Wednesday 28 December 2022

BTS (방탄소년단) MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 'Outro : Ego' Comeback Trailer

I go back every day To me of yesterday To the life of giving up I let myself go away But in this world, you know There are truths unchanged Time rushes ever forward There’s no ifs, buts, or maybes Almost forgotten memories return Touch of the devil, fateful recall I still wonder, why did they beckon again Every day ask me, guess it, whip it, repeat oh Nothing that will change, so I lock it up again, close ‘How much love? How much joy?’ Soothe myself and stay calm, alone Yeah I don’t care, it’s all Choices by my fate, so we’re here Look ahead, the way is shinin’ Keep goin’ now (Ready set and begin) That way, way, way Wherever my way Only Ego Ego Ego Just trust myself Life not of j-hope but Jeong Ho-Seok flashes by It must have been full of regret with no hope till I die My dancing was chasing ghosts Blaming my dream, asking why I live and breathe Oh my God Uh time goes by Seven years of anguish come out finally Oppressions all resolved Into my heart come answers from my most trusted ‘Only one hope, only one soul’ ‘Only one smile, only one you’ Definite answer to the truth of the world Only one and unchanging me Right Now I don’t care, it’s all Choices by my fate, so we’re here Look ahead, the way is shinin’ Keep goin’ now (Ready set and begin) That way, way, way Wherever my way Only Ego Ego Ego Just trust myself Way I trust Way I go Became my fate Became my core Hard it was And sad it was Still reassured and Made me know myself Map of the Soul Map of the All That’s my Ego Map of the Soul Map of the All That’s my Ego


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Wow Wow Wilds Elephant Fight Wilds Rhino

Wow Wow Wilds Elephant Fight Wilds Rhino


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Mask collective + Festima - Zaouli de la Côte d'Ivoire

The Zaouli mask, Ivory Coast We are the Zaouli We come from Ivory Coast more precisely from Bouaflé In the evening, when people leave the fields, they come If they are not tired they meet and then they start to dance in the moonlight they have created a mask called Djela and this Djela created her daughter that is called Djela Lou Zaouli The Zaouli is international because they showed it in Europe, in Asia so he dances very well There are several dancers, we make rankings in Ivory Coast He was the first.


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Why Elephants Go Deep Underground | Caves of Mount Elgon

deep in an underground cave an african savannah elephant is on an unusual mission in total darkness she's digging out salty rocks from a 24 million year old volcano this is the only place on earth where this exceptional behavior can be observed on the border between uganda and kenya mount elgon is an extinct volcano with a crater that's 20 kilometers wide it was once africa's highest mountain far exceeding kilimanjaro but millennia of erosion have reduced its height to 4 321 meters on its forested eastern flank several groups of caves lead deep into the volcano elephants forage during the daylight hours in the thick groves of bamboo as herbivores they receive most of their nutrients through digested vegetation or water if these sources don't meet their dietary requirements they supplement them by eating soil or rocks but the elephants here have taken this phenomenon one step further when the sun goes down the animals make their way up the slopes of mount elgon the track leads to a dark entrance behind this waterfall lies ketum cave a 150 meter long 60 meter wide and up to 10 meter high deposit of life-preserving salt at the cave entrance large footprints are evidence of the elephant's visit deep scratches on the walls and roof are the first signs they've been quarrying the mineral-rich rock but most of the activity takes place even deeper underground at least a dozen elephants file into the cave it is so narrow in places they have to squeeze their bodies along the passage all the elephants are female some are pregnant while others have brought their offspring with them female elephants need large amounts of minerals during pregnancy and lactation and here they can find them in abundance an elephant visit might last up to six hours but not all this time is spent mining rock finding their way through the cave takes time too this young elephant navigates in total darkness using its trunk it will take many visits for it to learn the intricate structure of the cave the elephants can't just lick the rock their tongues aren't long enough instead they scrape the salty earth from the walls with their stuffy tusks and collect the mineral rich sand in their mouths the rocks are rich in calcium magnesium and natrium a study examining samples found they contained more than 100 times the amount of natrium per gram than the average level found in plants these walls are examined for every last grain of mineral at a steady 13.5 degrees celsius the air in the cave is pleasant night on the mountain usually gets a lot colder than the constant temperature in the depths of the caves elephants have been visiting these caves for centuries possibly even millennia over time they've modified and enlarged the caves digging their way deeper and deeper into the mountain creating chambers that can be up to four meters tall after hours of salt mining the elephants stop work and leave the cave the route into the cave and the technique of scraping the walls are passed down from generation to generation a unique tradition that only exists here on mount elgon you want more elephant videos we have some just click on our best elephants playlist and subscribe so you don't miss the next upload


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hey what's up kings and queens it's your  girl Queen Beast back with another video   for you you and you and we got our baby boy  Eli in the building he's looking at me like   are we gonna eat or what as you guys can tell  from the title in the thumbnail we are doing   a Nigerian food African food mukbang today  and it's basically Eli tries for the first   time yeah that's brother's starving so make sure  you guys hit the Subscribe button hit the post   notification right next week so you don't  miss out once we post a video let me know   in the comment section that you did that and you  will get shouted out at the end of the next video   also give this video a big thumbs up Eli you  ready to try food you ready to eat I hope so   I almost forgot to put this on him so hold on  one minute this entire day Eli's been literally   coming over here at my setup and trying to  start his own little video so here we are   let's have him try some Zoloft rice wait let me  taste it first to make sure it's not too spicy okay it's a little spicy  let's see how he does with it what do you think Papa good reaction I don't know Eli's not given the reaction  let's have him try the Fufu you want to see it   what do you think you want it here oh he likes  the fufo here you take it with your hands um somebody's shy today I'm shocked that's  your shy he usually loves the camera and you   got some plantains here you want to taste some  plantains let's have him try some with this I'm   a taste obviously I'm gonna taste it first  to make sure it's safe because y'all know   it'd be spicy okay this is  not spicy what should I say what do you think yeah Eli usually eats on his own as you  guys seen before Oh spicy is this spicy I   just started tearing up because I'm like man not  gonna have all this chicken to myself yeah water it's not that spicy but I  guess it's spicy for him y'all   but um what I was saying he usually eats on his  own so he's like other like what are you are   you gonna give me anything this is fo rero right  here y'all I don't know if you guys can see it and okay this one's too spicy yeah this one's too spicy y'all so he  can't have this this one's very spicy   they told me this is spicy this one's not too  spicy but it looks like it's spicy for him   to Jolla fries let me know in the comment  section um Nigerians um if you are a Nigerian   do your food are like the spicy levels  do you adjust the spicy or you just have   the babies learn how to eat spicy food go  ahead Papa yeah you can have that one eat it you just taste you can eat it it's fine it's  safe this one take this one here taste this one   you like it he's swinging his feet let me  see this one what do you think yummy right   yummy here take this one this one's  a little softer this one eat that one don't try you all right you got it you got it Papa   you got it so I like I like  egusi this is igusi y'all I like jollof rice I like um efo rero  I think that's how you pronounce it I like the sweet plantains as well and  I also like the their chicken as well   and a jollof rice um the only  thing I haven't tried is this here   I legit forgot how to pronounce it and I forgot  how to say it what's the name of it let me know   in the comment section but it's basically assorted  parts of the meat like they said it's the usual   undesired parts of the um animal I think this  is beef and they basically like the liver all   the parts that people don't usually eat and they  put it in this here what do you think it's good he usually eats on his own y'all so it's in here  so I gotta try that one and it says very spicy but   it's delicious so we'll see I want the rice but  I don't want to spill so I'm gonna go ahead and   grab this like this because yo I'm hungry okay um guys I'm super hungry and to be  honest okay it's good huh I haven't   been eating any carbs so this is literally  like a treat I'm gonna give I'm gonna taste   the chicken and see if he would eat it here  it is right here it's looking all so lovely baby this right here this right here is good  good you want some chicken place it Papa what do you think it's good right yeah foreign okay look it's right here okay if you want to grab  it I'm gonna put some right here because he likes   to feed himself because he can he gets to control  what he puts in his mouth oh you drop it it's   right here you want it you want this one no you  want this one hmm here let me take it that's yours good say good don't roll your eyes at me little  one don't you don't you roll your eyes on me   then you roll your eyes on me you're eating  the cartilage my my guy there you go but yeah   yeah let me know in the comment section for  sure do your kids you like the Nigerians do   they do they just learn to eat the spicy level  that y'all give them or you adjust that nope no you say no what do you mean  what are you trying to say yeah you want to tell them anything ah you just want to eat I feel you it'd be  like that y'all it'd be like that sometimes   sometimes okay okay here you go there you go  he's good he's swinging his feet he loves he   likes it y'all it looks like Eli likes it he  liked the rice he liked the Fufu he liked the   plantains and he likes the chicken the other  stuff I guess they're too spicy for him I   am officially going to try this right here you  want the rice okay Papa here rice say rice rice he likes their eyes hey swing his feet and  dancing yeah it's spicy too it's a little spicy   a little spicy so guys Eli's been Eli talks  a storm but he chose he's choosing to be very   mute today very quiet today look this is we have  some liver here I can see I think this is tripe something gooey I don't know what this is  I'm kind of scared at the same time but   you never know it might it might be something  good it's supposedly a delicacy so let's see ah okay that was a try I'm familiar with tribe it tastes good is it  actually really good spicy flavor to it okay um yeah that was spicy   and this I'm assuming this is the liver I can see  the peppers look at this y'all I could see the   pepper I don't know if you guys can see that  but I could literally see the pepper on here that's not Liberty that's actually beef um it's good there's gooey stuff right here  I don't know what is this look at y'all oh that's fat oh oh wow  actually it actually tastes good   I don't know if it's because it's spicy  because you know y'all know I like spicy food   so it actually okay it's actually really good hmm do I know that what piece I'm eating for  real I don't know but I consume I'm guessing   I'm guessing the gooey part definitely  seemed like it was fat I wish it had   more sauce though so I could  kind of like grab this Fufu   and like you know you know what I'm talking  about y'all know what I'm talking about um oh wow oh wow you okay be careful now food is  yummy this is the fish I didn't have him   try this fish because this was spicy  but let's see this is a snapper y'all   a snapper fish a whole snapper okay  let's see is the fish itself spicy   yeah it is actually correct me if I'm wrong  at the um restaurant that I got this food from   um I believe it's called YOLO pot Joe love  hot that's the restaurant name but correct   me if I'm wrong is Fufu the same as pounded  yams or is Fufu just the name of different   swallows like pounding yam EBA I believe  that's how you pronounce it and Amala amale mmm yummy you know he don't know which one he wants  more the chicken or the plantain he's looking like   Eli's now 17 months y'all well he'll be 17 months  on the 31st of this month those who follow me on   Instagram probably already seen him chatting  a lot I started him on also like a one-year   um learning curriculum it's not as strict  it's just basically learning and playing   sure throughout the day I would  teach him something and then well   make sure he get it for the  whole week type stuff like if I'm   doing the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star song that's  what we were seeing for the week and he'll get it   if I'm learning to if I'm teaching him the color  yellow then he'll be like okay that's what he'll   learn for the week that color or shape or an  animal and so far he's been doing good right I really wish this wasn't as spicy because it's  like spinach and he would have liked it more chew that chicken chew you think this is funny you're like girl stop that  smacking that's I just copying you oh he's so cute thank you you try to say you  want me can you pass it to Mommy okay ah free Mommy ah thank you mmm it's good you gotta be careful he just stuffed this whole  plantain in his mouth he's still eating y'all   so basically I'm almost about finished myself  because like I told y'all you know I I haven't   been able to eat as much anymore like I used  to even though I felt like I ate a lot here   you know this this this right here is gone like  well half of it is gone and then we got half of   the jollof rice though a Goosey is all complete uh  almost done basically we just got some meats here   um the meat this one here the meat is not as  tender so I'm not really picking on the meat but   this was good that Gucci was good  even though the meat was not as tender   um the effort was good the fish is over honestly  the fish food kind of tastes overpowered by the   effort so it just really tastes like  this part so I don't really taste the   the fish itself but it's good I wanted to  get a puff puff but the restaurant didn't   have it I wanted to try their meat patties  uh the restaurant didn't have it um there   was some other things I wanted to try so badly  but they didn't have it where's your cup did you   drop your cup I told you not to touch it yeah  I've been having Eli drink from a cup y'all so   here he did that's why he wants it in there  don't spill it be very careful okay yeah drink it   duel yeah he did it for you guys good job  you're a big boy how old are you yeah you won really I don't know if y'all heard  him say it how old are you Eli I just can't I am so blessed y'all I just can't Eli yeah  you're showing off why are you showing off he's just so intelligent y'all I am definitely  proud of you papa yeah when you get older you   see this video You're Gonna See mommy's very  proud of you mommy love Mommy and Daddy and   your siblings love you very very much you want  to call it at the end of the video you all done   all done all right guys so we're  gonna end this video right here   hope you guys enjoyed Eli trying in  this Nigerian African food up what what you're not finished he's not done y'all  but we're gonna end it here anyways because   I feel like this was super long but anyways  y'all we're gonna leave you guys but we love   you you're perfect you're beautiful  peace bye you wanna say bye bye bye


african instruments

Cathy Tshilombo-Lokemba, Chef and African fashion guru S3 E6

Living in Belgium, where I was the only black girl in my 2,000 student around me, give me a lot of confidence to show my culture. To interior design, to fashion design, Everything was related to Africa. Nobody knew really about my culture, so I really wanted to promote it. ♪ I was designing a lot of African clothing that really really brought something new to the market.

♪ I was one of the first designer to really explore African fabric in the Belgium culture, at that time, so I managed myself to have a little company. ♪ There is no fear in creativity. It's so great. You just don't know where this imagination can take you. So just ride the, take the trip, and just enjoy. ♪ I knew i wanted to express my culinary skills, which I didn't go to school for, but I went to my mom's school, which taught me how to cook when I was 9 years old. ♪ Seeing all these many cultures and how people react and interact, it's just amazing. And it gives you a very great background that open up your eyes for more creativity. You know, you're not just talking stuck in your culture but you have all the flavors and you can mix it and create something new. ♪ Actually, creativity is not something that you learn. It's something that you develop. Because it's already inside you. You just need to develop the truth to be more creative.


Life is great, you know. And when you have that happiness inside you, you want to express it, with painting, with clothing with fashion show, with food. You're just excited to create something that will make people happy. Yeah, that's pretty much what drives me..

african instruments

The Kiffness X Thai Pile Drivers (Work Shanty) [Live Looping Drum & Bass Remix]

The Kiffness X Thai Stack Drivers Live Drum as well as Bass Remix Kick Drum Entrapment Drum Quick Tambourine Beat Bass Keys Vibe The King of the North? Got to get that pole in the ground Got to ascertain somehow Going to enter time to the noise of that drum as well as bass in your face now Repeat (Harmony) Pads Third Consistency Accumulate The King in the North Thanks for seeing! If you recognize any one of these gents then allow me understand!.


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