the voice and the instrumentation. In addition, it is also noted for its melodic complexity and use of complex rhythms. There are many styles of West African music. These include:

• Yoruba - This is the dominant style of music in Nigeria. It was derived from the ancient Yoruba religion. The music is often performed by a group of people called a choir. It is usually accompanied by the use of a variety of instruments including the talking drum and the cow horn.

• Igbo - This is another style of music in West Africa. It is also associated with the ancient Igbo religion. This style of music is often played by groups of people called choirs. It is also accompanied by the use of a number of different instruments including the talking drum and various wind instruments.

• Ewe - This is a style of music that originated in Ghana. It is sometimes referred to as the "Ewe drum." It is one of the oldest styles of music in the region. It is usually performed by a group of people referred to as a choir. This style of music is usually accompanied by the use a variety of different instruments including the talking drums, the cow horn, the kora and the mbira.

Popular African Songs

Popular African songs are those songs that have become very popular in recent years. They have been made famous by the use of various media. Popular African songs can be found in a variety of genres. Some of these genres include:

• Afro-beat - This is a genre of music that originated in Ghana in the late 1960s. It is characterized by the use of drums, guitars, keyboards and other electronic instruments. The music is usually performed by a group or choir of people. It is usually accompanied by a variety of instruments including the guitar, the keyboard and the saxophone.

• Hip hop - This is a genre of popular music that originated in New York City in the 1970s. It is characterized by its use of a fast beat, rhyming words and lyrics. The music is usually performed in a rap form. It is usually accompanied by beats and the use of synthesizers.


• Reggae - This is a genre of Jamaican music that originated in the late 1950s. It is characterized by a fast beat and lyrics that are sung in a reggae style. The music is usually accompanied by a variety instruments including the bass guitar, the organ and the guitar.

• Jazz - This is a style of popular music that originated in the 1920s. It is characterized by jazz style rhythms and melodies. It is usually accompanied by various instruments including the piano, the trumpet and the saxophone.

• Rock and roll - This is a genre of rock music that originated in the 1950s. It is characterized mainly by its use of rock style rhythms and melodies. It was originally performed by white Americans. It is usually accompanied by electric guitar, the bass guitar, the keyboard and the drum set.