Showing posts with label drumming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drumming. Show all posts

Monday 14 November 2022

Djembe Art

A drum, also called a djembe, is an African percussion instrument. It is made from a hollowed out gourd or tree trunk. The drum is played by striking it with sticks. It is usually used in music and dance. Djembes are used in ceremonies, rituals, and religious festivals.

Djembe art is an art form that combines the art of djembe making and drum playing. It is a combination of African and Western art forms. It is practiced by artists from Africa and other parts of the world. The drum has been around for thousands of years and it is still used today. There are many different types of djembe drums. The most common type is the single-headed djembe. The single-headed djembe has one head. The drum can be played with one stick. There are two styles of djembe heads. The first style is the rounded style. This style has a round head with no sharp edges. The second style is the pointed style. This style has a pointed head with sharp edges. The pointed head is preferred because it allows for better control of the sound. The djembe can be played in a number of ways. The most popular way to play the djembe is with a single stick. The djembe can also be played with a double stick or with a pair of sticks.

African instruments include the djembe. These instruments have been around for thousands of years. They are still being used today. The djembe is used in many types of music and dances. In addition, the djembe is used in ceremonies, rituals, festivals, and celebrations. The djembe is often used in ceremonies. A ceremony is a special event. The djembe is also used in ritual dances. Ritual dances are a special type of dance that is performed during a ceremony. The djembe is usually played during a ceremony. The djembé is also used in a number of religious festivals. Religious festivals are special events that celebrate religion. Many religions have religious festivals. The djembe is played at religious festivals. The djemba is also used in a number ceremonial and religious dances. The djembe is a very important part of the culture of Africa. The djembe is considered an important part of African culture.


The djembe is an important part of African culture and history. It has been around for thousands of year. The djembe is still used today. The djemba is still used in ceremonies, rituals, religious festivals, and celebrations. The Djembe is used in many musical genres. The Djembe is also used in a number ritual and religious dances. The Djembe is an important part in the culture of Africa.

The Djembe Drum

Djembe is an African drum that is used in various types of music, dance, and other forms of entertainment. The name of this drum is derived from the French word "djembé", which means "to beat". The djembe drum is made from a hollowed out tree trunk or from a wooden log. It has a single head, which is usually made from animal skin.graphicstock-young-afro-american-father-at-home-holding-his-cute-baby-son-in-his-arms-kissing-him_BuZ2tvjIGW_thumb.jpg

Djembe drum beats have been used for centuries in Africa. The drum is usually played with one hand, and it is held vertically. It can be played by one person or two people. Djembe drum beats are very simple, but they are also very effective. They are mainly used in traditional music, such as in the popular dances known as kizomba and bonga. The djembe drum beat is also used in some forms of jazz music, such as the mbira and the thumb piano.

The djembe drum beat is very simple, but it can also be complex. In the beginning, the drummer uses a simple rhythm, such as a single beat or a double beat. As the drummer gets more familiar with the instrument, he or she can use more complicated rhythms. There are many different types of djembe drum beats. Some of these include:

o Single beat - This is the most basic type of djembe drum beat. It is usually played by using only one hand. It consists of one strong beat followed by one weak beat.

o Double beat - This type of djembe drum beats is used in many types of music. It consists of two strong beats followed by two weak beats.

o Triple beat - This is a more complex form of djembe drum beat that is often used in modern music. It consists of three strong beats followed by three weak beats.

o 4 beat - This type of djemb is used in some types of music. It consists four strong beats followed by four weak beats.

o 8 beat - This type of djeb is used in some types of modern music. It consists of eight strong beats followed by eight weak beats.

o 12 beat - This type of djemp is used in some types of traditional music. It consists of twelve strong beats followed by twelve weak beats.

o 16 beat - This type of djep is used in some types of jazz music. It consists of sixteen strong beats followed by sixteen weak beats.

Sunday 23 October 2022

The Djembe Drum

Djembe is a traditional African drum that is used in many different ways. It is played in various cultures and countries all over the world. The drum can be found in many forms and sizes. The most common type of drum is the hand held drum, which is typically made from a piece of wood covered with animal skin. Other types include the larger drums, which are usually made from metal or plastic and the smaller drums, which are typically made from animal skin or plastic. Djembe drumming is used in many different ways, including religious ceremonies, dances, martial arts and even music.

The djembe has a wide range of uses. In many parts of Africa it is used in religious ceremonies and is a symbol of peace. In some cultures, it is also used in martial arts and as a form of entertainment. The djembe is also used in some modern musical groups. Djembe drumming was brought to America by African slaves. Many of these slaves were able to continue their cultural traditions when they were sold to other countries. They were able to bring their instruments with them and continue to use them in new ways. In the United States, the djembe was used by many of the black jazz musicians who created their own styles of music. This music is still popular today and many people enjoy listening to it.


There are many different types of djembe drums available. There are large, wooden drums, which are often played at weddings and parties. There are also smaller drums, which are more portable and are typically played at festivals and other events. Some of these drums are made from metal and some are made from plastic. There are also drums that are made from a combination of materials. Djembe drummers will typically play different rhythms depending on the style of music they are playing. There are also different types of djembe beats. These beats are generally used in traditional African music. There are also beats that are used in other styles of music. Some of these beats have been adapted to create a unique beat that is specific to a certain genre of music.

There are many books and instructional videos available for learning how to play djembe. Most of these books and videos contain a basic guide to learning how to play the djembes. They will show you how to hold the drum and how to properly strike the drum. There are also many different types of djembes that are available. These can be purchased at stores or online. They come in different sizes and shapes and are made from different types of materials. The djembe drum is an important part of many different cultures and is enjoyed by many people.

Monday 17 October 2022

Drum Basics - Djembe

A drum is an important part of a band or orchestra. It is used to produce the rhythmic beat that helps keep the rhythm of the song. The drum has been around for thousands of years, and there have been many different types of drums throughout the years. The drum is also known as a drum kit, and is used in both military and non-military bands.

There are several different kinds of drums that are available. They can be made from metal, wood, plastic, or other materials. There are even some drums that are made out of cloth or skin. One of the most popular types of drums is the djembe. This type of drum is a very ancient type of drum, and was originally used by the ancient Egyptians. The djembe was also used by the African tribes that lived in the Congo region. The djembe was then brought over to the Caribbean Islands by slaves.

The djembe is a wooden drum that is usually made from a single piece of wood. It is usually about 5 feet long, and is about 2 feet wide at its widest point. The djembe has a shallow bowl that is shaped like a half moon. The djembe is held by one person while the other plays it.

The djembes have two main parts to them. The first part is the head. The head is where the drumsticks are placed. The drumstick is held in place with a stick holder that is attached to the drum. The drumstick is usually made of a variety of materials, including wood, metal, or even plastic. The drumstick is held by the hand of the drummer, and is struck with a stick to produce the sound. The second part of the djembe is the shell. The shell is the body of the drum, and is usually made of wood. The djembe can be played with the shell facing up, or with the shell facing down.

The djembee is usually played with a hand clap, which makes it a great drum for beginners. The djembe is also often played with a stick, but this is not necessary. Many drummers prefer to use a drum stick when playing the djembe, because it allows them to create a more precise beat.

Thursday 29 September 2022

Djembe Drum Basics

The djembe drum is an ancient African instrument that has been used for centuries. It is similar to a hand drum but larger and more solid in construction. The djembe drum was used by many tribes of Africa as a form of communication, and is often associated with the use of language. This instrument is a very versatile instrument that can be played by anyone who is familiar with the basic drumming techniques.storyblocks-hands-drumming_ShZkfpstv_thumb-1.jpg

A djembe drum can be made from many different materials. One of the most common is cowhide, which is a strong and durable material. Another popular choice is animal skin, which is usually made from the skin of an animal such as buffalo or zebra. Wood is also a good option, especially if it is carved into a shape that will fit the body of the drummer.

There are many different types of djembe drum. The most common type is the simple djembe, which is a large, round, hollow drum that is held between the legs. These drums are usually made from wood, although they can also be made from animal skin. The djembe is often played with two sticks called djembe drums, which are struck together to create a variety of sounds. There are other types of djembe drums, including the djembe bass, djembe gourd, and djembe bass drum.

The djembe drum is often played in a circle, where several people will beat the drum in unison. This type of drumming is often associated with the traditional rituals of the various tribes of Africa. Many people believe that djembe drumming is a form of prayer and healing, and it is often used during funerals and other ceremonies.

The djembes are often used as part of a group of instruments. Djembe drumming can be combined with other types of drumming, such as conga, tambourine, maracas, and cowbells. It can also be played with other instruments, such as guitars, saxophones, trumpets, flutes, and keyboards.

There are many ways to learn how to play the djembes. Some people prefer to start out learning the basic techniques, while others prefer to learn the styles and rhythms of various cultures. If you want to learn how to play the drum, you should first find out what style you prefer. Then, you should look for a teacher who specializes in the style that you want to learn.

What Is Music?

In the beginning there was only silence. And then, there was sound.

This is what the great spiritual leader, Prophet Mohammad said about music. He was right. Music has been around for as long as man has existed.

In the beginning there was only darkness. Then there was light.

This is what Jesus Christ said about music. He was also right. Music has been around since the beginning of time.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

This is what John wrote about music. He was also correct. Music has been around since before recorded history.

The origin of music goes back to the earliest forms of tribal drumming, which were performed by early man. The drums were used to help them communicate, hunt, and defend their territory.

Later, when tribes came together to celebrate important events like weddings, births, and deaths, they began to play instruments like flutes, harps, and other stringed instruments. These instruments were used to express feelings and emotions.

With the development of the printing press, people started to write down their music and sing it to others. This helped spread music throughout the world.

Today, we have music all over the world. We have classical music, jazz, rock, rap, hip-hop, country, and many other types of music. Each type has its own special style and sound.

Each style has its own special characteristics. For example, classical music has a very specific melody and rhythm. Jazz has a more relaxed feel. Rock music can be fast or slow, and hip-hop can be slow or fast.

Music is an important part of our lives. It helps us relax, express ourselves, and make friends. It is also a great way to learn new things. There are so many different types of music, it would take years to learn them all.


One thing you should know is that the most popular music is not always the best. Popular music often changes over time. You should always check out the newest music before you buy it.

African Music

In this article, we will discuss the subject of music. We will also look at some of the most popular African music and how it has influenced the world's music.

Music is an art form that is enjoyed by all people. It is a way of expressing emotions through sound. In many cultures, music is used as a means of communication and entertainment. The human voice is a very important part of music because it can be used to express emotions and convey messages. Music is also used as a means of healing and religious rituals. Music can also be used to express sorrow or happiness. It is one of the few things that unite us as humans.

Africa is home to some of the world's oldest forms of music. Traditional music was passed down from generation to generation. Some of the earliest forms of music were drumming and chanting. These forms of music are still used in many African countries today. In more recent times, African music has been influenced by other cultures.

Popular music is a form of music that is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. It is a form of music that has been adapted to fit into the mainstream culture. Popular music can be played on radios and television. Most people listen to popular music when they are driving in their cars. Popular music is often considered to be a form of entertainment. However, there are many forms of popular music. Some of these forms of popular music include rock, country, blues, jazz, and gospel.


African music has been influenced by popular music from around the world. There are many forms of African popular music. One form of popular music is called hip hop. This type of popular music is usually played on radio stations and is often heard in clubs. Another form of popular music is called R&B. This type of popular music combines elements of rock, blues, and soul. Other types of popular music include reggae, gospel, and calypso.


Some of the best known African popular music artists include Bob Marley, Fela Kuti, and Miriam Makeba. Many of these artists have received awards for their work. African popular music has been embraced by many people around the world. Many famous African popular music artists have sold millions of records. Many people have listened to African popular music while relaxing in their homes.

Traditional African music is a form of music and dance that is enjoyed by many people. It is performed during religious ceremonies and celebrations. It is often played in churches and mosques. It is also performed during funerals and weddings. Some people believe that traditional African music is a form of religious music.

Some of the most popular forms of traditional African music include kwela, mbube, and makossa. Kwela is a form of traditional African music that is often performed during funerals. Mbube is a form of traditional African drumming. Makossa is a form of traditional African dance.

The History Of The Djembe Drum

African drums are an ancient and revered form of percussion, found in many different cultures around the world. They are used for ritual purposes, as a form of communication, and to accompany dance. The most famous type of drum is the djembe, which is a hand held drum that originated from West Africa.

Djembes are made of wood or metal and are generally shaped like a drum, although they can also be cylindrical or rectangular in shape. Djembes come in many sizes, ranging from large drums that are played by several people at once, to smaller drums that can be played individually. Djembes can be beaten with sticks, hands, or mallets. The djembe drum has been used throughout Africa for thousands of years, and is still very popular today. Djembes have become a staple in many African and Afro-Caribbean musical styles.

Djembe music is often performed at ceremonies, religious rituals, and traditional dances. Djembes are also used in modern times for entertainment, and are commonly heard at parties and clubs. Some of the most famous djembes were created by the great master drummers of West Africa, including Ali Farka Toure, Babatunde Olatunji, and Amadou & Mariam. Djembe music is widely known throughout the world and is enjoyed by millions of people every day.

Djembs are a popular form of percussion instrument in many parts of Africa. Djembes are a unique and beautiful instrument that is used in many ways, including in ceremonies, dances, and entertainment. Djembes are typically played by one person, although some larger drums are played by more than one person. Djembes are generally played with a stick or hand, although they can also be played with a mallet. Djembe music is used in many different styles of music, including pop, hip-hop, jazz, reggae, and African music. Djembe music is a very important part of African culture and is enjoyed by many people around the world.

Friday 23 September 2022

The Djembe Drum

Djembe drum is a type of African drum. It is one of the most popular types of drums in the world today. The name djembe is a Swahili word that means 'big drum'. The djembe is an important instrument in the culture of Africa, especially in the area of West Africa.

The djembe is a very important instrument in the traditional music of West Africa. It is used as a rhythm instrument, to accompany singing, and to mark the beginning and end of songs. It is also used as a solo instrument, and is played in a variety of styles. It is often referred to as the 'big drum' because of its size and weight.


There are different types of djembe. The most common is the djembe that is used in West Africa. The djembe used in West Africa is usually made from wood, with a single skin stretched over it. This type of djembe is played using a wooden mallet.

Another type of djembe is the djembe that has two skins. The djembe with two skins is usually played with a metal or plastic stick. The djembe with one skin is also called the djembe gourd. The djembe gourd is a small version of the djembe, usually played by women. It is not as popular as the other types of djembe.

The djembes used in West Africa have been made from wood since ancient times. The djembe was used in religious ceremonies. The djembe was also used in the funeral ceremonies of some tribes in West Africa. The djembos were used in war and battle.

The djembo drum was also used in the slave trade. The slaves were forced to play the djembe to the beat of drums. They were also forced to play the djembo drums when they were forced to march through the streets of their villages.

The djemba is one of the oldest instruments in West Africa. The djebo drum was used in the funeral ceremonies of the slaves. The djemba drum was also used in the funeral of the rulers of the city states of West Africa. The djemba was also used in the funeral ceremony of the king of Dahomey (present day Benin).

The djemba was also used as a warning to the people of the city of Dahomey. The djemba drum sounded at night and warned the people to stay away from the city. The djemba was used in the funeral ceremonies and was played in the funeral of the king of Dahome.

The djemboa was also used in the funeral rituals of the slaves. The djeba was used in the funeral of the ruler of the city state of Ashanti. The djemba was a very important part of the funeral ceremony of the ruler of the city of Asante.

The djembas were used in the funeral of the king in Dahomey. The djeba was also used in the funeral rites of the rulers of the city of Oyo. The djemba was played during the funeral of the king of Lagos.

The djembala was used in the funeral of King Akintola. The djemba was still being played during the funeral of King Oba of Lagos.


Today, the djembe is still used in the funeral ceremonies of many people in West Africa. The djema is also used in the funeral of some kings and chiefs. The djembe is also used in the funeral ceremonies in some parts of Nigeria.

Friday 2 September 2022

Learn How To Play The Djembe Drum

It's the most exciting thing that I've ever done in my life. I am currently drumming with a group of people who are as excited about it as I am. The drumming is very relaxing, and I have been able to make some great friends while doing it. It's really hard to explain what it's like to be part of a drumming group. The best way to describe it would be to say that it's like being part of a band. You can't just sit down and start playing without having a lot of practice beforehand. It takes a lot of time to learn how to play the drums well enough to get along with the other players. There are many different types of drumming that you can do. Drumming is usually a lot of fun, but it also requires a lot of dedication from the drummer. It is a good way to relieve stress.vakat2-42-2341_thumb.jpg

There are many different kinds of drumming that you can choose from. Some of them are African drumming, rock and roll drumming, or even classical drumming. Each one has its own style and unique rhythm. Rock and roll drumming is a type of drumming that was popular in the 1950s and 1960s. It was used in a lot of songs at the time. It has a fast beat and is loud. This type of drumming is still popular today, but there are many other styles of drumming that you can try.

African drumming is one of the most popular styles of drumming today. This style of drumming has been around since the beginning of time. It has evolved over the years. Many people have learned how to play this style of drumming. They have developed their own style and rhythm. This is a style of drumming that has a lot of different types of rhythms. Some of the rhythms include the mbira, the djembe, the dundun, and the ngoni. These are all different types of African drums. All of these styles of drumming require a lot of practice before you can get the hang of it.

Djembe drumming is another popular style of drumming. Djembe is a type of drum that originated in Africa. It is made from wood and is played with sticks. This style of drumming is a lot of fun. There are a lot of different rhythms that you can use when playing this style of drumming. Some of the rhythms include traditional African rhythms, the mbira, and the djembe. These are all different types. You can find many different types of djembe drum sets online. These are usually more affordable than buying a drum set from a store. If you are looking for a drum set that you can buy for less than $100, you can probably find one online.

If you are looking for a good place to go to learn how to play the djembes, you should look into djembe drumming classes. There are many places where you can take classes. You can find a lot of information online about djembe drumming. You will find out what kind of rhythms you need to know, and what kinds of drums you need to learn. This is a fun and exciting way to learn how to play the drum.

Djembe - An African Drum

The Djembe is a traditional African drum that was used in various rituals and ceremonies. It is also a popular drum amongst African Americans, especially in the south. The word "Djembe" means "stick" in Swahili, but it has come to be known as a drum in English.IMG_0448-2-527_thumb.jpg

The Djembe is usually played by one person and has three basic parts: the head, body, and the skin. The head is made of wood, with a hollow space inside that is filled with air. The skin is usually made from animal hide or cowhide. The body of the drum is made from either wood or metal. The body may be round or rectangular. The Djembe is played by hitting the head with a stick.

The Djembes have a wide variety of sounds, and can be played with many different rhythms. The most common rhythm is called "double time." This is played with a fast beat followed by a slower beat. Another common rhythm is "four to the floor," which is played with a fast beat on each quarter note followed by a slow beat on each quarter note.

The Djembee is an instrument that has been around for thousands of years. The earliest record of a Djembe dates back to 2000 BC in ancient Egypt. There are records of Djembes being used in Africa since the 1500s. The Djembe has also been used in other countries such as France and England.

The Djembees are still used today in Africa, especially in the south. In addition, they are popular in the US among African Americans. The Djembe is often used in religious ceremonies and rituals, and is sometimes played during funerals.


There are many different types of Djembe, and some are made from metals. Some of the more common types are the "Bass Tone," the "Djembe Bass," and the "Kusun." The "Bass Tone" is made from a large piece of metal that has a hole cut out for the head. The "Djembe Bass" is made from two pieces of metal that are connected with a crosspiece. The "Kusun" is made from a metal cylinder that has a hole cut out at the top for the head.

Some Djembe's are made from plastic or fiberglass. These types of Djembe's are usually inexpensive and are good for children. They are also easier to carry than metal Djembe's.

There are many books available about Djembe. Some books teach how to play the Djembe, while others teach different styles and techniques.

Wednesday 31 August 2022

The Djembe Drum

The Djembe drum is a hand held drum used in many African and Caribbean cultures. It is often played by hand, but can also be played with sticks or other implements. The name Djembe is derived from the Mandinka word "djambi", which means "to beat".

The Djembe has two main parts; the head and the shell. The head is made of a wooden disk with a thin skin stretched over it. The skin is usually made of animal hide or sheepskin, but may also be made of rubber, plastic or even cloth. The shell is made of a variety of materials such as wood, bamboo or metal. The shell is often decorated with carvings, and painted with designs or pictures.

Djembe drums are traditionally made from the hardwood species Dendropelis sp. (African mahogany). They are usually between 7 to 10 inches in diameter, and between 3 to 5 inches thick. The head is usually 1 inch thick, and the shell is between 2 and 4 inches thick. The shell is typically made of either bamboo or metal, while the head is usually made of hardwood. The head is usually covered with a thin skin that is stretched over the wood. The skin is usually made from animal hide or sheepskin.

The Djembe is most often used to accompany songs and chants. It is also often used to accompany dance performances. In many cultures, the Djembe is often played by hand, though it can also be played with sticks. The Djembe is often played in groups of three or more. Each person plays a different part, and all parts are important. The drummers have their own specific roles.

The Djembes are usually played in a circular fashion, and the players move around the circle. The drums are usually played in sets of three. Each set of three consists of one drummer, and two drummers. The first drummer plays the first part of the song. The second drummer plays the second part of the song. The third drummer plays the last part of the song. The three drums are played at the same time.


The drum is played by hitting the skin with the hand, and by slapping the drum. The drummers use a variety of techniques to play the drum. The most common technique is to strike the drum with the palm of the hand. This is done with a closed fist, and is called "palm strike". The palm strike is used to create a loud sound, and is used to accompany singing. The drum is also played by slapping the drum. This is done with the back of the hand, and is called "slap." Slapping is used to create a soft sound, and is used to create a rhythm. The drum is also played using the fingers. This is done by pressing the fingers into the skin of the drum. This is called "finger-pluck". Finger-pluck is used to create a softer sound, and is used to accent a particular part of a song.

The Djembs are also played by striking the head of the drum with a stick. This is called "stick-slap". Stick-slap is used to create a loud, deep sound, and is used to add emphasis to a particular part of a song.

Tuesday 30 August 2022

How to Find a Good Drum Circle

If you are looking for ways to relax and have fun then you should consider going to a drum circle. The best thing about a drum circle is that you can just bring your own drum kit, or if you don't have one yet, you can get a kit from a local store. This will allow you to take part in a drum circle without having to spend a lot of money. Drum circles can be held at any time of day, and they can be held at any place as long as there is an area that has a lot of room. There are many different types of drum circles, and each type of drum circle has its own unique rhythm.storyblocks-nature-harmony-pyramid-of-stones-symbol-of-calm_B_RCdjlIG_thumb.jpg

There are two main types of drum circles, the free form drum circle, and the structured drum circle. A free form drum circle is a group of people who come together to drum and enjoy each other's company. A structured drum circle is a group of individuals who are all playing the same beat. A structured drum circle is usually done by a group of musicians who are trying to learn how to play together. These drum circles are usually held at night, because most people work during the day. If you want to join a structured drum circle, you will need to find a local group that is willing to teach you how to play. Most groups are very strict when it comes to their members, and they will only let in people who have been trained in the basics of drumming.

There are many different types of drumming styles that you can learn from a drum circle. You can learn how to play the drums by yourself, or you can learn from a group of people. Some people like to learn from others because they like to have someone to practice with. Other people like to learn from others so that they can be exposed to a variety of drumming styles. It is important to choose a drum circle that is right for you, and that you feel comfortable with. If you don't feel comfortable with the style of drumming that you are learning from the drum circle, then you should look for another one.

You can find a good drum circle through the internet, or you can find one locally. You should be careful when choosing a drum circle because not all drum circles are created equal. You should find out what the reputation of the drum circle is before you sign up. You should also check the credentials of the drum circle before you join. A good way to check the credentials of a drum circle is to look them up on the internet. There are many websites that will give you a list of drum circles in your area, and will tell you the reputation of each drum circle. This will help you decide which drum circle is right for you.

Monday 29 August 2022

How to Play the Djembe Drum

There are several ways of playing the djembe drum. It can be played using your hands, feet or both. The most popular method is to use both hands. If you want to play the djembe using your hands, you will need to have two sticks. The first stick is used to strike the drum and the other one is used to control the beat. For a beginner, the best way to learn how to play the djembee drum is to use your feet.

In this case, you will need to have a pair of drumsticks. One of them is used to hit the drum and the other one to control the rhythm. When you want to play the djembead with your feet, you should try to keep your knees slightly bent and your ankles close together. You should also stand in a comfortable position. You should avoid placing your feet too close to each other. In order to learn how to play the drum, you should first find out the basic rhythms that are used in the drum. There are several different djembe drum rhythms. You can either learn them from an instructor or you can find them online.

It is important to know the basics before you start playing the djembe. This will help you understand how the drum works and how it sounds. Once you know the basic rhythm, you can then try to create your own patterns and rhythms. You can also improvise the drum beats. However, you should not try to play the djembe if you are not familiar with the basics. You should always have a teacher or an experienced drummer to show you the proper way of playing the djembe.

Another thing that you should consider when learning how to play the djemebead is the quality of the drum. This is because you will need to maintain the drum properly. It should be cleaned regularly and you should also replace the drum head when it starts to wear out. The drum head is the part of the drum that produces the sound. It is usually made of animal skin. It is also possible to buy synthetic drum heads. These are more durable than the natural ones. The drum head should be tightened properly before every use. You should tighten it so that the drum will produce a good sound. You should also check the drum head for cracks. If you find any, you should replace it immediately.

You should also get a good djembe drum bag. This is because you will have to carry the drum around. If you don't have one, you should try to get a bag that is big enough to hold the drum. The bag should also be sturdy enough to protect the drum. You should also get a bag that is easy to carry. You should also get a good carrying case. This is because you will be taking the drum to different places. You should also get a case that is easy to open and close. You should also get a carrying case that has compartments. This will allow you to store your drum sticks and other accessories.

Sunday 28 August 2022

Djembe Drum

The word "drum" is derived from the Latin word "druon", which means to beat or pound. The earliest known drum was found in a tomb of an Egyptian Pharaoh and dates back to the year 2000 BC. The drum is a cylindrical object with a flat bottom and a rounded top, and is usually made of wood, metal, or other materials.


The djembe drum is a very important African instrument that has been used for centuries. It is a large drum that is played by hand. The djembe drum is usually made from hardwood, such as mahogany, ebony, or other hardwoods. The djembe is also made from soft woods, such as pine, spruce, or cedar. Djembe drums can be made from metal, plastic, or any other material. The djembe drum has a variety of uses. It is used to celebrate weddings, funerals, and other special occasions. It is also used in religious ceremonies, as well as being used for entertainment.


The djembe is played by one person who sits cross-legged while holding the djembe in his or her lap. He or she beats the djembe with a stick, usually using the right hand to strike the djembe and the left hand to hold it. The djembe is held vertically, so that the player's hands face each other. The djembe drum can be played by two people, but this is usually only done for entertainment purposes.

The djembes have a wide range of sounds, depending on the way they are struck. They can be beaten by a single person, or by two people. Djembe drummers can also use the djembe to produce various different sounds. The djembe is usually played with a single stroke of the stick, or with two strokes. Djembe drumming is usually played by one person, but there are some exceptions. The djembe can be played with a small number of strokes, or with many strokes. The djembe can also be played in a variety of ways, including with a steady beat, a fast beat, a slow beat, a fast/slow beat, or a triplet beat.


There are many different types of djembe drum rhythms. Some of these rhythms include:

• A fast rhythm that is played at a steady rate. This rhythm is usually played by a single person, or sometimes by two people. • A slow rhythm that is played at a slower rate than the fast rhythm. This rhythm is usually played at a slower rate than a steady beat. • A fast/slow rhythm that is played at a faster rate than the fast rhythm. • A slow/fast rhythm that is played at a much slower rate than the slow rhythm. • A triplet rhythm that is played at a rate three times faster than the normal rhythm.

African Drumming


The djembe was originally an African instrument, and was originally played by Africans. It was brought to America by African slaves, and was used to entertain the slaves. Many American slaves would use the djembe to entertain their masters. The djembe was also used in religious ceremonies and to keep time for dancing. The djembe is still used today in Africa, and has become popular in America and Europe.


There are several different types of djembe drums, including the kusun, the mbira, and the djembe. The kusun is a small, portable djembe that is often used by children. The mbira is a larger djembe that is played by two people. The djembe is played by hand, with one person holding the djembe in the lap while the other person beats the djembe. The djembe is used for entertainment, but is also used in religious ceremonies.

The djembee is a larger drum that is played by two people, or by one person if they are skilled enough. The djembe is a popular instrument in many countries, including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan. It is also popular in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Djembe Drum - What Is It?

The djembe is a large, hand held drum that originated in West Africa. It has been used in various forms of African music for centuries. It is also popular among people who practice martial arts. The djembe is played with two sticks and is used in a variety of ways.

The djembe drum is often referred to as the "African drum". This is because it is one of the oldest drums used in Africa. It is made from animal skin stretched over a wooden frame. It is played by slapping the skin with the drumstick. It is also played by striking the skin with a stick or another drum. There are many types of djembe drum. They are:


  • • Djembe Bass Tone Slap
  • • Djembe Drum
  • • Djembe Drum Bag
  • • Djembe Drum Head
  • • Djembe Drum How To Play
  • • Djembe Drum Music
  • • Djembe Drum Rhythms
  • • Djembe Drum Sets
  • • Djembe Drumming For Beginners
  • • Djembe Drum Books
  • • Djembe Drum Beats
  • • Djembe Drum Gear
  • • Djembe Drum Heads
  • • Djembe Drum Healing
  • • Djembe Drum Instruments
  • • Djembe Drum Kits
  • • Djembe Drum Lessons
  • • Djembe Drum Mastering
  • • Djembe Drum Musical Instruments
  • • Djembe Drums For Schools
  • • Djembe Drum Playing For Beginners
  • • Djembos For Schools
  • • Djembes For Schools
  • • Djembs For Schools
  • • Djembos For Schools
  • • Djembo For Schools
  • • Djembas For Schools
  • • Djemba For Schools
  • • Djembos For Schools
  • • Djembos For School
  • • Djembos For Shools
  • • Djembo For Shools
  • • Djembos For shools
  • • Djembo for shools
  • • Djembas For shools
  • • Djembos for shools
  • • Djembros For shools
  • • Djebo For shools
  • • Djems For shools
  • • Djenbos For shools
  • • Djengos For shools
  • • Djejembos For shools
  • • Djenbos For shools
  • • Denbos For shools
  • • Dejembos For shools

Tuesday 23 August 2022

African Drumming - Djembe

There are many types of African drums. Each has its own unique sound and style. The most popular are the djembe, mbira and kora. There are also a few others like the bata and the dundun. Djembes are often played in pairs. This makes them great for duets or trios. They can be played as one person or two.

The djembe is a hand held drum. It is made from wood, metal or clay. The drum is played with a stick. The drum can be held in your hand or placed on the floor. The drum head is usually made from animal skin. Sometimes it is made from a thin piece of leather. The drum head is stretched over a wooden frame. The frame is usually carved from wood. The frame is attached to the drum body. It is important to have the frame firmly attached. This will help prevent the drum head from slipping. The drum body can be made from wood, metal or other materials. The size of the drum depends on what type of music it is being played. A small djembe is good for children and beginner drummers.

Djembe music is usually played at weddings, funerals, festivals, dances and parties. It is sometimes played at church services. The djembe is usually played in pairs. The drummer will beat the drum while his partner plays the melody. Some people use djembe music to accompany themselves when they sing. Others use it to accompany their dance steps. There are different types of rhythms that are played with the djembe. Some of these are:

o The basic rhythm is called the jing ping. It is a steady beat.

o The double jing ping rhythm is a faster beat.

o The single jing ping rhythm is a slower beat.

o The basic rhythm can be used to create other rhythms.

o The double rhythm can be used to create a faster beat.

The jing ping rhythm is played with the djembe and the mbira. The mbira is an instrument that is made from wood, metal, or clay. It is shaped like a triangle. The mbira is played by tapping on the strings. The strings are made from animal gut. The mbira is usually played with the djembe or the dundun. The jing ping rhythm is usually played in a slow tempo. The double rhythm is usually played in a fast tempo. The single rhythm is usually played in a medium tempo.

The dundun is a traditional African instrument. It is a large drum. It is played with a drum stick. The dundun is usually played by one person. The dundun is played with the djembes. The dundun is often played at weddings, funerals and dances. The dundun is used to create different rhythms. These include:

o The single rhythm is played in a slow tempo.

o The double drum rhythm is played in a fast tempo.

o The triple rhythm is played in a medium tempo. It is similar to the double rhythm.

o The quadruple rhythm is played in a fast pace. It is similar to the triple rhythm.

Djembes are also used to create other rhythms. These include: o The rumba rhythm is a fast paced rhythm. o The tango rhythm is a slow paced rhythm. o The waltz rhythm is a medium paced rhythm.