Thursday 29 September 2022

What Is Music?

In the beginning there was only silence. And then, there was sound.

This is what the great spiritual leader, Prophet Mohammad said about music. He was right. Music has been around for as long as man has existed.

In the beginning there was only darkness. Then there was light.

This is what Jesus Christ said about music. He was also right. Music has been around since the beginning of time.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

This is what John wrote about music. He was also correct. Music has been around since before recorded history.

The origin of music goes back to the earliest forms of tribal drumming, which were performed by early man. The drums were used to help them communicate, hunt, and defend their territory.

Later, when tribes came together to celebrate important events like weddings, births, and deaths, they began to play instruments like flutes, harps, and other stringed instruments. These instruments were used to express feelings and emotions.

With the development of the printing press, people started to write down their music and sing it to others. This helped spread music throughout the world.

Today, we have music all over the world. We have classical music, jazz, rock, rap, hip-hop, country, and many other types of music. Each type has its own special style and sound.

Each style has its own special characteristics. For example, classical music has a very specific melody and rhythm. Jazz has a more relaxed feel. Rock music can be fast or slow, and hip-hop can be slow or fast.

Music is an important part of our lives. It helps us relax, express ourselves, and make friends. It is also a great way to learn new things. There are so many different types of music, it would take years to learn them all.


One thing you should know is that the most popular music is not always the best. Popular music often changes over time. You should always check out the newest music before you buy it.

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