Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Friday 2 September 2022

Learn How To Play The Djembe Drum

It's the most exciting thing that I've ever done in my life. I am currently drumming with a group of people who are as excited about it as I am. The drumming is very relaxing, and I have been able to make some great friends while doing it. It's really hard to explain what it's like to be part of a drumming group. The best way to describe it would be to say that it's like being part of a band. You can't just sit down and start playing without having a lot of practice beforehand. It takes a lot of time to learn how to play the drums well enough to get along with the other players. There are many different types of drumming that you can do. Drumming is usually a lot of fun, but it also requires a lot of dedication from the drummer. It is a good way to relieve stress.vakat2-42-2341_thumb.jpg

There are many different kinds of drumming that you can choose from. Some of them are African drumming, rock and roll drumming, or even classical drumming. Each one has its own style and unique rhythm. Rock and roll drumming is a type of drumming that was popular in the 1950s and 1960s. It was used in a lot of songs at the time. It has a fast beat and is loud. This type of drumming is still popular today, but there are many other styles of drumming that you can try.

African drumming is one of the most popular styles of drumming today. This style of drumming has been around since the beginning of time. It has evolved over the years. Many people have learned how to play this style of drumming. They have developed their own style and rhythm. This is a style of drumming that has a lot of different types of rhythms. Some of the rhythms include the mbira, the djembe, the dundun, and the ngoni. These are all different types of African drums. All of these styles of drumming require a lot of practice before you can get the hang of it.

Djembe drumming is another popular style of drumming. Djembe is a type of drum that originated in Africa. It is made from wood and is played with sticks. This style of drumming is a lot of fun. There are a lot of different rhythms that you can use when playing this style of drumming. Some of the rhythms include traditional African rhythms, the mbira, and the djembe. These are all different types. You can find many different types of djembe drum sets online. These are usually more affordable than buying a drum set from a store. If you are looking for a drum set that you can buy for less than $100, you can probably find one online.

If you are looking for a good place to go to learn how to play the djembes, you should look into djembe drumming classes. There are many places where you can take classes. You can find a lot of information online about djembe drumming. You will find out what kind of rhythms you need to know, and what kinds of drums you need to learn. This is a fun and exciting way to learn how to play the drum.

The Importance Of Music

Music is a very important part of every human's life. It has been used for centuries by people all over the world as a way to express themselves, to express their feelings and emotions. Music can be found everywhere in our society, whether it is a simple song that you hum to yourself or an elaborate symphony that you hear in a concert hall. Music is one of the most powerful tools that humans have at their disposal.

Music is a form of art that is created by humans. Art is something that we create and express ourselves through. There are many forms of art that people create, from paintings and sculptures to poetry and music. Music is a form of art that has been around for hundreds of years. It was originally created by people who had no other way of expressing themselves and expressing their thoughts. Music is something that is used in almost every culture across the globe. In fact, there are even different types of music that are created in different cultures. For example, in the United States, the music that is played on the radio is completely different from what is played in Europe. In the United States, it is mostly pop music that is played on the radios while in Europe, it is mostly classical music that is played.

When we think about music, we often think about the type of music that we listen to when we are relaxing. We may think about listening to Mozart or Bach when we are feeling calm or happy. However, music is much more than that. Music can also be used as a form of therapy. When a person is depressed or stressed out, they often turn to music to help them relax. Many people use music to help them sleep. They may play soothing music to help them drift off to sleep. Music can also be used to help people with certain medical conditions. For example, some people with diabetes find that music helps them manage their disease better.

Music is also used in sports. A lot of athletes will listen to music while they are training. They may listen to music that makes them feel good. They may listen to music before they compete. The music that they listen to can make them more focused and increase their performance. Some athletes also use music to help them deal with pain. They may listen to music to help them cope with the pain that they are feeling. Music can also be used in competition. Some athletes use music to help them get pumped up and focus. Others use music to help them stay calm and relaxed during competition.


There are many different types of music that people listen to. Music is something that is enjoyed by everyone. It is a universal language that connects people from all over the world.

Thursday 1 September 2022

African Music

African music has been around for centuries. It was first brought to Europe by the Portuguese, who took it to their colonies in Africa, South America, and Asia. It then spread to the United States with the slave trade. This was followed by the migration of Africans to the Americas, where they brought their music with them. In addition, it has been influenced by European music.

Today, you can hear African music in every part of the world. It is one of the most popular styles of music. There are many different types of African music. For example, there are traditional, neo-traditional, reggae, rap, and gospel.

Africans have used music to celebrate, to mourn, and to express their religion. They use music to heal. They use music to tell stories. Music is an important part of their lives.

In the United States, African American music began with slavery. Slaves were forbidden to play music. The only music they could play was spiritual music.

After the slaves were freed, they continued to make music. They sang spirituals, which were religious hymns. They also made blues, jazz, and rock and roll. These three styles of music have been very popular.


African music is also popular in Europe. In fact, it is so popular that some people call it the world's music. It is played everywhere. People love it because it is fun and relaxing. It can make you feel good when you listen to it. It makes you want to dance.

African music is very diverse. Some of it is very simple, while other parts are very complicated. It can be very loud or very soft. You can listen to it with headphones or with speakers.

There are many different types of African American music. For example, there is gospel, jazz, soul, hip hop, rap, R&B, and reggae. These different types of music have different meanings. For example, gospel music means praise and worship. Jazz means joy and happiness. Soul music means sorrow and loss. Hip hop means rebellion. Rap means anger and frustration. R&B means romance and sensuality. Reggae means freedom.

There are also many different types of African music, including traditional, neo-traditional, folk, and tribal. Traditional African music is the oldest form of African music. It is usually played on instruments such as drums, flutes, and horns. Neo-traditional African music is similar to traditional music, but it is more modern. It is played on guitars, trumpets, and other instruments. Folk music is usually played on guitars and banjos. Tribal music is played by groups of people who live together. It is usually performed outdoors.


You can find African music on CDs, in stores, online, and on television. It is available in all different genres. It is great for parties, holidays, and special occasions. It is also a great way to relax and unwind.

How To Play The Djembe Drum

It's not often that we hear about the African djembe drum in a positive light. In fact, there are many who believe that it is an evil instrument that should be destroyed. However, the truth is that this is not true at all. The djembe is actually a very useful instrument, and if you can master its rhythm and beat then you can become a great musician. Here are some tips on how to play the djemba drum and make it into something really special.storyblocks-hands-drumming_ShZkfpstv_thumb.jpg

First of all, you need to get yourself a good set of djembe drum sticks. They should be made from quality wood, and they should be strong enough to last for a long time. Also, they should be easy to grip and they should have a nice balance. There are also other djembe drum accessories that you can use to make your drum even better.

Secondly, you need to learn how to hold the djembe drum correctly. If you want to play the djembe like a professional, then you will need to learn the proper way to hold the drum. You need to hold the drum in such a way that it doesn't wobble, and you also need to ensure that it is level.

Thirdly, you need to learn the different djembe drum beats. There are many different rhythms that you can play with the djembe drum. The beats range from slow to fast, and they are very effective in keeping the attention of the crowd.

Finally, you need to learn how the djembe drum is played. The drum is played using the hands, and the fingers are used to produce the different sounds. You can use your thumb to create the low tones, while you can use your index finger to create the high tones. The middle finger can be used to create the middle tones. This is one of the most important things that you need to learn if you want to master the djembe drum.

Tuesday 30 August 2022

The Importance Of Music To Africans

The Music of Africa has been around since the dawn of time. It has survived many changes and can be found in many forms today. From the rhythms of the drum, to the sounds of the flute, music has always played an important part in the lives of Africans. In fact, the word "music" comes from the Latin word "musica", which means "making". This makes sense when you think about it because music is so much more than just a bunch of notes or sounds.

In Africa, music is used to celebrate life, death, love, friendship, peace, war, and other things. It is also used to teach children about life, love, and many other things. Many people believe that music is the most powerful thing in the world. This is why it is so important for Africans to have access to good music. They need to hear the sounds that will make them feel better. They need to hear the music that will help them learn. They need to hear the beautiful music that will help them heal their hearts.

Music is very important to Africans because they are able to express themselves through it. They can use music to communicate with others. They can use music to show others how they feel. They can use music to tell others about what is happening in their lives. They can even use music to get others to listen to them.

Many people have said that music is a universal language. This is true. All humans understand music. We all respond to it. When we listen to music, we feel good. We feel happy, peaceful, and strong. We also feel sad, lonely, and weak. Music can bring out these feelings in us. We can use music to communicate with each other. We can use music to connect with ourselves. We can use music to help us relax. We can use music to make us feel better. We can use music to heal us. We can use music as a way to express who we are.

Music is important to Africans because it helps them feel better about themselves. It helps them feel stronger and more connected to their emotions. It helps them feel happier and more confident. It helps them feel less lonely and more loved. It helps them feel more peaceful and less stressed. Music can make them feel like they are alive. It can make them feel like they have purpose. It can make them feel more connected to their spirituality. It can make them feel closer to God. It can make them feel stronger and more powerful.


Africans are known to have a very strong connection to their culture and their religion. They believe that everything they do has meaning and significance. This is why music is so important to them. They use music to help them find their place in the world. They use music to help bring out the best in them. They use music to connect them to their ancestors. They use music to teach them about life, love, and other things. They use music to teach others about life, love, and so many other things. They use music as a way to heal themselves. They use music as a form of therapy. They use music to make them feel better about themselves.


Music is very special to Africans because it is a gift that they were given by their ancestors. They feel connected to their culture and their religion because they were taught about these things by their ancestors. They were taught about music by their ancestors. Their ancestors passed this knowledge down to them. They learned how to play the drums, the flutes, the guitar, and other instruments from their ancestors.

Music is very meaningful to Africans because they know that it was created by their ancestors. They know that their ancestors had a purpose for creating it. They know that their ancestors wanted them to learn about life, love, and all the other things that are important in their lives. They know that their ancestors created music to help them feel better about themselves. They know that music helped them connect with their spiritual selves. They know that music helped their ancestors teach them about life, love and other things. They know that music helped make them feel stronger, happier, and more confident. They know that music helped to make them feel less lonely and more connected to others.

Music is very powerful to Africans because they know that they are connected to their ancestors. They know that music is something that they were given. They know that music is a gift that their ancestors gave to them. They know that music is the voice of their ancestors. They know that the music of their ancestors is still inside of them. They know that the music is still alive and well. They know that the music can help them heal their hearts and minds. They know that the music will help them feel better about themselves and about life. They know that the music and the music alone can make them feel better about themselves and the world. They know that music can help them connect to their spirituality. They know that music can give them strength and power. They know that music can make them feel more confident. They know that they can use music to help them connect with others. They know that they can listen to music and feel better about themselves.

When Africans talk about music, they are talking about more than just music. They are talking about life, love, and spirituality. They are talking about healing, hope, peace, and happiness. They are talking about connecting with their ancestors. They are talking about finding their place in the world. Music is the voice of their ancestors.

Monday 29 August 2022

How to Play the Djembe Drum

There are several ways of playing the djembe drum. It can be played using your hands, feet or both. The most popular method is to use both hands. If you want to play the djembe using your hands, you will need to have two sticks. The first stick is used to strike the drum and the other one is used to control the beat. For a beginner, the best way to learn how to play the djembee drum is to use your feet.

In this case, you will need to have a pair of drumsticks. One of them is used to hit the drum and the other one to control the rhythm. When you want to play the djembead with your feet, you should try to keep your knees slightly bent and your ankles close together. You should also stand in a comfortable position. You should avoid placing your feet too close to each other. In order to learn how to play the drum, you should first find out the basic rhythms that are used in the drum. There are several different djembe drum rhythms. You can either learn them from an instructor or you can find them online.

It is important to know the basics before you start playing the djembe. This will help you understand how the drum works and how it sounds. Once you know the basic rhythm, you can then try to create your own patterns and rhythms. You can also improvise the drum beats. However, you should not try to play the djembe if you are not familiar with the basics. You should always have a teacher or an experienced drummer to show you the proper way of playing the djembe.

Another thing that you should consider when learning how to play the djemebead is the quality of the drum. This is because you will need to maintain the drum properly. It should be cleaned regularly and you should also replace the drum head when it starts to wear out. The drum head is the part of the drum that produces the sound. It is usually made of animal skin. It is also possible to buy synthetic drum heads. These are more durable than the natural ones. The drum head should be tightened properly before every use. You should tighten it so that the drum will produce a good sound. You should also check the drum head for cracks. If you find any, you should replace it immediately.

You should also get a good djembe drum bag. This is because you will have to carry the drum around. If you don't have one, you should try to get a bag that is big enough to hold the drum. The bag should also be sturdy enough to protect the drum. You should also get a bag that is easy to carry. You should also get a good carrying case. This is because you will be taking the drum to different places. You should also get a case that is easy to open and close. You should also get a carrying case that has compartments. This will allow you to store your drum sticks and other accessories.

Sunday 28 August 2022

Djembe Drum

The word "drum" is derived from the Latin word "druon", which means to beat or pound. The earliest known drum was found in a tomb of an Egyptian Pharaoh and dates back to the year 2000 BC. The drum is a cylindrical object with a flat bottom and a rounded top, and is usually made of wood, metal, or other materials.


The djembe drum is a very important African instrument that has been used for centuries. It is a large drum that is played by hand. The djembe drum is usually made from hardwood, such as mahogany, ebony, or other hardwoods. The djembe is also made from soft woods, such as pine, spruce, or cedar. Djembe drums can be made from metal, plastic, or any other material. The djembe drum has a variety of uses. It is used to celebrate weddings, funerals, and other special occasions. It is also used in religious ceremonies, as well as being used for entertainment.


The djembe is played by one person who sits cross-legged while holding the djembe in his or her lap. He or she beats the djembe with a stick, usually using the right hand to strike the djembe and the left hand to hold it. The djembe is held vertically, so that the player's hands face each other. The djembe drum can be played by two people, but this is usually only done for entertainment purposes.

The djembes have a wide range of sounds, depending on the way they are struck. They can be beaten by a single person, or by two people. Djembe drummers can also use the djembe to produce various different sounds. The djembe is usually played with a single stroke of the stick, or with two strokes. Djembe drumming is usually played by one person, but there are some exceptions. The djembe can be played with a small number of strokes, or with many strokes. The djembe can also be played in a variety of ways, including with a steady beat, a fast beat, a slow beat, a fast/slow beat, or a triplet beat.


There are many different types of djembe drum rhythms. Some of these rhythms include:

̢ۢ A fast rhythm that is played at a steady rate. This rhythm is usually played by a single person, or sometimes by two people. ̢ۢ A slow rhythm that is played at a slower rate than the fast rhythm. This rhythm is usually played at a slower rate than a steady beat. ̢ۢ A fast/slow rhythm that is played at a faster rate than the fast rhythm. ̢ۢ A slow/fast rhythm that is played at a much slower rate than the slow rhythm. ̢ۢ A triplet rhythm that is played at a rate three times faster than the normal rhythm.

African Drumming


The djembe was originally an African instrument, and was originally played by Africans. It was brought to America by African slaves, and was used to entertain the slaves. Many American slaves would use the djembe to entertain their masters. The djembe was also used in religious ceremonies and to keep time for dancing. The djembe is still used today in Africa, and has become popular in America and Europe.


There are several different types of djembe drums, including the kusun, the mbira, and the djembe. The kusun is a small, portable djembe that is often used by children. The mbira is a larger djembe that is played by two people. The djembe is played by hand, with one person holding the djembe in the lap while the other person beats the djembe. The djembe is used for entertainment, but is also used in religious ceremonies.

The djembee is a larger drum that is played by two people, or by one person if they are skilled enough. The djembe is a popular instrument in many countries, including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan. It is also popular in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.

Thursday 25 August 2022

History Of African Music

Africa is known as one of the most diverse continent on earth. It is home to more than 1 billion people who speak more than 500 languages, and live in a wide range of cultures, religions and economies. Africa is the birthplace of humanity, where the first human beings lived, and where the first human civilization was born.real-friends-real-brothers_BKtwbYari_thumb.jpg

The history of African music can be traced back to the earliest days of mankind. The ancient Egyptians were among the first civilizations to develop musical instruments. They played flutes, drums and harps made from animal bones. Their music was very simple and primitive. The Egyptians also sang songs to celebrate their gods.

In the early years of the Christian era, Christianity spread across the African continent, and many African musicians adopted the new religion. Many African countries still have Christian influences in their music.

Traditional African music has always been a part of the daily lives of Africans. Music was used to communicate with each other, and to express their joys and sorrows. African music was also used by rulers to control the population. Music was used to teach children how to read and write, and to help them memorize information. Music was also used to create unity and harmony within the community.


African music was passed down through generations by oral tradition. This meant that the musician had to be able to sing or play the music perfectly, or else it would not be passed on. Many traditional African musicians died without leaving any written records about their music. This made it difficult to learn about traditional African music.

During the colonial era, European colonists introduced new musical instruments into Africa. They brought brass trumpets, guitars, and pianos. These new instruments gave African musicians a chance to play new styles of music.

Modern African music has also been influenced by the West. In the late 19th century, African American slaves began to listen to the music coming out of America. When they returned to Africa, they brought these American instruments back with them. African American musicians also influenced the development of jazz music in America.

Modern African music is often referred to as Afro-beat music. This term was first used by American music critic Nat Hentoff in the early 1960s. He described it as music that is rhythmically complex, and has a strong African influence.

Modern African music was influenced by the music of American blues singers such as Bessie Smith and Louis Armstrong. African musicians also used the sounds of their native instruments to make up new rhythms.

In the 1970s, the British rock band Led Zeppelin released an album called "Led Zeppelin II." This album included several songs with heavy African influences. The album helped to introduce African music to the rest of the world.

The 1980s saw the emergence of hip hop music. This type of music came from African American culture. Hip hop music was very different from the music of the 1960s. Instead of using strings and horns, it relied on the use of synthesizers and drum machines. The beats were created by electronic samples.

Today, many people around the world enjoy listening to African music. You can find African music on the internet, on CDs, and on record players. There are many ways to listen to African music.

Monday 15 August 2022

Types Of Music In Africa

African music has been an integral part of the culture of Africa. It has influenced all other forms of music in the continent and beyond. Music in Africa is a very important part of their lives. This article will focus on some of the most common types of music in Africa and the cultures behind them.

Traditional West African Music

West African music is known for its rhythmic nature, which is derived from the use of drums and other percussion instruments. The music is also characterized by the use of the voice and the instrumentation. In addition, it is also noted for its melodic complexity and use of complex rhythms. There are many styles of West African music. These include:

̢ۢ Yoruba - This is the dominant style of music in Nigeria. It was derived from the ancient Yoruba religion. The music is often performed by a group of people called a choir. It is usually accompanied by the use of a variety of instruments including the talking drum and the cow horn.

̢ۢ Igbo - This is another style of music in West Africa. It is also associated with the ancient Igbo religion. This style of music is often played by groups of people called choirs. It is also accompanied by the use of a number of different instruments including the talking drum and various wind instruments.

̢ۢ Ewe - This is a style of music that originated in Ghana. It is sometimes referred to as the "Ewe drum." It is one of the oldest styles of music in the region. It is usually performed by a group of people referred to as a choir. This style of music is usually accompanied by the use a variety of different instruments including the talking drums, the cow horn, the kora and the mbira.

Popular African Songs

Popular African songs are those songs that have become very popular in recent years. They have been made famous by the use of various media. Popular African songs can be found in a variety of genres. Some of these genres include:

̢ۢ Afro-beat - This is a genre of music that originated in Ghana in the late 1960s. It is characterized by the use of drums, guitars, keyboards and other electronic instruments. The music is usually performed by a group or choir of people. It is usually accompanied by a variety of instruments including the guitar, the keyboard and the saxophone.

̢ۢ Hip hop - This is a genre of popular music that originated in New York City in the 1970s. It is characterized by its use of a fast beat, rhyming words and lyrics. The music is usually performed in a rap form. It is usually accompanied by beats and the use of synthesizers.


̢ۢ Reggae - This is a genre of Jamaican music that originated in the late 1950s. It is characterized by a fast beat and lyrics that are sung in a reggae style. The music is usually accompanied by a variety instruments including the bass guitar, the organ and the guitar.

̢ۢ Jazz - This is a style of popular music that originated in the 1920s. It is characterized by jazz style rhythms and melodies. It is usually accompanied by various instruments including the piano, the trumpet and the saxophone.

̢ۢ Rock and roll - This is a genre of rock music that originated in the 1950s. It is characterized mainly by its use of rock style rhythms and melodies. It was originally performed by white Americans. It is usually accompanied by electric guitar, the bass guitar, the keyboard and the drum set.

What You Need To Know About Playing The Djembe Drum

A djembe is a type of African drum that is played in a variety of styles. The name comes from the Yoruba word for drum, which is "dje". It is often referred to as the African drum or the djembe drum.

The djembe has been used for centuries in Africa and has evolved over time. It was originally a large drum with a cowhide skin stretched across it, but today's version is made of wood with a goatskin cover. Djembe drums are also known as the dundun, jumbie, and gumboot. The drum is used in many types of music, including jazz, reggae, and funk.


Djembe drumming is a great way to learn about African culture. You can play it at home or in an outdoor setting. It is a fun activity that is easy to learn. If you have never tried playing this type of drum, here are some things to consider before getting started.

You need to know how to play the drum. There are several different ways to do this. You can either learn how to play the drum by ear, or you can buy a book that will teach you how to play the drum. You can find these books at most bookstores.

Once you have learned how to play the drum, you can use your new skills to practice at home. You can play the drum for yourself, or you can invite friends over to play it with you. You can even play it outside.

If you decide to take your djembe drumming outside, you will need to think about what you are going to wear. You may want to consider wearing a hat to protect your head from the sun. You will also need a pair of gloves to keep your hands warm. If you are planning to play outside, you may also want to bring along a towel or blanket to sit on.

Djembes can be loud. You will want to play quietly when you are practicing. If you live near other people who may be sensitive to loud noise, you may want to ask them to turn down their music.

There are many benefits to playing the djembe drum. It can help you to relax. It is a good way to exercise. It is also a great way to bond with others. It is a fun activity to do with your family. You can use your djembe drumming skills to help you to learn about African culture.