Thursday, 23 February 2023

Africa 4K - Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music

foreign thank you thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign hello laughs .


african instruments

Kenyan Chapati 🇰🇪| Journeying through African food🌍 | Immaculate Ruému

my previous knowledge of chapati was that it's an indian flat bread similar to nan and roti however a few years back i was introduced to kenyan chapatis by tracy whose hands you can see in this video kneading and creating this flaky pastry it made me realize that there is a lot about african food heritage that i am yet to learn quite ironic actually that i have learned more about africa whilst living across european countries than i ever did in the motherland for example the ties between south asian and eastern african cultures who influences who is unbeknown to me but what i do know is that this sucked layers of dirt known as chapati is delicious and the depth of african culture together with the cautious of african descent no no bounds i am intrigued to learn the stories behind our cuisines some of which have tried like the ethiopian injera senegalese tebujone others i am yet to familiarize myself with join me as a journey through african food cultures and leave a comment below if you've got a dish in mind


african instruments

The African Bush Elephant - Part 2 - Vocabulary

hello guys welcome to part two of the African bush  elephant which will be vocabulary if you have not   watched part one you are more than welcome to look  and in the videos on the channel you will find   the African bush elephant part one uh this is a  continuation of the African bush elephant part one   and here today we are going to do vocabulary  okay so first up we have the word tear duct   okay so tear duct is basically the gland  or the passage that the tear passes through   from the eye to the nose or from the eye to the  outside okay so if you look at the diagram you   will see the lacrimal gland is located above the  eye and then the blue line was my attempt to draw   the path that a tear will follow to get into  the tear duct okay so they also speak about the   passage so a passage can be anything something can  pause through for example two houses that has got a gap in between the two houses is a  passage or you get a passage in your house   that connects different rooms  with each other it's a long narrow   path okay right that being said let's  go back to the definition of tear duct   so it is a passage through which tears pass from  the lacrimal glands to the eye or from the eye   to the nose okay I hope that makes sense to you  feel free to ask questions in the comments I did   activate the comments on this video so you  are more than welcome to ask some questions   if it's not clear to you, you are also more than  welcome to hit pause at any time on this video   and refer back as you need to okay so let's go to  the next one what have we got tummy okay so tummy   also a noun and basically it's a person's stomach  or abdomen so you have heard people speak about   they want to work on their abs okay so that  comes from the word abdomen that they just   abbreviated okay so abbreviate means to make  shorter and one example we can give is a tummy   upset which means you have stomach ache okay so  another word for tummy is also stomach or abdomen   or belly some people use the word gut I don't  really like to use the word gut it sounds a   little bit icky to me but you can use it or middle  okay so there you will see on the picture I drew a   red circle or shape around the elephant's tummy  all right okay let's move on what have we got next   rumbling now rumbling was a very  difficult word for me to describe because uh you cannot really  put sound in a picture   but as you can see I drew some distorted  lines there and rumbling in an elephant   sounds something like this it's it's something  like this okay listen carefully it's like okay so that's basically how  the rumbling of an elephant's   belly or stomach sounds and if you look at the  sample sentence we have here they say the rumbling   of wheels in the distance so sometimes you can  hear a core coming just through the rumbling   of the wheels on the road okay so we have  some cinnamon synonyms cinnamon synonyms yes   English teachers also make pronunciation  mistakes so synonyms synonyms   and one of them are reverberation or resonance  throbbing throb vibrating pulsating pulsing   rumble beating beat drumming drum thumping  thump thrumming thrum pounding pound pulpating palpitation hern no humming humming not hern humming murmur  murmuring drone droning buzz buzzy so uh you are   more than welcome to take these words as well  and go and look for their definition or meaning   it's quite uh information overload that I'm giving  you in this video but uh you can also remember   whenever you are learning vocabulary please learn  the word plus the definition or meaning of the   word okay you cannot go around and just memorizing  words and you don't know what they need okay so   always remember when you learn vocabulary also  learn the meaning and the definition all right   okay so that's rumbling let's see what's the  next one oblique oblique okay so oblique is   neither parallel nor at right angles or  specified or um to imply no let me try that again   funny funny okay oblique it's neither parallel  nor at right angles to a specified or implied line   slanting so if you look at my picture example  you will see that it means that there's two   things that have the same shape but they're not  on the same line so one is a little bit bigger   one is a little bit smaller okay so that is  what oblique means so it's the same shape   but on different levels okay look at the arrow  then you will see the one task is bigger than   the other task now in elephants we can also  see if they are left-handed or right-handed   by the size of the task the task that is the  shortest indicates if they are left-handed   or right-handed if they would have had hands  because they use the task that is smaller more   than the task that is bigger okay and that's  why that task is uh smaller than the other   task and then we would say he's got oblique  sided tasks okay let's move on to the next one   three bark okay now first of all we get a  bark in English which is a dog that's barking but this one is for a tree so if you say tree bark  it's not a dog barking up a tree it's actually   the texture of the outside of the tree okay let's  read the definition work often tree bark in botany   means the outer covering of woody plants woody  plants unlike herbaceous plants create intricate   framework of cells and fibres which  provide significant support and protection   bark is the woody exterior of this structure  technically speaking work is not necessarily   a scientific term okay and in there i put in a  link for you if you want to go and read about   tree bark now um there is some difficult  words in this definition that i would   just like to discuss with you uh for example  intricate framework so that means that it is   a very detailed uh structure that  consists of cells and fibres and now   this is where you take a closer look at the  tree bark and when you look closer you will   see that there's a lot of cells and fibres that  makes up the big picture which is the tree box   so by the way this picture was taken from um  in tsetsikama forest this is a tree that is uh   now already how old is he i think about 1000  years old so yes but that's just a side note   i will do a video on that later on  as well okay there we go in short   you can say tree bar is the brown part of the  tree okay that's a very short way of looking at it   okay next boasting okay boasting uh it is it's  to brag now brag is a slang term i would say but   it's like how can i explain it easier all right  it's like someone's saying no no no no look at me   okay that's a little bit of boasting but sometimes  you get people that say oh you know i went to the   shop and i bought myself this expensive watch and  i've got this expensive shoes i just wear nikes   because you know they feel they are the best  at everything so boasting is a way to um   to brag okay so let's look  at the definition quickly   okay we have here excessively proud and  self-satisfied talk about one's achievements   positions and abilities okay so this person  usually boasts in conversations you will   hear him say things like oh you know i'm driving  around in my new tesla and then i dropped a piece   of chocolate on the seat or something like that so  they they need to tell you how wonderful they are so so you


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The Dark Side of Rich Kids Volunteering Abroad | Informer

Voluntourism is a multibillion dollar industry. It sells wealthier people access to impoverished and struggling communities in exchange for a life-affirming experience. Kids would see vans of volunteers pulling towards them, and they’d quickly rub dirt on their faces so that they’d be more appealing, ironically, to the volunteers and look like they needed more help. Each of us paid thousands of dollars to go on this trip. Of that trip fee, almost none of it went to the orphanage. The primary goal, we were told, was to build a library. Our work was so bad that the local builders who were working alongside us would come back while we were sleeping and undo our work and redo it.

They abused children in orphanages while under the guise of being a volunteer. What you’re being sold is the idea that you’ll help a community. What you’re really buying is an opportunity to help yourself. I’ve been involved in voluntourism for over a decade. The language used by voluntourism tends to be along the lines of, “You can change the world and find yourself all at the same time.” I wanted to physically go out to be that change, make a difference, be a global citizen. I definitely was thinking about how it would look when I applied to college and how it would look on my resume. I convinced my parents to pay a couple thousand dollars for me to be able to go on this trip to Tanzania.

It was about three weeks long. For $3,000, we would get to volunteer in an orphanage, teach some English lessons, play with some kids, go on a safari. I was entirely unqualified and unprepared and should not have been allowed to do this. You are going to be working with young children who are extremely vulnerable. I came from an all-girls school where I had a walk-in closet, and I was pulling up to this all-girls orphanage where they shared bunk rooms without running water. The primary goal of our time at the orphanage was to build a library.

We believed that we’d be able to build the whole thing while we were there— until you realized that none of us had ever done any construction work. There was a general feeling that the local workmen were lazy at times because they were showing up late. One morning, I woke up and decided to go outside. I started walking up where we were building the library, and I saw that there were men working at the construction site. I realized that they were taking apart what we’d done... and redoing it. And then they’d let it set. And by the time that we would show up to work in a few more hours, we'd be none the wiser. I told one of the chaperones from my school on the trip about what I’d seen and was advised to keep it to myself. You have stories of people donating bags full of toys that the orphanage director then goes and gives to his own kids or sells or locks in a closet so the next group of volunteers will donate bags of toys. Because if they see kids playing with tons of toys, they won’t bring toys.


If they see kids sleeping on a good bed with a good mattress, they won’t donate money for better beds and better mattresses. We did not eat our meals with the children in the orphanage. We ate separately, which was a rule at that orphanage. It was so we wouldn’t know what they were eating. My typical breakfast at the orphanage would include fresh fruit juice, hard-boiled eggs, toast, jams, butter. The children were most often having beans and rice that they cooked themselves. We also would help them sort the pebbles out of the beans. A number of times, the girls were expected to sing for us. The exchange for them having a really good meal was to sing and dance. We were a predominantly white group. When I was in Tanzania, a young woman was questioning her sexuality and was being encouraged by this volunteer to live openly.

The reality of this young woman’s life was that she lived in a community where doing so would put her at very great physical danger. And so this volunteer was so focused on her own moral compass and moral values that she couldn’t quite see how the advice she was giving this young woman could potentially kill her. The directors of the orphanage did not see the children’s health as a priority. We were advised by other long-term volunteers at the orphanage that when residents did get malaria, despite there being money to pay for them to get medical care, they were not provided with medical care. The leadership of the orphanage were unwilling to spend the money. Eighty percent of children who live at orphanages have not lost one or both parents.

They are not orphans. They don't have birth certificates. They don't have IDs. No one knows who they are or where they are. These children are anonymous. The thing that really haunts me is the connection between orphanages and child sex trafficking. There are Brits, there are Americans, there are Australians who’ve been arrested. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg for exploiting children and abusing them sexually and physically while making money from people like me who wanted to do good. They abused children in orphanages while under the guise of being a volunteer. Voluntourism is continuing to grow as an industry. During the pandemic, the trip providers who were the most successful were actively marketing trips to Tanzania as an opportunity to escape COVID and pretend like it didn’t exist.

You can say that you are giving 100 percent of fees back to a community without doing that. You can say those things because no one's checking up on you. No one’s verifying that this is happening. The reason why it continues to increase is that many of the experiences that are similar to what I had as a volunteer, of having children running towards me and wanting to sit on my lap and wanting me to carry them, are still so emotionally compelling. They’re still so alluring. It feels so good that it’s really easy for someone to apply exceptionalism.

African instruments here


Hi my friends uh I just made this lovely egusi soup and eba this is a lovely Nigerian dish Nigerian food and my wife is gonna try it now She is Romanian and I'm Nigerian so now what we normally do we normally wash our hands in the bowl and I'm gonna roll the ball you know the eba into balls then I'm gonna dip it in the egusi soup . I have here with me a lovely turkey. yummy! So my friends you can check out my videos on how I made this lovely soup check them out on my playlist and of course you can find them on my video how to make eba and egusi soup so thank you very much for watching See you next time.


Bye! bye!.

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these bugs wont stop biting me..

oh yeah hey if you have a Supercar you don't  gotta pay the five dollar parking it's kind of   a deal spend a quarter million dollars in a car  and you don't have to pay for parking anymore   welcome back to the channel you guys in today's  video we're gonna be taking a look at the funniest   the most mind-blowing and the craziest videos on  the internet so sit back relax and enjoy is that   a puffer fish oh my oh buddy just spit out some  water are you good are they trying to make them   deflate or something I think he's in a very bad  situation so he's gonna stay puffered up because   that is his defense mechanism all right take him  and put him in the water get him back in the water   just grab him and put him back are those spiky hey  yo man's looking like a balloon ways to get into   my bed uh what all right I'm gonna be honest like  hey this is cool and all but the real thing is   this is way too much effort to constantly have  to get into your bed when you're tired in the   morning like oh you got to get up and slide down  and you gotta run upstairs if you're super sleepy   like no this is not the vibe and I'm Free Falling  holy actually how did he actually do that man was   like in the air for five or six seconds walking on  ice oh geez dude dude oh no it's breaking run run   why are they staying on the ice wouldn't you run  towards the shore like I would cut left as fast   as I possibly can all right yo is that a whole  walrus oh wait that's called an elephant seal   yeah I was gonna say that seal is a big boy it's  like what do you do how do you even control this   some guy over there has like a paddle like  you ain't gonna do anything with no net   in a paddle bro do you see how big that  big boy is how I be rolling into Mondays   that's me getting out of bed having to  go to school the next day it's like oh   I can subscribe right now for amazing luck  for the next week this baby has a bird hey   dude that ain't your ice cream he's like why  is it on my plate then look at these ducks   like what you're trying to tell me these are ducks  these are the coolest Ducks I've ever seen like   when I go walking in the park these are the type  of ducks that I want to see and then there's that   one pigeon and that normal duck too what the  heck all right they put some on our shoulder   it looks like a I don't know yo that lemur  just leaped onto her shoulder what in the oh oh we're on the boat yo is this the Titanic oh gee  uh uh sir they're going down a report Titanic   2.0 this is too crazy we got ourselves an  elephant painting wait what why can this   elephant paint better than 90 of our population  that right there is the question of the year all right jump into the  phone pit for the first time oh she's just a tightrope wait a minute I  thought she was just jumping into the foam pit   and all of a sudden this girl walked out onto  a tire up as if she's a literal Olympian okay   all right this dolphin is he's gonna stand  on the Dolphins no this is something straight   out of a movie yo that is next level yo what  two of them it was like free like what oh but it's height that kid is gonna be on a dirt  bike anytime soon assuming those are dirt   bikes we got a phone oh put toothpaste you  rub the toothpaste everywhere no way no way are you trying to tell me they just  broke an iPhone to try this out   all right run it up run it  up put the toothpaste yep she's a really lathered that thing up   if I watch this for 51 seconds and I get  nothing out of this I'm gonna be triggered   how slow can you go all  right clean it and let's see there's no way show me the phone now is this real or did he just scam  us also oh they're gonna jump on   one end and launcher gets a block  oh okay that worked out good I   thought she was gonna go straight  through the ceiling so satisfying what are they doing oh if you jump scared drop a like on the video that  genuinely got me what is it oh whoa I better not   be a spider in there that's all I gotta say if  there's a spider in there I'm gonna lose my mind   okay no spiders so far I think we're good  what are they doing oh it just comes back   to normal a little bit of heat brings that  back to life cucumber bamboo all right   a little packaging a little slicing  Dyson okay lilies tiny little cuts okay oh oh hey yo ocher holy sausage I have a question sausage or  bacon which do you like more comment below all   right what is this I actually got an offer from  Apple for oh this is for the design but if this   looks good but it doesn't look good bro like the  concept's good but it's like having this big old   thing sticking out there just doesn't look too  fancy that's an eye okay that eye is blinking all   right now this is trippy wait what link with me hi  what's happening no no no no no no no no no no no   oh oh wait that was meant to happen this is crazy Clips like another truck where are  we going now all the truck goes but   what about the phone oh here goes  the phone oh she's almost straight   into the water now it's doing laundry  does this phone end up in him foreign how was this phone not breaking  as a question of the year   all right you guys let's skip a little bit  forward and see if this phone ends up there   all right now we got this tank and here we go  they're pushing it and he snoozes the alarm   your day yeah just go back to bed my friend  good night what is this is that magnetic is there a point for this we're  grabbing but what will I spite   all right I'm gonna be honest chefs and  stuff they just have a different level   of heat tolerance is that some noodles though  that look fire oh yeah this this guy's a genius   when they don't want to share but you know  they're literally only gonna take one or   two bites and you have to secretly snag it  oh battery removal is this from an iPhone what the they pulling out duct tape out of  this thing or what's happening foreign here this is crazy does this ever end oh and we finally  got the battery out what are we making here   I bagged the water people out here buying  bags of water I've never even seen this   before oh yeah oh yeah we need this we  needed this in today's video it's been   a bit of an intense video and this is gonna  make our minds come close your eyes and enjoy oh yeah now that's what I'm talking about  enough of this let's move on okay   she getting that that eyeliner's done is that  called eyeliner no it's called The Wing she's   getting the wing done that's all big wing  okay oh yos all right now this is fancy fancy okay what do we have here we got some bird hey   get out of it oh no what did he  just fly into this man is a what is that a statue or a real man I saw one  of these before and it was like on uh   where was it Miami Fashion District maybe oh it  was here right here look this is on Miami Fashion   District I swear oh Miami Design District it's  called literally what were the odds of me just   talking about that and boom the next clip is  the exact same thing POV something in French first class flying man what a luxury yeah  it's the life I'm trying to live uh uh sir   you need to turn up your heater in your house  because apparently that thing is below freezing   it's cool just looking at it where are we oh  oil change all right we got this as a pancake   here rate this pancake one out of ten okay now  that's the perfect pancake what's she doing   color in her teeth making them things  powerly white popcorn ceiling removal   oh that must be sloppy imagine the mess afterwards  oh cleanup's gonna suck four hey nice hit   oh did she just tackle her off onto the net all  right what do we have here what is that oh oh it's   just a kitty's tail or paw when your kid won't  listen doesn't want to go anywhere it's too lazy   and just throws a fits you gotta drag him around  your life is a lie what do you mean you just do   the back and forth and when you see the ladies hey  yo that's kind of Genius okay what do we got here oh it weighs it that's normal oh no no no you you bunny rabbit you oh you want to be  mad but then it's just so cute hey watch   out there's a moose outside wait this is Texas  oh no they aren't in Texas anymore it says uh   hello there about oh look at the kid he's like  hello helicopter landing in the backyard hey wait   the pool floaties hey you're taking out the blue  the pool floaties though yeah leave get out of   here when you come home you see the dog's head  stuck in the cheese puffs I think that's exactly   where the dog wants to be all right this person  has a couple pigeons in their home oh that pigeon   just played dead or is that pigeon fake wait  that's literally a fake pigeon the straight ice oh all right this is the best thing ever duct  taping the teacher they did this at my school   I'm pretty sure and it was like a dollar a  piece of tape like what a scam oh roll over   one it has nothing to do with cats but  I just want to say something when people   have a dog and they can like make their dog  do a trick they are the most proud people   in the world you guys feel the same  way what the this dude dies are red   put that straight into his brain are you good  bro well there you have you guys if you enjoyed   today's video drop a like subscribe and press  on more videos you see on the screen right now   to watch more videos just like this one  and I'll see you over in those videos


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[SEBEN] Tout à coup (drums & percs) by Mimiche drums (free download in bio)


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