Thursday, 23 February 2023

The African Bush Elephant - Part 2 - Vocabulary

hello guys welcome to part two of the African bush  elephant which will be vocabulary if you have not   watched part one you are more than welcome to look  and in the videos on the channel you will find   the African bush elephant part one uh this is a  continuation of the African bush elephant part one   and here today we are going to do vocabulary  okay so first up we have the word tear duct   okay so tear duct is basically the gland  or the passage that the tear passes through   from the eye to the nose or from the eye to the  outside okay so if you look at the diagram you   will see the lacrimal gland is located above the  eye and then the blue line was my attempt to draw   the path that a tear will follow to get into  the tear duct okay so they also speak about the   passage so a passage can be anything something can  pause through for example two houses that has got a gap in between the two houses is a  passage or you get a passage in your house   that connects different rooms  with each other it's a long narrow   path okay right that being said let's  go back to the definition of tear duct   so it is a passage through which tears pass from  the lacrimal glands to the eye or from the eye   to the nose okay I hope that makes sense to you  feel free to ask questions in the comments I did   activate the comments on this video so you  are more than welcome to ask some questions   if it's not clear to you, you are also more than  welcome to hit pause at any time on this video   and refer back as you need to okay so let's go to  the next one what have we got tummy okay so tummy   also a noun and basically it's a person's stomach  or abdomen so you have heard people speak about   they want to work on their abs okay so that  comes from the word abdomen that they just   abbreviated okay so abbreviate means to make  shorter and one example we can give is a tummy   upset which means you have stomach ache okay so  another word for tummy is also stomach or abdomen   or belly some people use the word gut I don't  really like to use the word gut it sounds a   little bit icky to me but you can use it or middle  okay so there you will see on the picture I drew a   red circle or shape around the elephant's tummy  all right okay let's move on what have we got next   rumbling now rumbling was a very  difficult word for me to describe because uh you cannot really  put sound in a picture   but as you can see I drew some distorted  lines there and rumbling in an elephant   sounds something like this it's it's something  like this okay listen carefully it's like okay so that's basically how  the rumbling of an elephant's   belly or stomach sounds and if you look at the  sample sentence we have here they say the rumbling   of wheels in the distance so sometimes you can  hear a core coming just through the rumbling   of the wheels on the road okay so we have  some cinnamon synonyms cinnamon synonyms yes   English teachers also make pronunciation  mistakes so synonyms synonyms   and one of them are reverberation or resonance  throbbing throb vibrating pulsating pulsing   rumble beating beat drumming drum thumping  thump thrumming thrum pounding pound pulpating palpitation hern no humming humming not hern humming murmur  murmuring drone droning buzz buzzy so uh you are   more than welcome to take these words as well  and go and look for their definition or meaning   it's quite uh information overload that I'm giving  you in this video but uh you can also remember   whenever you are learning vocabulary please learn  the word plus the definition or meaning of the   word okay you cannot go around and just memorizing  words and you don't know what they need okay so   always remember when you learn vocabulary also  learn the meaning and the definition all right   okay so that's rumbling let's see what's the  next one oblique oblique okay so oblique is   neither parallel nor at right angles or  specified or um to imply no let me try that again   funny funny okay oblique it's neither parallel  nor at right angles to a specified or implied line   slanting so if you look at my picture example  you will see that it means that there's two   things that have the same shape but they're not  on the same line so one is a little bit bigger   one is a little bit smaller okay so that is  what oblique means so it's the same shape   but on different levels okay look at the arrow  then you will see the one task is bigger than   the other task now in elephants we can also  see if they are left-handed or right-handed   by the size of the task the task that is the  shortest indicates if they are left-handed   or right-handed if they would have had hands  because they use the task that is smaller more   than the task that is bigger okay and that's  why that task is uh smaller than the other   task and then we would say he's got oblique  sided tasks okay let's move on to the next one   three bark okay now first of all we get a  bark in English which is a dog that's barking but this one is for a tree so if you say tree bark  it's not a dog barking up a tree it's actually   the texture of the outside of the tree okay let's  read the definition work often tree bark in botany   means the outer covering of woody plants woody  plants unlike herbaceous plants create intricate   framework of cells and fibres which  provide significant support and protection   bark is the woody exterior of this structure  technically speaking work is not necessarily   a scientific term okay and in there i put in a  link for you if you want to go and read about   tree bark now um there is some difficult  words in this definition that i would   just like to discuss with you uh for example  intricate framework so that means that it is   a very detailed uh structure that  consists of cells and fibres and now   this is where you take a closer look at the  tree bark and when you look closer you will   see that there's a lot of cells and fibres that  makes up the big picture which is the tree box   so by the way this picture was taken from um  in tsetsikama forest this is a tree that is uh   now already how old is he i think about 1000  years old so yes but that's just a side note   i will do a video on that later on  as well okay there we go in short   you can say tree bar is the brown part of the  tree okay that's a very short way of looking at it   okay next boasting okay boasting uh it is it's  to brag now brag is a slang term i would say but   it's like how can i explain it easier all right  it's like someone's saying no no no no look at me   okay that's a little bit of boasting but sometimes  you get people that say oh you know i went to the   shop and i bought myself this expensive watch and  i've got this expensive shoes i just wear nikes   because you know they feel they are the best  at everything so boasting is a way to um   to brag okay so let's look  at the definition quickly   okay we have here excessively proud and  self-satisfied talk about one's achievements   positions and abilities okay so this person  usually boasts in conversations you will   hear him say things like oh you know i'm driving  around in my new tesla and then i dropped a piece   of chocolate on the seat or something like that so  they they need to tell you how wonderful they are so so you


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