Showing posts with label percussion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label percussion. Show all posts

Sunday 22 January 2023

Djembe African

Djembe, is an African word meaning drum. It is a hand held instrument made from hollowed out tree trunks. The djembe is usually played by one or two players, with the hands and arms used to strike the djembe. There are many different types of djembes in Africa, but the most common type is the djembe African.

The djembe African drum is played for fun, entertainment and spiritual purposes. The djembe African drum is also used as a percussion instrument. Djembe African drums are often used in music and dance. The djembe African is the main instrument in the traditional dance of the Kalenjin people. The Kalenjin people are the largest tribe in Kenya. The Kalenjin people make up approximately 20% of Kenya's population. They are the largest tribe in the country and have been living in Kenya for thousands of years. The Kalenjin people live in the arid regions of Kenya and they rely on their livestock to survive. Their livestock includes cattle, sheep, goats, camels, donkeys and horses. The Kalenjin people do not use money to buy food or clothes. Instead they trade their livestock with other tribes in exchange for food and clothes. The Kalenjin people also trade with the white man. The Kalenjin people trade their livestock with the white man in exchange for money. The Kalenjin people believe that the djembe African drum has magical powers and it helps them to win in trade negotiations. The Kalenjin people call the djembe African drum "the holy drum".

The djembe is very popular in Kenya. It is used in all of the major religious ceremonies and festivals in the Kalenjin culture. The Kalenjin people dance to the djembe African drum at weddings, funerals and at special events such as circumcision ceremonies. The djembe African drums are also used to scare away evil spirits during the harvest season. The djembe African drummer is known as the "spirit drum" because it is believed that when the djembe African drummer plays the drum, he can communicate with the spirit world. The djembe African can be played by one person or two people.

There are many different types of djembos in Africa. The most popular type is the djembe drum. This drum is also called the djembe African. The djembe African has been around for hundreds of years. The djembe African was first played in the area that is now known as Uganda. The djembe African originated in the region that is now known as Uganda, but it spread across Africa. The djembe African spread across Africa and was adopted by the local tribes. The djembe African became popular in Africa and the people began to play the djembe African in ceremonies and rituals. The djembe African evolved into the modern day djembe. The djembe is still played today in ceremonies and rituals.

The djembes are still used in ceremonies and rituals today. The djembe African continues to evolve. It is still played today in ceremonies, rituals and for fun. The djembe African gives people a way to express themselves. The djembe African allows people to express their love, joy, sadness, anger and sorrow.

Monday 14 November 2022

Djembe Art

A drum, also called a djembe, is an African percussion instrument. It is made from a hollowed out gourd or tree trunk. The drum is played by striking it with sticks. It is usually used in music and dance. Djembes are used in ceremonies, rituals, and religious festivals.

Djembe art is an art form that combines the art of djembe making and drum playing. It is a combination of African and Western art forms. It is practiced by artists from Africa and other parts of the world. The drum has been around for thousands of years and it is still used today. There are many different types of djembe drums. The most common type is the single-headed djembe. The single-headed djembe has one head. The drum can be played with one stick. There are two styles of djembe heads. The first style is the rounded style. This style has a round head with no sharp edges. The second style is the pointed style. This style has a pointed head with sharp edges. The pointed head is preferred because it allows for better control of the sound. The djembe can be played in a number of ways. The most popular way to play the djembe is with a single stick. The djembe can also be played with a double stick or with a pair of sticks.

African instruments include the djembe. These instruments have been around for thousands of years. They are still being used today. The djembe is used in many types of music and dances. In addition, the djembe is used in ceremonies, rituals, festivals, and celebrations. The djembe is often used in ceremonies. A ceremony is a special event. The djembe is also used in ritual dances. Ritual dances are a special type of dance that is performed during a ceremony. The djembe is usually played during a ceremony. The djembé is also used in a number of religious festivals. Religious festivals are special events that celebrate religion. Many religions have religious festivals. The djembe is played at religious festivals. The djemba is also used in a number ceremonial and religious dances. The djembe is a very important part of the culture of Africa. The djembe is considered an important part of African culture.


The djembe is an important part of African culture and history. It has been around for thousands of year. The djembe is still used today. The djemba is still used in ceremonies, rituals, religious festivals, and celebrations. The Djembe is used in many musical genres. The Djembe is also used in a number ritual and religious dances. The Djembe is an important part in the culture of Africa.

Saturday 29 October 2022

What Is the Djembe?

The djembe is an African drum, that is played by hand and is made from gourds. The djembe is one of the most popular African musical instruments in the world. It is used in many different cultures and has been adopted as a symbol of Africa. The djembe can be found in many different styles of music such as jazz, hip hop, reggae, funk, rock, and many others.

The djembe was originally made out of wood, but now they are made out of plastic or metal. The djembe can also be made from a variety of other materials such as cow hide, animal skin, and even plastic. Some people like to use the djembe as a type of drum kit, with other types of drums. There are many different types of djembe drum kits available, such as the standard djembe kit, which is very basic and consists of just the djembe drum and a pair of cymbals. Other types of kits include the djembe drum kit with a snare drum and hi-hat, the djembe drum kit that includes a bass drum and a snare drum, the djembe drum set with a bass drum and a snappy tom, and the djembe drum kit set with a bass drum, snappy tom, and hi-hat. The djembe is usually played with two hands, but some people may also play it with one hand. The djembe is typically played in a group setting, where several djembes are played at the same time. This allows the djembe to produce a much more complex sound than if only one djembe was being played.

The djembes were originally used for religious purposes, but have since become a popular part of African music. They are used in ceremonies, dances, and music, and are often accompanied by other instruments. The djembe is often used in spiritual ceremonies, such as the Yoruba ceremony, where the djembe is played while the people dance. The djembe is also used in traditional ceremonies in other parts of Africa.

The djembo is also used in music, such as in reggae music. The djembe is used in reggae music because of its unique sound, which is similar to the sound of the conga drum. The djembe is the most commonly used African drum in reggae music, and is often combined with other types of drums, such as the bass drum and the snare drum. The djembe plays a very important role in reggae music, and without it the music would not sound the same.

What Is the Djembe Drum?

What is the Djembe Drum?

A djembe drum is a hand held drum with two or three heads. The djembe drum has a long history in Africa and is still used today. The djembe drum is one of the most popular African musical instruments. The djembe is played by using both hands. It is used in many different styles of music such as kwela, samba, reggae, and many more. The djembe drum can be played by anyone who knows how to play an instrument. There are many different types of djembe drums and they all have their own distinct sound. The djembe drum may also be referred to as the djembe, djembe drum, djembe drum stick, and many other names.

History of the Djembe Drum

The djembe drum was first developed in West Africa. It is believed that the djembe drum originated from the tama drum which was used by the Yoruba people. The tama drum is made of wood and has three heads. It is played by using one hand. The djembe drum was created in the late 1800's. Many different types of djembe drum were developed over time. Some of these drums include the djembe-basso, djembe-gourd, djembe-mukulang, djembe-sibilim, djembe-tamborin, and many others.

Djembe Drum Styles

There are many different types of djembos. These types of djembes include the djembe-banza, djembe-drum, djembe-dumba, djembe-gumba, djembe kabasa, djembe-makuti, djembe-mishikaki, djembe-mugalu, djembe-mungala, djembe-nkisi, djembe-papa, djembe-sambira, djembe-tumba, djembe waganga, and many more.

Many different types of djembe are played by many different styles of music. The djembe drum style is used in many different styles such as reggae, kwela, samba and many more. The djembos can be played by either one or two players.


African Musical Instruments

The djembe is just one of the many African musical instruments that are played in Africa. Other African musical instruments include the dundun, kora, and xylophone. These instruments are played by many different styles and cultures.

African Music Instruments for Schools

There are many different African musical instruments that are used in African music. These instruments include the djembe, dundun, kora and xylophone. All of these instruments are used in many different styles of African music such as kwela and samba. The djembe is one of the most popular instruments in Africa. Many schools use the djembe drum in their school bands.

Monday 17 October 2022

Drum Basics - Djembe

A drum is an important part of a band or orchestra. It is used to produce the rhythmic beat that helps keep the rhythm of the song. The drum has been around for thousands of years, and there have been many different types of drums throughout the years. The drum is also known as a drum kit, and is used in both military and non-military bands.

There are several different kinds of drums that are available. They can be made from metal, wood, plastic, or other materials. There are even some drums that are made out of cloth or skin. One of the most popular types of drums is the djembe. This type of drum is a very ancient type of drum, and was originally used by the ancient Egyptians. The djembe was also used by the African tribes that lived in the Congo region. The djembe was then brought over to the Caribbean Islands by slaves.

The djembe is a wooden drum that is usually made from a single piece of wood. It is usually about 5 feet long, and is about 2 feet wide at its widest point. The djembe has a shallow bowl that is shaped like a half moon. The djembe is held by one person while the other plays it.

The djembes have two main parts to them. The first part is the head. The head is where the drumsticks are placed. The drumstick is held in place with a stick holder that is attached to the drum. The drumstick is usually made of a variety of materials, including wood, metal, or even plastic. The drumstick is held by the hand of the drummer, and is struck with a stick to produce the sound. The second part of the djembe is the shell. The shell is the body of the drum, and is usually made of wood. The djembe can be played with the shell facing up, or with the shell facing down.

The djembee is usually played with a hand clap, which makes it a great drum for beginners. The djembe is also often played with a stick, but this is not necessary. Many drummers prefer to use a drum stick when playing the djembe, because it allows them to create a more precise beat.

Monday 3 October 2022

The Djembe Drum

The Djembe drum is one of the most ancient drums in Africa. It was created over 4,000 years ago and has been passed down from generation to generation. It is an important part of many African ceremonies and is used as a ceremonial drum as well as a functional drum. The Djembe is played by hitting it with sticks or hands.

The Djembe drum has a large drum body that is covered with animal skin. It is made from a tree trunk that has been hollowed out. The Djembe is usually made from a tree such as the baobab tree or the kapok tree. These trees have thick bark and produce a hard wood. The Djembe is often decorated with beads and other decorative items.

The Djembes were originally made from a single piece of wood. They were very heavy and difficult to move around. Over time, they were made smaller and lighter. Today, the Djembe is made of several pieces of wood held together with metal clasps. This allows the Djembe to be easily moved and played.

The Djembed drum is a very important part of many African ceremonies. It is also a popular musical instrument in many parts of Africa. The Djembe drum is often used to accompany dancing and singing.

There are several types of Djembe drums. There is the traditional Djembe which is made from a single piece of hardwood. The Djembe is also made from two pieces of wood. The Djembe Bass Tone Slap is a modern version of the Djembe. It is a small Djembe that is played with a wooden stick. The Djembe Bass is not used in traditional ceremonies. It is used for modern music and dance.

Djembe drums can be purchased at music stores and online. Many online retailers sell the Djembe as well as other African musical instruments. They are available in different sizes and colors.


What is music? Music is the art of creating sounds. Music is a form of art that has been around since prehistoric times. It is an important part of human culture. Music is defined as any sound that is produced by an instrument, voice or body.

Musical instruments are the means by which music is created. The history of musical instruments goes back thousands of years. Musical instruments have been made from wood, metal, ivory, glass and many other materials. In the last century, many new musical instruments have been invented. Some of these instruments are electronic and some of them are used in combination with others.


There are different types of music. They include classical, jazz, blues, gospel, rock, country, pop, and many more. Each type of music has its own special style. Each style has its own special instruments. Some of the most popular instruments are the piano, guitar, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, flute, violin, cello, and drums.

Popular music is the kind of music that people like to listen to. Popular music is often played on the radio and in nightclubs. Popular music can be very loud and sometimes very fast. Popular music may have words and singing. Popular music is usually sung by one person or a group of people. Popular music can be played on an electric keyboard or a guitar.

Traditional music is music that is passed down from generation to generation. Traditional music is usually sung by one or more people. Traditional music can be slow or fast. Traditional music is usually played by a band.

Neo traditional music is a mixture of traditional and modern music. Neo traditional music is usually played on an electric keyboard or guitar. Neo traditional music may also contain words and singing. Neo traditional music may also be sung by a group of people.

Africans have always loved music. Music was used in Africa to express joy, sadness, love, hate, anger, and many other feelings. Many of the instruments that Africans play today were first made by Africans. These instruments were used to create music that expressed their emotions.

African music has been influenced by many different cultures. African music has been influenced by Arabic, Indian, European, and American cultures. African music has been greatly influenced by the music of the United States. African music is now known all over the world.

Africa is a continent that is rich in culture and history. Many famous musicians come from Africa. Famous musicians from Africa include Miriam Makeba, Fela Kuti, Youssou N'Dour, and King Sunny Ade. These musicians are well known all over the world. Many of these musicians have won Grammy Awards.

Some of the most popular musical instruments in Africa are the drum, the flute, and the xylophone. These instruments are often used to make traditional music. Many African countries have their own traditional music.

African music has many styles. There are many different kinds of African music. Some of the most popular styles of African music are the samba, the mbira, the kwela, the balafon, and the dundun.

Sunday 2 October 2022

Djembe - The African Drum

What is a djembe? The Djembe is a hand held drum that originated in West Africa. It is made from a hollowed out tree trunk, and is played with two sticks or a stick and a drumstick. It is used as an accompaniment to singing and dancing. There are many different types of djembes and they are made from a variety of materials. Some are made from wood, some from animal skin, and others are made from plastic.

The Djembe has a deep rich tone and it can be played in any key. The djembe can also be played in a solo style. The djembe is not only used in Africa but also in the Caribbean and other parts of the world.


What is the djembe used for? The djembe is used for various purposes. In West Africa it is used in the context of religion. The djembe is used in praise and worship services. It is also used as a background rhythm for songs.

In the Caribbean it is used for traditional calypso music. It is also used in many forms of music including reggae and rap. In Brazil it is used in samba music. In the US it is used in jazz and blues. It is also used in folk music and rock and roll.

The djembe is often referred to as the African drum. This is because it was first used by African slaves who were brought to the Americas. Many of them brought the djembe with them when they came to America.

The djembes that are made from wood have a very warm tone. They are usually carved from a single piece of wood. These are often made from trees such as palm, mahogany, ebony, and rosewood.

The djembs that are made from animal skin are much more resonant than those made from wood. The skin of the animal is stretched over a frame and then covered with a skin. The skin is often sewn onto the frame. The skin is usually made from cow hide or sheep skin.

The djembers that are made from plastic are often used by percussionists in modern music. The djembe is one of the most popular drums in contemporary music.

Thursday 29 September 2022

The History Of The Djembe Drum

African drums are an ancient and revered form of percussion, found in many different cultures around the world. They are used for ritual purposes, as a form of communication, and to accompany dance. The most famous type of drum is the djembe, which is a hand held drum that originated from West Africa.

Djembes are made of wood or metal and are generally shaped like a drum, although they can also be cylindrical or rectangular in shape. Djembes come in many sizes, ranging from large drums that are played by several people at once, to smaller drums that can be played individually. Djembes can be beaten with sticks, hands, or mallets. The djembe drum has been used throughout Africa for thousands of years, and is still very popular today. Djembes have become a staple in many African and Afro-Caribbean musical styles.

Djembe music is often performed at ceremonies, religious rituals, and traditional dances. Djembes are also used in modern times for entertainment, and are commonly heard at parties and clubs. Some of the most famous djembes were created by the great master drummers of West Africa, including Ali Farka Toure, Babatunde Olatunji, and Amadou & Mariam. Djembe music is widely known throughout the world and is enjoyed by millions of people every day.

Djembs are a popular form of percussion instrument in many parts of Africa. Djembes are a unique and beautiful instrument that is used in many ways, including in ceremonies, dances, and entertainment. Djembes are typically played by one person, although some larger drums are played by more than one person. Djembes are generally played with a stick or hand, although they can also be played with a mallet. Djembe music is used in many different styles of music, including pop, hip-hop, jazz, reggae, and African music. Djembe music is a very important part of African culture and is enjoyed by many people around the world.

Friday 2 September 2022

Learn How To Play The Djembe Drum

It's the most exciting thing that I've ever done in my life. I am currently drumming with a group of people who are as excited about it as I am. The drumming is very relaxing, and I have been able to make some great friends while doing it. It's really hard to explain what it's like to be part of a drumming group. The best way to describe it would be to say that it's like being part of a band. You can't just sit down and start playing without having a lot of practice beforehand. It takes a lot of time to learn how to play the drums well enough to get along with the other players. There are many different types of drumming that you can do. Drumming is usually a lot of fun, but it also requires a lot of dedication from the drummer. It is a good way to relieve stress.vakat2-42-2341_thumb.jpg

There are many different kinds of drumming that you can choose from. Some of them are African drumming, rock and roll drumming, or even classical drumming. Each one has its own style and unique rhythm. Rock and roll drumming is a type of drumming that was popular in the 1950s and 1960s. It was used in a lot of songs at the time. It has a fast beat and is loud. This type of drumming is still popular today, but there are many other styles of drumming that you can try.

African drumming is one of the most popular styles of drumming today. This style of drumming has been around since the beginning of time. It has evolved over the years. Many people have learned how to play this style of drumming. They have developed their own style and rhythm. This is a style of drumming that has a lot of different types of rhythms. Some of the rhythms include the mbira, the djembe, the dundun, and the ngoni. These are all different types of African drums. All of these styles of drumming require a lot of practice before you can get the hang of it.

Djembe drumming is another popular style of drumming. Djembe is a type of drum that originated in Africa. It is made from wood and is played with sticks. This style of drumming is a lot of fun. There are a lot of different rhythms that you can use when playing this style of drumming. Some of the rhythms include traditional African rhythms, the mbira, and the djembe. These are all different types. You can find many different types of djembe drum sets online. These are usually more affordable than buying a drum set from a store. If you are looking for a drum set that you can buy for less than $100, you can probably find one online.

If you are looking for a good place to go to learn how to play the djembes, you should look into djembe drumming classes. There are many places where you can take classes. You can find a lot of information online about djembe drumming. You will find out what kind of rhythms you need to know, and what kinds of drums you need to learn. This is a fun and exciting way to learn how to play the drum.

Monday 29 August 2022

How to Play the Djembe Drum

There are several ways of playing the djembe drum. It can be played using your hands, feet or both. The most popular method is to use both hands. If you want to play the djembe using your hands, you will need to have two sticks. The first stick is used to strike the drum and the other one is used to control the beat. For a beginner, the best way to learn how to play the djembee drum is to use your feet.

In this case, you will need to have a pair of drumsticks. One of them is used to hit the drum and the other one to control the rhythm. When you want to play the djembead with your feet, you should try to keep your knees slightly bent and your ankles close together. You should also stand in a comfortable position. You should avoid placing your feet too close to each other. In order to learn how to play the drum, you should first find out the basic rhythms that are used in the drum. There are several different djembe drum rhythms. You can either learn them from an instructor or you can find them online.

It is important to know the basics before you start playing the djembe. This will help you understand how the drum works and how it sounds. Once you know the basic rhythm, you can then try to create your own patterns and rhythms. You can also improvise the drum beats. However, you should not try to play the djembe if you are not familiar with the basics. You should always have a teacher or an experienced drummer to show you the proper way of playing the djembe.

Another thing that you should consider when learning how to play the djemebead is the quality of the drum. This is because you will need to maintain the drum properly. It should be cleaned regularly and you should also replace the drum head when it starts to wear out. The drum head is the part of the drum that produces the sound. It is usually made of animal skin. It is also possible to buy synthetic drum heads. These are more durable than the natural ones. The drum head should be tightened properly before every use. You should tighten it so that the drum will produce a good sound. You should also check the drum head for cracks. If you find any, you should replace it immediately.

You should also get a good djembe drum bag. This is because you will have to carry the drum around. If you don't have one, you should try to get a bag that is big enough to hold the drum. The bag should also be sturdy enough to protect the drum. You should also get a bag that is easy to carry. You should also get a good carrying case. This is because you will be taking the drum to different places. You should also get a case that is easy to open and close. You should also get a carrying case that has compartments. This will allow you to store your drum sticks and other accessories.

Thursday 25 August 2022

The Djembe

Djembe is an African drum. It has been used as a percussion instrument since the time of the slave trade. The name comes from the Bantu language, which means "thunder stick".

The djembe drum is made of wood and metal. It has a very distinctive sound. It is also a good exercise tool for the body.

There are different types of djembe. They are the djembe with three sticks, the djembe with four sticks, the djembe without sticks, the djembe gourd and the djembe with one stick.

The djembe is played in different ways. The most common way is to strike the djembe with the palm of the hand, which makes a sound similar to that of a clap. There are also other ways of playing the djembe. Some people use a mallet or a stick to hit the djembe. The djembe can be played with a drumstick or a drumstick.

The djembes used in different types of music vary in size. The djembe used in traditional African music is usually small and made of wood. The djembe used by the modern jazz musicians is usually bigger and made of metal.


There are many different types of djembe drums. The most popular type is the djembe with four legs. The djembe with three legs is also very popular.

There are many djembe drummers. Some famous ones include:

  • - Alan Dworsky
  • - Babatunde Olatunji
  • - Tony Williams
  • - Foday Musa Suso
  • - Koffi Olomide
  • - King Sunny Ade
  • - Youssou N'Dour
  • - Salif Keita
  • - Papa Wemba
  • - Tabu Ley Rochereau
  • - Soweto Gospel Choir
  • - Kudzanai Chiurai
  • - Ladysmith Black Mambazo

Djembe drumming is popular in the United States, especially among black people. Many people who have never tried it before find that they enjoy it.

There are many types of djembe drumming. Some of them include:

  • - Drumming for healing
  • - Drumming for meditation
  • - Drumming for yoga
  • - Drumming for worship
  • - Drumming for spiritual development
  • - Drumming for fitness
  • - Drumming for dance
  • - Drumming for relaxation

Djembe is a good exercise tool for the hands and the body. It is also a good form of entertainment. People who like this type of music may want to try it.