Monday, 20 February 2023


hey what's up kings and queens today  Juju is trying African food AKA Nigerian   food in the building subscribe click  the post notification are you ready   the thing about African food you  can actually eat with your hands what do you give it a nine out of ten okay okay why not  a 10 out of 10. because it it has a   little aftertaste that'll tastes a little  bit bad oh yeah you think so I like him   what's next this one okay I  think this one is the albino   soup so did you want to try it you could try it  with Fufu which is that or you could try with ebba   and I'm gonna try with EBA because this is the  first time I tried it ever and immediately the   ebba actually have a different consistency is  very much more stickier than the Fufu so go   ahead you could get the EBA you want to try ebba  I was supposed to try um with something or yeah   you dip it in here in the sauce and you scoop  up what you can scoop it up scoop it up buddy let's see let me try tastes  good you like it let's go mmm it does taste good okay we're gonna try  the meat yeah yeah of course he's going in   he will actually he what he really want to do  is just stuff his face with everything that's   what he really want to do it tastes good You're  Gonna Take It Go ahead take it go ahead take it   take it so he's over there matching munching  on that and I'm gonna try with this meat here the elbow has a different taste than   the Fufu I'm trying to think of what taste  it has I know they said it's cassava but immediately though I'm gonna have to say that ebba  tastes bad NoDa the Fufu tastes better with this   here I think this one is the ogbono soup and  it's busting let me try it hmm tastes better   it's better I guess the cassava have some type  of after aftertaste from it you don't like it you saying yeah but your face is saying something  else you want like the Fufu you like this one   yes oh so do you like the elbow I guess he likes  the aftertaste of the Eva more than the who so I'm   gonna put some of the ebba on your end and we're  gonna go to the next thing for him to try well let   me know um you Nigerians and um Africans that  eat um Fufu whatever what do you prefer do you   prefer the pounded yams hufu or do you prefer EBA  I like them both but I'm gonna have to say for me no pounded yams but this is good this soup is  definitely busting busting I like it I like it   we're gonna go to the next one after this bite  right here here we go but we're gonna have to   choose the egusi because I want to eat that one  so I'm gonna try it with something I haven't   tried before obviously with the EBA I'm still  trying to see here it goes y'all this is it okay I think that's that tastes  pretty good tastes pretty good but instead of uber for me instead of pounding  dance for me it stood out for me what do you think   that's pretty good that's pretty good and busting  busting it is busting busting just like the mean I'm gonna take me a huge look at this a huge  well I think it's huge a huge Pizza thing here   and I'm gonna see if I could swallow it  you know you know a lot of them swallow   uh the Fufu with the food you think you  could be able to do that no good please   well I can't swallow I can't swallow that  one obviously you could tell he likes this   one more because he went right back to  this one and then y'all hear Eli in the   background so we're gonna go to the Echo rero  and then we're gonna chase it just like that um that's busting busting don't  gotta taste it with the meat and then you could eat it with the meat it's  good it's good that's pretty good what would   you rate it a seven a seven okay yeah and you  know what what people are saying is in the chat   what are they gonna say in the chat pretty good  hey that's pretty good mmm that's pretty good   so seven is not bad it's not a bad reading you  would say hold on the next thing we're going to   try is this one this one is the oh I forgot  what this is guys ah look at it I'm when I   come to it I'ma let y'all know this one oh yeah  okra this one's the okra y'all yeah guys okay uh-huh because it's all gooey yeah go ahead and taste it I'm not gonna  lie I think the rest of this restaurant   probably left some soap on that oh no  because it tastes like a little soapy   it tastes like this last time yeah I'm not eating  it yeah we're not eating that one because I think   it tastes soapy for sure everything else  tastes good but that definitely tastes soapy   like they left some soap in there somehow  some way a 10 out of 10.

Stop what's up yeah wow you can't really rate it because  that's not how it tastes for real I had   it before so it's way better than that  so we're just going to smash now y'all   had a JuJu there's plantings here you  want planting they made planting too and we're just gonna smash so   I'm literally home alone right now with the  kids and I got a meeting literally in like in like 10 minutes I think so this  video gonna be short and fast but I   gotta eat cause I'm hungry and I eat all day  I worked out I'm gonna work out again tonight I like all of this you gotta  try the rice with some of these for sure oh this right here Juju with the rice  listen plus and blessing Boston which you should   have done is scoop this first and then put it  in the rice yeah and then put it in the rice you gotta make sure you get a piece of meat  you got to make sure you get a piece of meat   y'all boy so in general Juju what would you  rate this Nigerian food what would you rate   it all together not in total like what would you  say is it a 10 out of 10.


99 what would you say   a 1 000 why you have to you have to whisper  it you're gonna have to whisper buddy   you could have told them straight up  but yeah guys I legit have a meeting   um but it's a virtual one  six minutes but I'm hungry   I don't want my stomach growling while I'm on  there and then I was supposed to do this earlier   but when I went to the restaurant  y'all how about I forgot my card I forgot my credit card so what I had to do   no I was about to but then I was like wait hold  on I think I could do pick up because I couldn't   deliver to my house I'm too far I'm too far from  it because this restaurant is pretty far from me   so I had to literally say you know what let  me check Uber to see if they have pickups so   I had to order from Uber then waited for it to  be ordered I mean waited for it to be cooked   because the F4 re-roll wasn't ready but I really  wanted to try it while we really wanted Juju to   try it but you guys can tell that Juju likes the  Bunga fruit and the Bunga soup is pretty good too   to be honest I would say you can enjoy any one  of these sauces I like the effort I like them I   like the afro reel I like the ugly egusi and  I like the Bunga soup I think this one's the   yeah this one's the Bunga soup recommend this  um and the Fufu is better than that about to me   but the EBA is cassava which is better for carbs  so if you're like on a lower carb diet the EBA is   way much better it doesn't taste bad it's just the  Fufu I don't know you gotta smack the FUBU right oh oh so you're done eating   all right so we all done y'all make sure you  guys look at the Subscribe button subscribe   to the channel click the post notification don't  miss out again comment in the comment section what   else y'all want to see you have anything to say to  do before we leave yes what you want to say I do I don't know what you just said oh okay  this is pretty good all right so if y'all   want more JuJu go ahead and check our skit  shadow acting skills because he's incredible   y'all but I was going to leave you guys where  we love you you perfect you're beautiful peace

african instruments

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