Sunday, 19 February 2023

The Elephant's Warning System | Africa's Deadliest

Botswana is home to the largest elephant population in Africa. But here, the lions have turned into elephant killers. This huge lone elephant is under siege. She charges at the lions and trumpets loudly to scare them off. But she also sends out a secret, silent warning of danger to others. Stomping her feet and giving out a low frequency rumble, so low it can not be heard by humans. Together, these sound waves vibrate through the ground up to six miles in all directions. An elephants unusual superpower is that they hear this inaudible warning through their feet. Delicate nerve endings pick up reverberations through the earth, decoding the messages. The message is clear, lions are on the attack. This herd of females with their offspring go on the defense. They hustle the young and vulnerable to the middle of the herd and form a protective wall around them. Any lion will try and separate the mother from their babies for an easy kill. Defiant, they remain still, listening with their feet and trunks for the all clear. The elephants unique early warning system has worked. Danger has been averted..


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