On the left note likewise ... ideal left in the order so it goes like this so. it'' s one 2 3 one 2 3 one 2 3 one 2 3 then needs to connected together so it. makes a complete single stroke roll thingy packs at the very first part then we have the sixteenth. note area as 5 notes simply 5 notes Accent the last note so one 2 3 so then you put the 2 together and get. this that'' s in fact the entire thing simply need to speed it up is when you speed it up it. noises wooooo however this is not truly much understand anything so and the accents are very important. that'' s what offers it its Flair and all that let'' s put in a groove and we see how. it seems like so that'' s about it that'' s the entire groove the entire pattern so yeah thanks for seeing subscribe like remark. or that we'' ll see you next time.
Peace this here is Clement '' inaudible ' that ' s.
my bass guitar player state hi so uh what was I stating I forget sef hehehehe ... what.
the Wow Adey do my shoots ooo chale.
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