Monday, 28 November 2022

Hunting African Nile crocodiles with snipers, part one

the Nile crocodile is the second largest reptile  in the world after the saltwater crocodile   the Nile crocodile is spread in a wide  range of sub-Saharan Africa where it is   found mostly in the central eastern  and southern parts of the convent it lives in different types of fresh aquatic  environments such as lakes rivers and marshes   despite its ability to live in salt water this  species is rarely found in it but sometimes it   inhabits stagnant lakes and sedimentary deltas  and sometimes in the sea near the shores   in the past the range of spread of this type of   crocodile extended North along the  Nile River reaching the Nile Delta in prehistoric times endemic groups of this  type extended as far as Palestine foreign crocodile averages in length from  4.1 meters 13 feet to 5 meters 16   feet and weighs about 410 kilograms 900 pounds however larger specimens found were up  to 6.1 meters 20 feet long and weighed   about 900 kilograms 2 000 pounds the Nile  surveyor is an opportunistic apex predator   and a very aggressive type of crocodile  that has the ability to hunt almost any   animal in its range it is a communal  animal feeding on a variety of prey   its diet consists mostly of different types  of fish reptiles birds and mammals foreign it is also a stalking predator and can wait  for hours days and even weeks for the right   moment to attack the prey and drag it into  the water it is also a shrewd Predator able   to think quickly and intelligently and waits  for the opportunity to approach the prey until   it enters its offensive range even fast-moving  prey is not safe from this attack like all other   crocodiles it has Jaws that have a very strong  bite that is unique among all animals and sharp   conical teeth that sink into the flesh making  its grip on prey almost impossible to loosen and he can apply to pray with such high  levels of force for long periods of time   a great advantage that enables him to continue  to hold large prey underwater until it drowns   now crocodiles are very social crocodiles  among themselves they share basking areas   and large food sources such as flocks  of fish and carcasses of large animals there is a strict hierarchy in food  sharing determined by size large older   males are at the top of this hierarchy  and have priority for food in the best   places to bask crocodiles know their place  in this hierarchy and rarely rebel against   it but when they do the results are  very bloody and sometimes even deadly like other crocodiles now crocodiles  lay eggs for reproduction and the   females guard them the females also  protect the hatchlings for a while   but they hunt for their own food and  are not fed by the parents thank you the Nile crocodile is one of the most dangerous  crocodile species and is responsible for hundreds   of human deaths every year it is a common type  of alligator and is not in danger of breaking out   the eyes have a third eyelid that protects them  underwater and the eyes ears and nostrils are   located on the top of the head the breeding  season for Nile crocodiles is in July and   they made in shallow water and females nest  in November and December on the edges of sandy   beaches or Riverbanks the female can lay from  25 to 100 eggs in a nest near the edge of the   water covering it with sand and guarding it  until it hatches after two to three months s have an open appetite for food and  feed million fish which accounts for   70 of their food as well as everything  that comes to water drinking zebras   hippos wildebeests rodents pangolins  Birds carrion and even other crocodiles   sometimes they swallow Pebbles to aid in  digestion due to their slow metabolism


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