Saturday 20 May 2023

This Businessman from America has built a Multimillion clothes manufacturing Factory in Ghana

my number one weapon Against Racism against culturism and against America it was to outshine them academically and for the record everywhere I've been out and kicked that town from high school to college post College I have made it my number one mission to show you one thing and one thing only you will not degrade me because of my culture or my race my parents I've worked way too hard in life they see me getting emotional now the amount of work that they have done they left me here when I was two years old for me to have a better opportunity and I'll be there if you would ever minimize my Enterprise because of the color of my skin or my culture you have no idea the price I was paying that's why I refuse to be in this culture and be less than my god-given talent I'm saying I was meant to do greatness because my purse paid a price the others wouldn't pay so therefore I should live as others can and that's my motto that's my attitude I'm sorry for getting emotions foreign Belgium all of that to just get here two years later I can say I've made more than thirty two dollars wow hello guys and welcome back again to another amazing episode and this is the diaspora transition episode we speak with diasporane who decided to leave the states Canada and adaptation country to the continent we asked them why did you choose to do that to move to Africa so we you know we dive into their life we see what they are doing here business-wise we speak with them we ask them is it easy living in Ghana so on this episode we do have someone very special and uh you know he's everywhere he's big in uh fashion he decided to establish a man a clothes Manufacturing Company here in Ghana and I have no idea why he decided to do that so we are here with him today and uh to ask him about his journey and why he decided to do that so without further Ado crab are somewhere welcome on the show thank you honored to be here now a lot of people are watching you from a diaspora you know can you briefly introduce yourself who you are and uh for the audience who are watching you for the first time okay uh well my name is I'm a Ghanaian born here I left God when I was seven and I lived 35 years in the U.S mainly in Washington DC sector came out went to college got my degrees in electrical engineering and physics and I came out I attempted to climb the corporate ladder I found out that ladder was leaning against the wrong wall so the entrepreneur in me uh you know kicked in and tried different kinds of businesses and over the course of that journey I started I stumbled upon a business I started called custom looks out of my house in Bowie Maryland at 2005 and you know from there we've grown to opening here in Ghana in 2011 and now having a full Factory where we do suits for the Parliament and different agencies within the Ghana sector as well as the United States wow now you when did you officially decide to move from the states to Ghana uh officially 2011 when I opened the shop I knew at that time if I was going to come here and do business that was what I had to do I had started a business in 2006 and I had a restaurant so from 2006 to 2011 I was in a restaurant business but I wasn't here so the learning cap the learning aspect of that business was knowing the value of being here versus not being here so as I was starting custom looks in the back of my mind I knew that that commitment would have to come so you moved here in 2011 yeah physically 2012.

12. well let's talk about it before you know you decided to leave America behind yeah a lot of Fiverr cans here living on the consent really believe that America and other you know European countries had a place to be in terms of you know trying to succeed America honey right and then you decided to leave and move back to the continent that early in 2011 before Euro for 10 and everything what came what should I get that for you really well a couple of things uh one of the main things was I came in 2005 to Ghana and at the time when we came it was more exploratory we're just just to connect back to my family it was really a one-time trip but when I came the amount of opportunity that we saw I mean you know you hear people in America always talking about get on the ground floor get on the ground floor there's no better ground floor than Africa this is the ground floor yeah I mean so for me 2005 I saw it I was like wait a minute by 2010 1520 they will be coming you know so I saw so much opportunity that uh the entrepreneur I mean just made it an immediate turn it became this is where I need to be and then the work on transitioning is what took about six years you know to get here but in my mind at 2005 I knew that this is where I needed to come periods being ghanaians and then they traveling to the U.S for Greenup pastures yeah and then here you say listen I want to move back to the continent to establish this what were some of the things that they really said to you well you know well my parents they were already retiring you know they were building their beautiful retirement home so I think part of them wanted me here but there was a concern about economic viability right now in America we lived a very good life you know but it was credit you know that's a lot of people understand is credit and the value of your credit worthiness can really dictate you know how you live not necessarily how much money you have and it takes a lot of people some time to really understand what I'm saying about that and in Ghana what I saw was money I saw cash you know I know I have multi-million dollar clients who have never seen a million dollars cash free free they haven't they were familiar but it's in the account it's in uh stock it's in uh uh Bitcoin it's not coming from in Ghana that's a guy sitting here with a case of money with one million dollars guys do you know how much physical space my anxious it takes yes how much height how much depth yes a million dollars is something people in America have no concept I came to Ghana realized it is real and that's what changed the whole aspect of my thinking so my parents they knew the kind of mind that I had that if I was going to come here and light himself on fire because you couldn't come in and be like well I'm in America chasing this dream right and you come to you realize wait a minute the dream in America is go to school get a good job come out get a good education right get a good job and have that white picket fence you know that nice you got your nice house you got your front yard you got your fence and every time you come in you can pull in with your nice little car right and you then your wife says that she greets you with her little apron hi honey give you a kiss little little bit yeah we just call it leave it a beaver your Brady Bunch those American shows I told you this is how nice America is and we all were here in Ghana we saw and was like Wow right we all like we're gonna go there because we're like wow look at that so that dream that we that we went there we did what they said we do what it didn't tell you is when you block you don't get a white picket fence they didn't tell me about it I'm saying they won't tell you that part about it you know being a Ghanaian moving from Ghana to America and then having to deal with you know racism and all this discrimination growing up as a Ghanaian what did that do to you you know living in America well like I've said you know America treated me and I was I was an inferior because at the time Africa as a whole wasn't even taught as as a continent it was just Africa so it's involved someone from Zimbabwe was the same as they gone in someone from Ethiopia was the same there wasn't no East West South Africa it was just Africa and then at the time the only thing you saw in Africa in America was two things there was this show called Tarzan where some white man happened to come to Africa and the Animals there loved him so much that they could listen to him talk but not the Africans who've been with him for a hundred years they don't want to deal with them right so the white man once again has come and has superiorly advanced than us in our own culture and then the other aspect of Africa was this thing called children Christian fund which was a fundraiser designed for kids who were starving so they used to have kids from Ethiopia who were having the famine and that was all people knew about Africa so when you went to America and you said I'm from Africa you were one of them that was it if you were not I'm saying that was the only definition so I was sort of like almost like a toy you know people come to you and poke you like real it's skin yeah not because I was black because I'm from Africa like whereas I did they have the same skin as us Africa was such an unknown besides what America TV gave it so a lot of people weren't even physically interactive with an African you know in the early 80s and and last 70s when my parents went there I mean it was it was unheard of so the treatment was very different what do you mean the treatment I'm talking about treatment I own African-American Brothers live in in America how was it like reacting they were the toughest really yeah yeah because African Americans were already downtrodden all right and now they are trying to move they're trying to escape this image of being primitive of being uh socially inferior then here comes the African boy who has no understanding their culture right you know I come let's go outside I'm wearing Charlie wates they're wearing sneaks Nikes because that's their culture now I look more primitive which is what they're trying to get away from so it's like I'm pulling them backwards so they were the hardest ones to be like they wanted to be like leave us alone and they used to be like they used to beat us up all the time you know I remember the number one saying was African Juju being go home wow what I'm saying because they were like you're we're disgracing them right we didn't understand that language we didn't understand that culture you take a kid like me coming out of Kumasi where the uh the houses there back then were more where the thatched roofs and we didn't have drywall we didn't have cement construction so now you take me to a country and the wall that I'm used to seeing all my life is is orange clearish color now I'm in a place where it's white I'm looking at them what is this I've never the two colors can't even same function but I can't even relate to it because I've never seen it in that context so now you're seen as inferior you're seen as ignorant you know and then there's a huge language barrier you know when I left Ghana no one was teaching English school wasn't tree right so when you get there and you're Americans are you're in class teaches giving instruction you have no idea what's going on I used to sit in class and I would just look to my left to my right they raised their head I raise my hand they put their hand out I put my hand down they grab a pencil I grab the pencil wow they stop moving I stop moving wow because whenever the teacher was saying I couldn't understand wow the English was so fast it was like uh okay yeah okay whatever they do I just do wow yeah but now you know trying to be able to you know build yourself in that kind of society you know at a disadvantage I would say language barrier how did you say you you you overcame that education education what I saw okay that was one day I had a moment when um I was in third grade my first year and the teacher put up the times table she output from 0 to 12 on this side and then you know zero to twelve on this side and it was just you know little squares so I'm sitting there and one person raised the hand I raise my hand she I just that's why there's at least see one person go there she gives them something and he goes like five and five and he puts 25.

Okay she does it again another person goes up there he goes you know four and six you know 24. raise my hand I do it this time she calls me up and I don't even know what's going on you know I'm I'm just following steps so I go there and she's gives it to me and I literally looking at them like okay uh three nine twenty seven and I look at her and she knows like like yeah like you got it and then my mind it clicked oh this is the time table ah zero zeros one two three it is the Ghana in me took over like once I knew what oh this is what we're doing oh this in my mind I was like what Jimmy pie you people are doing this one at a time this thing is small small word and when I turned around the rest of the class looked at me with their mouth open life because up to that moment they've never heard a scene and I was the kid is out of place and that that's when they realized hey this guy is smart the difference is I don't understand your language but do not think my aptitude is less and in that moment I equalized myself and from that moment on I realized that was my number one weapon Against Racism against culturism and against America it was to outshine them academically and for the record everywhere I've been out and kicked that town from high school to college post College I have made it my number one mission to show you one thing and one thing only you will not degrade me because of my culture or my race my parents I've worked way too hard in life and see me getting emotional now the amount of work that they have done they left me here when I was two years old for me to have a better opportunity and I'll be damned if you would ever minimize my Enterprise because of the color of my skin or my culture you have no idea the price I was paid that's why I refuse to be in this culture and be less than my god-given talent I'm saying I was meant to do greatness because my parents this deep guys because I had someone who came to me and she's like listen man the worst racism I've ever received from America didn't even come from the white people no it's my own people who just like me yes they see me to be lower than they are just because I wear like a sample slippers and that wasn't because of you know we gotta be very careful down there because it was it was what America taught when you get to America you have to say America as a system the first day you enter in America it is it's literally having someone in your shoulder saying this hey you see this black American kid he looks like you he talks like you he even has the same hair as you oh but Charlie he no be you you see look at him he's shooting guns he's wearing his pants this way or look at his hair ah you you're from Ghana royal family Ashanti culture this is not you and so the moment as soon as you're at that airport you disconnect oh that's not me so whatever you see him that's he's suffering with you you taught from day one oh that's not you don't let the color not I'm saying fool you that's not you now what you don't know is this now same man that met you there has gone to that same black guy in America hey Charlie you see this African guy ah he's not the same color hair as you he has the same texture I'm saying but he's not you look at him he's swinging on trees look at his stomach he can't feed his people every negative thing about Africa they will tell him so he says I'm not that neither so the moment you land in America you're like this separated you are separated this system is built for separation to get a Visa you're automatically separated so by the time you enter that country you are already in that system how does that put us in economical disadvantage because you see at the Geo Community they are united absolutely and then we are separated because of we can't be and that's why we're being taken advantage of we have no Nation we have no commonality I'm saying am I My Brother's Keeper well who's my brother the definition of even was a brother is dictated by them right we know right now African-Americans who are doing DNA tests who are realizing that their cousins are here there are people coming back and they're looking at you like hey Charlie I know you are my family our last name is said they're giving me some European name but DNA is giving you all these connections and we've seen how we are all linked they've known this for years and their system has been to do once and once and only strippers of it and prevent us from working to get it there's several ways to go about one is economically I'm saying economic empowerment impoverishment is the first way I prevent you from having the means to grow economically so you can educate yourself so that you can decide I want to take a trip to Africa I'm saying more 80 of African Americans stop pretending cannot afford to come to Africa wow really I'm saying they cannot afford they made one in their heart but America has them shoes have them bootstrapped tied because guess what they have to pay mortgage every month they have to pay their car note every month they have to pay their insurance every month they can't even watch DStv unless they pay every month wow so how are you going to have money to say let me go back and learn about my family my history my roots run every month you have to worry about that I got to pay this I gotta pay when do you get a break do you think wow but that's the system this allows me to control you left right left right because you never have time to stop and say oh how do I work on this or where do I go from here you don't have that time and when you live in a murder most people if they're being honest on the first of the month from the first to about the 20th 25th of the month is when you finish paying your bills wow wow you probably got about maybe five to seven days in a month that you can actually think without thinking about paying the bill let me ask you know you knowing who you are knew where you came from from the Ashanti Kingdom knowing you were Royal and you know still finding yourself in an environment that makes you feel like you're trash but you knew who you are what would you say made different in your mindset and then how it contributed to fast forward you being able to independently move to the continent even establish business here because well I think that's what we're parenting even though we lived in America they didn't treat us As Americans the only thing that my parents made sure was make sure that we spoke English you know because they felt that the language barrier was going to dictate our ability to advance which was true so they made sure that we were proficient in the communication but outside of that you know we we were never allowed to forget Ghana right even though America did a very good job of keeping us distant from it America did a very good job of making us feel comfortable enough where we really had no desire to want to even look over here we fell for that you know we fell for the Trap right but my parents I think because they were older they had a stronger connection with their culture they made sure that we didn't 100 integrate and I think that's what allowed us to be able to take I like that now they preached to our brothers and African-American Living in America that don't even dare go to Africa that's malarious and everything and they they sweep their folks in you know you see I mean sorry to say Caucasians everywhere you see them have only most of the businesses here and then it's just like they preached Africa to be a zombie failed to uh that's how America works you know scare tactic right if I don't want you to do something the biggest year is to put fear in you Americans is a master at that when it comes to the race Dynamics with African Americans on one hand America has laws and behavior that let you know that you are a second class citizen I mean the treatment by police armor the laws that this uh proportionality of crime versus blacks versus whites even when when you commit the same crime that the sentence received right you're different so in in that I mean and it's there it's been happening for years generations and we know this however in that mistreatment they still have managed to scare you away from where you could have the correct treatment I mean it's it's a masterful system and to the point where I believe like most African-Americans fear Africa like how slaves feared America wow I'm saying African-Americans I have a mindset like if they come back here they're going to be turned back to time and they're going to be returned to slavery because the first thing you'll see African-American when you send pictures Hey where's the uh have you seen the cheaters Yes yeah how how look listen I lived in Washington DC I lived in Prince George's County which is the most affluent County for African Americans in the whole United States okay I lived there and I was one of the big income earners there too so I I must I I drank with them I partied with them I chilled with them and I dressed them okay and I can tell you there are more people here in Ghana who own their houses have their own deed have their own car and are debt free right in just the small area of East legon than an entire Washington DC metropolitan area wow when when they talk about a country I'll be like are you crazy you stay over here on my street one out of every four cars a luxury car yes but here's the difference it's paid for in Washington DC one out of every four cars is a car note is a card note that's probably suffering behind more than more than 50 percent of that person's salary is that car he looks good but he's suffering he can't do anything else the guy who's driving here in his car that car is already paid for he ball into Dubai I'm saying he's buying real estate he's doing other things so they don't the sense of wealth you don't really have an appreciation understanding for when you using credit as your denominator so when they say you know America say the line of the free and then you know free for what how can you be free in a system that is built on credit Wow Let's go back a little bit you know y'all are bringing how you're able to you know go through the the corporate world in America and even identifying you you try to follow that data you understand why follow the formula they told me the formula to success was go to school get a good education so I did that and then I was told to go out and get a good job I tried that um find out I was in the mood then it was like okay we're gonna go start you know business so that's where I became a business owner and I had tried multiple businesses some did better than others but each one I learned from so then I you know eventually came custom looks I started that and we started doing well and uh we reached a poem I wanted to grow the business you know and America growth means more workers right so and and we have a thing called minimum wage you know which is the minimum you can pay a person so when I looked at my business and what I wanted to do was put together the ability to have more workers and make sure my payroll was insured so I was looking for a business loan or a financing that I would allow me to make sure that as I brought in these new workers I could take care of their salary and that's where I started to realize that the dream was a lie because as I started yeah because I started going to Banks and I had all the credentials we have been business two three years we got three years of tax records we were debt free we were liquid we were you know by the third year we're doing a million dollars in sales wow and I still couldn't get a business loan without certain criterias and terms that made no sense because well they won't say you're black what they were saying is oh well I was punished because I didn't have credit because I didn't have five years of debt you're like well oh you know we see here you don't have too much crowds like yeah I took this loan out it was for five years I paid it in two years you would think they'd be like oh let's give you money because you will pay no wow it was like no no no we want to know that you could pay five six years so essentially what I had to do is they wanted me to go in debt to show that I can I can to prove that I can have debt sustainability because the way the system works is the the money is made on debt it's not made on your profits right so if I'm a bank why not give you a loan the longer you take to pay back that loan the more money you get I'm making so if you're paying back that loan in two years I'm not that happy um because the money isn't in the loan is in the interest and the longer I can collect interest the more I'm making and a lot of people don't know this there's a thing called the rule of 72 right which is you take any interest rate right and divided by 72 so let's say uh you you go to a bank you want a hundred thousand dollars yeah and they're going to give you an 18 interest rate what they're not telling you is in four years if you don't pay it off the hundred thousand the principal will double um and this is how you end up taking a loan and you end up paying 6 10 10 years to get that loan off your sheet wow right and that's what they want because that's 10 years of constant monthly money that I get to chop why would I want you giving money to you when I know in two years you're going to cut off my chopping wow so I was punished for that and that's what really to me was the icing on the cake because I realized that the system was rigged at that moment I realized like wait a minute here's another company a white company right they haven't been in business as long as me they're not made doing a million in sales and they have a they lost a hundred thousand dollars last year you got them alone wait a minute I'm coming here liquid and you won't give me the loan you know so you realize there's a whole different criteria I mean some of it was race 110 had to do with me being African-American and they won't give you the money so they can't say oh it's because you're black so there's other technical terms that's available uh well we don't think you know your your your credit worthiness what's my credit score well that's the problem we don't have too much scores on you yeah I went to college on scholarship I came out of college with no debt I bought my house I paid it I'm saying paid off I went and got a car I paid it off that's what I was taught to live out of debt but that's bad in America that's very bad that's why I like yeah why do you think about it you have athletes American athletes with million dollar contracts who have their houses foreclosed on how you have a contract for 85 million dollars you have a house that's eight million dollars that's 10 of your income why is that not paid why because in America if you pay that house off every year he's going to receive taxes on it which has become a liability so what they do is they don't pay it off because debt America doesn't tax the only tax money that's profit so keep that house as a debt structure so that you don't have to pay tax on it only problem is if you ever lose your money it's gone now it's going to come you never have any house and the right space continues guys we are having a very interesting conversation we are going to dive into his businesses here in Ghana you know why he decided to do the fashion brand here and how it's thriving and also why you know the Western media try to hide the opportunities here on the continent you know from our African-American brothers and why you need to pack your bags and move to the continent absolutely absolutely foreign so well opportunities are here opportunities are bound you know yes Africa is raw and like I've said in America one of the biggest things ever hear is oh this is oversaturated let's get in on the ground floor let's get on the ground floor where there's no better ground floor than Africa right that Africa is a an emerging continent of 54 Nations and none of these nations have reached their level of the g8s so that means there's tons of opportunities here what one person is seeing as a complaint I see as an opportunity I see that somebody's going to come here identify the Consumer complaint and provide a solution to the consumer and will commercialize and make a business out of that I'm saying that's that's waste that's trash well in America there's a guy named Wayne Hacienda who used to own uh the uh dolphins and guess what he became a billionaire with a trash pickup company where the ways that you're seeing here that you're complaining about that's a billion dollar business right there for somebody wow you see so that's what I'm talking about when I say opportunity that you're not seeing in the U.S was such a a an established a community that we don't see things in this raw state right I remember I went to a Brie Botanical Garden yes and I did the tour and when I was there they took us to a tree which was a the nutmeg tree right and it dawned on me like wow nutmeg is a tree because in America we only see nutmeg as a refined powder as a spice so we don't I mean you don't even see it as a nut right so I was like oh Dad it never dawned on me where it came from we just know it that's the first so I mean so here you can come to Ghana and see that nutmeg treatment like wow nutmeg is actually a seed yes and then you see the red seed around it that little red skin you can actually take that red skin and soak it into alcohol dissolve it and guess what that's where they make mace out of and now you can start a mace company right and you can promote yourself as as protection services but this simple nutmeg that you never get to see in the state of America now you just saw two businesses right out of it mace and spices wow you see so that's what I mean by opportunity but you have to be here because you can tell me about botanical gardens there's botanical gardens in America but I don't see them in this state and that's why we say you got to get here to really see it one of the outside person if you come here long enough mother Africa will find you mother Africa will put you where you where where it needs you and where you're going to be the most impactful and nine out of 10 it's probably going to be something different than what you initially came from but people get a little bit scared of losing their money in businesses you know because Africa has no structure and you have to literally you know build the foundation by yourself what's so different between that and real estate what's so different than that than taking um a stock market wrestling you see what I don't what I don't like is people trying to make it feel like Africa should be a guarantee because we are not as advanced I'm saying Africa is no different than any other environment that you go to when you take a stock market in the U.S stock market and you put your ten thousand dollars or 10 million dollars in that stock market the risk factor that you have is greater than the risk factor you're taking here really absolutely look how many people are profitable in the stock market then on top of it add the fact that even if you do become profitable we when you go take that money you have to pay capital gains tax so if you put all that into it and tell me your net return and then say okay let me come here take the same risk ratio put the same amount of time in put the same amount of money and I guarantee your ratio of return would be greater here than that wow but people don't analyze it because they want to go anymore well I'm going to get taken this is going to happen to me you get taken all the time in America when they call you every day and they say oh let's put the stock in this and then our stock doesn't move that stock doesn't crashes right now where's Bitcoin all the Bitcoin you know people I told you run up the Bitcoin where are they right now they're using regular money I don't see them giving up that paper money right but they're telling you sign up for Bitcoin so you'll sign up for you're putting in tens in hoping for our return what I'm telling you is you can come here and put that same money in a physical element not a cyber element not a theoretical element in a physical element and start seeing Returns on your dollar let's give them a free gift what businesses do you think would make some profit it's not guaranteed nothing is guaranteed Industries Industries well I mean real estate is always an industry no matter where you go no matter where you are in the world we don't make any more land so real estate is always going to be there but now for me I'm telling a person education okay Africa is a country is a country of Education we need education in so many sectors when I was in America right it would be 10 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm in the morning and you know what started coming on are you at home we have nothing to do join The vry Institute because at 10 o'clock if you was home watching TV you know what I meant you ain't got no job and since you ain't got no job come over here and go to this Pro technical school and learn a skill and trade right same thing applies to here invest in education because we don't have trade industries that are coming out okay education hour health so you can never go wrong in a health sector right fashion but if anything if I was just say one word independent of Industry manufacturing manufacturing period wow I don't care if it's manufacturing goat milk I don't care if it's manufacturing um shea butter I'm saying but manufacture because we don't do enough manufacturing we are good at the producing of the raw material and then we export it out so the ability to manufacture and develop uh byproducts Refinery type systems that's where you want to put them on that's why you decided to do manufacturing absolutely because I looked at the the space and said Mela all these brothers are walking around and and t-shirts they're walking around in sportswear I see Adidas Puma Nike Converse even the old ones feli right when I was growing up as a kid but guess what none of those are us that's not one African label brand that we are wearing why so we ought to disturb that market space we ought to make it we ought to say look you know what let's make it an option available that's all I'm saying I'm not saying mine is better than Nike no by no means but what I'm saying is why don't one of us have it Nike's got Michael Jordan but they still underneath Nike yeah you see so they're using our image our likeness our culture but it's done underneath their brain so our money goes to them no matter what why is it that we're not here why can't Kanye why can't Michael Jordan come over here and work with a shoe production factory outfit and that they can make their shoes why can't the Kanye designs be made here most of these companies don't own their factories Nike has over 1100 factories I guarantee they don't own 200 of them so that's about 800 plus float now that it is a contractual situation that I have wow so why don't we have some here on the continent if if Kanye is watching this video and you have a message to him directly give your brothers a shot you see the one thing about this is I'm not looking for a handout that's the I see to me that's one of the things I'm very big on don't dare thing because I'm African I need a handout if anything you need to hand out my people want America before you the intelligence of my people was what you learned Europe wasn't trash until the Morris came and taught them civilization you say how to Bath how to farm and aqueducts okay they were living in caves as animals don't ever forget they're rich of my history right now in America your greatest architects Grand Canyons you have eat you have Egyptian hieroglyphs and tunes of my black Nubian race and Heritage there I don't need your handout all I need you to do is give me an opportunity that's all so if you're listening to me whether you are Kanye whoever you are is simple give me an opportunity before you say I'm going to give this to this race look to your race and say yo is there anybody here that can do this that's all they don't believe we do have what it takes to do because we don't believe in ourselves but that's the system that was brought the system was designed for us to not believe in us to not to trust ourselves and this is what we have to stop we have to break you see you have a company that will come to me right now and say well your track suit is nice but my Nike tracksuit is better well give me 50 billion dollars give me 1100 factories I'm saying and give me 50 years in business and tell me if I would not have a better product than Nike but I am 10 years in business I am not even at 10 million dollars I'm not even at two two factories and I can still produce a garment that at least 60 percent will compare equal or better than this company wow now what if you decided to give me the same shot what if you decide to give the next Black company the same shot one of the biggest problems we have is we think that black company ought to be at the level of the white company where was Volkswagen years ago when their cars were flipping and the bug was was was was burning up Suzuki used to flip over as a samurai I'm saying there was a car called Datsun that was so terrible we used to call it die soon and they switched their name to Nissan like crazy but what I'm saying is this guess what they're Chinese they're Asian they invested I come they stood with that company they said hey we have problems we're going to keep working on it we as Africans one mistake bye I'm gone I'm gonna go to the white man that white man is a hundred years ahead of your brother wow I'm saying be fair in your judgment the criteria that you've been used to define success it's not even dictated by you it is dictated by him and it is tilted to his scale wow so be fair go go to me right now go find Nike go find Adidas 10 years in the game and see what they were making and see what I'm making and tell me I am not a better product than they are tell me we need to believe in ourselves as black people support each other someone told me a lesson you go into a wide you know you know patronizing the white you're putting your own self as a Justice or disservice is that the right word to use so example you patronizing like you you putting your money into this white businesses and they're putting yourself as a disadvant Advantage I think we all support a white business because when you buy a city it gets converted to pay bills from the government into Dollars which is going to a foreign company so let's stop this nonsense of we're not supporting white we're not supporting China we're not supporting you're supporting it by default because you don't have the ownership of the original component our own money is not our money it's the usage of that money that we have but the print and ownership of that money even the Ghana government does not own that so let's stop the narrative these things are nothing more than distractions some Decor issue the core issue is this the only way in which my brother will move up is if I am willing to help him push up it is irrelevant on the money aspect it is irrelevant on the wealth aspect because those things they're way ahead of us but they're built their wealth doing that the problem is this we want to get to that wealth but we won't do what they did we think we can shirk it we think we can just jump over it look man you go to a Jewish community they buy Jewish items here in Ghana you go to a Lebanese restaurant you're gonna see Lebanese people they go by every every Lebanese businesses they know each other they hang amongst them they talk to you they do business with each other here you have two people complaining myself maybe every knee and they fight over bancu and and instead of trying to do business I'm saying one of the problems is they have gotten us to understand this we as Africans would rather be right than be successful wow pride comes before the fall listen to me when I tell you this there's no pride in poverty wow if you have to go beg for something there's no pride in it we would rather be right than to be successful hey the way to do is this way if you're not going to do it my way then I'm not going to come help you I'm not going to put any effort in I'm going to stand here and good luck I hope you can do it on your own because you refuse to do it my way I'd rather be right to have my brother move to the top because if my brother moves to the top not doing them my way I don't get any shine so instead I would rather work against my brother I would rather pray against him I would rather do everything but say okay you know what let me support you anyway because it's more important that somebody gets to that level we don't see that we don't see the value someone has to be on that level one of us somehow instead we rather no no you have to get that this way my way you look at the Ghana government right now we just went to the IMF and borrowed what 1.7 billion yeah okay and I'm gonna tell you this right now speaking of parliament just met with him Deputy speaker I'm saying these are my guys vice president all wearing my designs the dumbest thing was that because 1.7 billion that you took out this is exactly what I mean by us being prideful but not necessarily successfully minded we took 1.7 billion which now has aggregated to new taxes is going to is going to cause higher standard living for Ghana more expenses more bills right now as we're doing that Ghana could be cultivating marijuana dispensaries distribution don't even have dispensaries in a country just grow it cultivate it and sell it to all of these countries in America who have dispensers and I guarantee that annual return on that is over 1.7 billion you would never need to go kiss the hand of the IMF but they bring the Farmstead but you know what we would rather be prideful pride pride in is something that could take us out of poverty but rather stay in poverty to say well I don't mess with drugs I don't mess with weed but they're over there using it and cashing they're making profit but they're telling you it's wrong it's bad you don't get this you don't see them they're making money hand over fist over here but we are over here on our pride no no no in our culture we don't do weed but yet you can't eat your child right here is starving you are starving you can't pay your electricity you can't keep your lights on but you have the pride to know we don't deal in weed we are not drug dealers let everybody else is making their money hand over fence that is what I mean by you rather be right than success are we really free as black people no because of one thing we don't control our money look at Ghana we're the Gold Coast okay which means do your opinions came here and enslaved this audience for gold we don't have a gold Reserve how so how can we control our own money when we don't have our own reserve of gold to back our own dollar so therefore we back it up with the U.S dollar and then the U.S can dictate the value at any time I'm coming to Ghana we need to pay some bills oop let's make the dollar this value so we can pay it there oh we paid our bills bring the dollar down here now it's a game because we have no backing our leaders have decided to pocket themselves instead of putting together systems and processes they're going to win you brought in Volkswagen you've brought in um what's the other car dealer um Toyota okay no problem you've got your own one kantanka how much money have you invested into time contact let's not even talk about that right but even still you brought these companies tell me tell me where in the agreement that it says x amount of workers must be indigenous ghanaians who interested if you don't how how will your people move how do we become economically free as Africans and ghanaians well one of the first things is we have to realize that the only people that are going to have our back is the African-Americans wow you see that that that's the that's the Synergy that we have got to understand we have got to go get our cousins our siblings because that's the only hope we have if you don't believe me let's talk about it has China and I've been to Africa yes has American I've been to Africa has Europe Dutch has not every nation every race been to Africa and what have they done they have come and they have gone back yes everything that you do with them they take back eventually to that nation and prosper their people they've come now we're taking our cocoa taking her to China and our China is growing cocoa all over the place right the African-American has no Nation he has no home this is his home that's your only hope for economic viability which is why it's very important that we grow with the diaspora because they're the only one that can come here put money in you and not take it anywhere they have nowhere to take it to you so guess what they do when they come here they leave it here and we have got to find ways to continue to build that bridge such that more of our brothers and sisters are become more awoke and trust me it is a heck of a fight because that American system is strong it's strong African-American look into my eyes since like listen I'm I am an African exactly I'm black you African so and the ignorance of it the ignorance I have to say do you understand that an African is far superior to Black you know I'm saying I mean do you understand that the cultural disconnect but that's the system they don't teach African history how do you break free with this mindset how do we break free by continuing to succeed I would say success is the greatest Revenge we have to succeed we have to succeed by pulling ourselves up as we go along wow it's a to come here and become a millionaire but the next guy in or the next brother and sister isn't coming behind us you've done enough oh you made money for yourself but has the culture Advanced no I was in the culture has in advance let's talk about you know African-Americans little numbers are moving in you know to Ghana and other part of Africa you know we want more numbers to come in but I have someone who came to me like have you thought about the gentrification that is going to happen if these people with high extended of living moving to societies with you know let's talk about a little bit of what it does I mean we've talked about the pros we know what it will do to us economically but what about the cons of you know people being not able to live among us if we sweeping with this entire money what part of that is we we the ghanaians that the indigenous people of the of the country it is important that we are airtight in our culture because don't be seduced right you're seduce when you don't understand the value of what you have it's easily seduce and bring hip-hop here because that's Jay-Z that's Beyonce that's the Rihanna's I'm saying that's seduction but we are an afro-beach culture yeah so make sure your afrobeat culture is never forgotten raise it says that the new incomers understand that this is what is the standard the most important thing is knowing your own thing at the end of the day we have to have our standards because then we don't get confused with other standards but that's the problem right now because we're in a in a state of I need this we're willing to not stand strong on our principles we're not going to stand strong on our character points a per and that's what I can definitely say about America that they're smarter any man in debt can never be a free man wow I'm saying because you have to be mindful of the debt that you owe so you can't say certain things you can't do certain things you can't move certain things this is why it's very important of you I be careful how our government our country move because we're in debt we can't do certain things you can't say and be like I don't want this nah man you oh so now you got to be quiet right so we have to get our people here raise them up give them economic viability so that when uh outside is coming they don't feel like oh because I have the value of the American dollar or I have the value of credit I'm superior to you man that's a very very um dangerous thing because most of us have that myself when I came from America there was a sense of superiority really yes because America made you feel like look 25 years in America my first day in God they put me in a guest house I had no hot water and I was taking a shower in a bucket I was like I was like hell to the hills now I was like man what somebody I was ready to go back to America like what what is this I've been I'm used to taking my bubble bath I'm saying spring shower and all that like Irish Spring and you got me here with what yeah you know I had someone who sent me a message that he chewed their family they are retired and they want to move to Africa but I wouldn't ask is there cockroaches in Africa is that cockroaches in America there's more cockroaches in America there's nothing that is not me right when we we people like you programs like this are the Avenues I'm saying because it's a lot it's a lot of people to see insights that the mainstream media would not put out there saying they would not show certain character points about Africa because the narrative isn't to the advantage I mean so when you say how do we break these things success we have to create our own successes and then we have to publish our successes I'm saying software individuals like you are except the media right and we know that those big media companies they have their agenda you guys are the important because you're the ones that carrying the message there's people in America that's seeing this message that the mainstream media wouldn't would never let them I'm saying so if you're asking me how do we gain independence hey we create our own successes and B we tell our success stories wow if you do have a an advice for someone who is almost convinced to move to the continent to invest to bring money from the states to establish something here what would that advice be there's no free lunch um I'm saying there's no free lunch in life I've said it don't think if okay when I had to go to college right we we it was a there was like a formula I said okay if you were taking 15 semester credits right you you had to basically make sure you had 15 hours of studying time during the week right to cover those credits there's like a ratio to it and and people have a mistake to think well okay I'm gonna go to Ghana they don't speak English that much they don't do this so instead of me having to put in the 15 hours a week since it's gonna I can go there and get 15 credits but I'm only going to put in 10 hours that right there is the biggest mistake and that's what's going to Doom you if anything you better be ready to come in here and say I gotta do 15 hours of credit I'm gonna put in 20.


and if you have that kind of mindset you'll you'll succeed but it's the guy who's trying to shirk who's trying to find a cut around the corner who's trying to bend success success in Africa is no different than success in America I I've climbed the ladder there I've climbed the ladder here and I can tell you the same habits that I had to do in America is the same habits that I have to do here I'm saying I don't I can't afford to say oh no Ghana now the only the difference is this I have a lot more to show for it I'm saying I did the same thing but I got a heck of a lot more to show for it you know so that's the main thing I like that now you're able to convince your son to come to the continuity yeah you know and and that probably was one of the greatest accomplishments you know as a businessman that I can have you know to know that my son without any you know uh on his own you know it wasn't any prompting on his own looked at the landscape and decided like hey you know what I think I have a a good economic future and he's come here and now you know he is uh running the business come on over here man listen come on over here come into the camera that's on the chat so have a seat here let's pull a chair for you what is your name great man I was having a conversation with your dad I'm like how did he convince you to move to the continent with him to you know to to help with the business and and things like that well I think uh actually I think this is a story that a lot of people can relate to when they come here to Ghana or even Africa I felt like the situation was more given to me it was just uh me moving through life a lot of the situations that came up before I was working at a fast food restaurant it was known as Little Caesars in the states we don't have a Little Caesars here but I I was just working there I was making four hundred eighty dollars a month just four hundred eighty dollars a month yes a month not even two weekly bi-weekly right a month yeah wow and mind you I was working harder than a lot of the managers there I was running I remember there was a day we had there was only two people on ship that's a run I had to carry out food for the people I had to take orders my year was a Friday group and all of those things so just I remember being beat up at work and one day I just was talking on I don't really know what I want to do if this is for you yeah and she was just like well you got two options you know my mom was very uh straightforward like that she said either you can go to Africa like you've always been talking about you know your father is there and you could go visit there for a summer or you could go to the military I had dreads at the time so okay to be honest I didn't want to lose my beautiful locks I didn't I was like no I took too long for this so when and I just had a conversation with my dad you know at the time uh we didn't really have contact like that but uh I just had a conversation I sat there as an adult and just said hey you know what this is my time I want to come here I want to see what I can do you know just let's see let's go from there when I came I had okay please don't do what I do go and research look up the top 10 sites you should visit on Ghana don't just come here like how I came here with 32 32.

24 cents I'll remember it wow I'll remember every day I was on the plate I remember telling my people all right I'll see you with those 32 dollars that's getting 30 because I spent money in Belgium on a playway all of that to just get here uh two years later I can say I have made more than 32 dollars wow yeah thank God you know this is a beautiful story see you sit next to your father who have you know it's ancestral route from Kumasi noong who he is and telling you about Africa fast forward you've seen yourself working in McDonald's you couldn't fit it it's like it was like what am I doing yeah and then please go ahead it was um it was it was felt like a trick if on this part of the interview he said that uh America would like it would make you feel a certain way it is true my name is there was no lying and be like oh no my name is Bill when I was growing up so I could pretend to be white or like just a regular African-American I was African and African juju bean African booty scratcher in 2014 when Ebola came I remember I was teased for it mercifully it was bad oh yeah by who oh African-Americans look Caucasian people they do what they say but African Americans that they're back because for them not their bad but the mentality of how they tease you is worse because it is a lot of psychology hallelujah it's not necessarily how black are you are you black enough okay you're you're African that's cool yeah you're black but are you black like me you don't even speak like me you don't have my you don't talk the yo what's up cuz yeah how you feeling you know what I'm saying even I lived in uh Brandywine Maryland that was the DMV area my mom raised me to be affluent have a good voice have a good speech and when I go places correct yourself be in a position that you can get a job anywhere you go by just you're speaking voice I was I would make fun of for that wow growing up and then oh that's how you African speak I can tell you because the way you speak I'm like how is the way I speak I grew up with every single TV you had I grew up with all the same video games I grew up at the same times we watched the same football events together at the same time so how am I so different from you so like this weird different diversion as an African wow you know I'm half African half Jamaican so how am I different than you in that way when your ancestors just came from Africa it came from this is good there's a disconnect this deep now you know you would be seen next to your father and seeing this business where seeing the impact he's doing on that he's making on a constant where he presented you know a whole shirt to the vice president and then even the president of Ghana you know soon and seeing these things happen and knowing that yes your dad is you know it's a family business and this the impact is making and you working at McDonald's it didn't synchronize isn't it no no but I always knew that it was it would come down to this because you know it's funny even our people here I love them dear you know but they weren't there back in 2010 before he left to America where we had fashion gathers people don't remember back then when we were setting out places we were having events and it was me and my older brother who were standing there and closed that we had made from him passing out cars hungry as all guys seven years old nine years old and we were passing out meeting people oh hi how are you doing right all of these skills that I did not know I would do the exact same thing like 10 to 12 years later but at such a different degree in scale let me ask you you grew up differently Living in America is it seemed to be the paradise you know you have the hot water and then you know your dad want her to shower in the back of what an appeal in this hotel you moved here you know leaving the paradise so-called Paradise coming to Ghana how did you manifest you know your way through and living you know comfortably and did you even go to the point where you felt like I couldn't live in country I had to go back to America okay well that that is a great question um I would like to share this uh my upbringing was a little bit different I grew up on a beautiful land in Brandywine Maryland that was 17 Acres of walkable and 32 Acres circumference we had Hills long valleys horse sheds chicken coops chicken farms we've had Creeks we were under power lines we were I had land that was so beautiful if only you could see it I promise you you would it would bring you to tears and it was all owned by this man am I my wow and growing up on that land it was beautiful but I had no neighbors and so I didn't actually have uh someone to bounce yeah and I didn't even have that and when I was raised I didn't have people to bounce ideologies off so for me I was always okay with just being hearing myself being okay with hey if this is what you're thinking this is who else do you have to kind of go off I had my brother and then my sister came and that was the three of us so for me uh just being able to be being in that environment I would say devoid of the the the common love that I would say people would get from being in America I'm hanging out with my homies with down the block I didn't have that so when I'm here and we're walking barefoot I walk Barefoot on my place like to the point where sometimes I'm like ah this is not new yeah yeah so I've been in some of the lower situations in Ghana I've been out in the village for a month a month and a half like we were eating we were eating Gary and till sardines I tell you we're eating King K and red pepper but that that was only telling me at that point this is where I need to eat because that wasn't a moment of loss or being uncomfortable that was a moment of learning because I was here to stay if I was here to go then it would be uncomfortable I would have went but I said I like that now I'm talking about I'll bring it he said your parents did that for you and I'm in here and he said well he said I'm like you've done a really great job because I had other African parents where their children would come to them that actually I wanted to move to the continent you know try to you know see what it's like that's where we came from I want to touch the business with the continent and they are family we tell them don't go your families are witches Yeah by four yeah yeah and and that takes them away from you know tapping into the verses and opportunities here in on the continent once again that has to do with the system you know I mean is the programming the condition that Americans could seduce you you know I think we were just lucky that even though we were successful our parents you know did not allow that seduction to you know overcome us um you know they always make sure we knew that we're not one of them you know you are a refugee no matter how much the indoctrinate you they let you feel you are a refugee you know you came here as an immigrant and don't forget that wow and I could say both of my parents were immigrants my mom was from Jamaica moved to uh America when she was father my father he moved when he was seven seven yeah seven so age age-wise it's the same for me my basis of growing up has been I was raised in a Jamaican household I know Patois I hear Pacho even when I speak sometimes Pacho comes out yeah so those uh indications of you know living living like that you know growing up let's dive a little bit you know friends his friends like he said you didn't have that friends I'm not sure if you do it but you know coming to Africa did you even have them tell you what are you going to do yeah bring me back a goat you'll be surprised about how many like now here like kind of racist things people were saying like oh am I gonna ride a hippo I'm like we don't people hippos who do I have like do slash we don't like have those Edibles I used to think it is a joke but actually people admit it because that's you know the visual impact that they may have of Africa you know that's it wow and and you you understand it is still hard for people to understand that Africa is 54 Nations you know um in most people's eyes I think we're just one homogeneous area and and if you see gazelles running in the certain you know Serengeti I said I cry you know wow were you the the first time you touched down in Ghana Africa what was your reaction oh um being in the airport right because it was during covet time right they had us always there it was like an hour of money I'm just going through it I didn't really think of anything while I was in the airport I think it was when I came out of it uh I first saw my my father my brother Isaac and my uncle Morris those were the first three people who ever greeted me in Ghana you know and my first reaction was damn man you short because I was like nah and I intervened so I was like Mama I'm like oh man but when I was just here I would I just say I could remember the smell and that's something that really like it sounds weird but when you hear sometimes and you just walk you can't just smell like that first time you were here like how the country first smelled how fresh everything was it just takes you back to that time just remember like okay I was I came during night so I didn't really know the street I was on and the same street I drive down now it's like when I first saw it I couldn't it just it didn't make sense to me so yeah did you see people living on trees when you came together no but it's funny if you go to like somewhere like Jamaica you'd be surprised how very similar Jamaica is like if you've been like to any other Island Place yo like the struggles the situations a lot of those countries deal with especially being water a lot or even being around those hot areas a lot of those things are here and gone as soon as you can accept those when you go to Cancun for the summer or for a spring break you can come here for five days and experience that now let me ask you why did you support because a lot of people try to move away from their family business so they mean inherit some businesses that their parents are what made you want to really do it though because and stuff I I know people who naturally move away from their family business because whatever the reason is but you try to you know follow his footsteps in the world what really made you want to do that well first I'm going to shine too so shanties we always push forward we always try to outdo what everyone's established she's giving to us uh two I believe that it was a challenge I had seen from when I was very young you know that we have it here there's a card with my dad and Obama and that's the iconic photo and so anytime like I've had people so this is what you want to do you want to are you sure you want to take up this and I'm like who are you gonna tell me how long I wanted this do people know when I was back in back in 2005 I was three point three and a half years old I wasn't even four at the time that people don't know that when I got accustomed back in this business we were there in Springfield watching himself I remember the first time we saw him at his shop he had broken his finger yes but like I just remember these small things that that people won't know because they weren't there at the time I love you guys if you're seeing it here now but this has been 17 years in work and you don't think for 17 years that oh I just saw this and I was like well champ yeah no and also like I've had someone say this oh why do you want to do this it is the reason why I'm making money it makes money so me I will do it it's like I'm not gonna go and give my my time and energy to a little Caesar respectfully and be a manager there I could be a manager here and all of the money all of the game all of the things go back to me we went to Parliament the people who are taking photos was the part I'm doing I know the part I play I don't need to always be on the camera I don't need to be there but if he's going to get the contract and I'm here making sure the work is managed that's more than I said if you feel like you're making more impact here on the continent than you were in in the state I believe confidently without a doubt I'm not hearing God that I have ever made in my life I like that I believe that I will continue to do so and that it will be exponential and that this will only be a foot mark send a message to your friends who thought you'd be living on trees okay excellent you see you've seen exactly what has happened seen what I've tried to do I'm only asking you to come with an open mind nothing that you're going to experience we all flew 5000 miles to get here if we're coming from America we all flew we all had been on the same trips probably you sat with someone who had some Fufu Kincaid and a bag in their hand yeah you were probably sitting next to somebody speaking treatment on the flight back we know there's struggles that come here we know the bulk drivers don't always come here on time they get laws that oh boss where are you going ah there's all these small things we know but we know them so if you come and you just need help and your guidance we are here to help you we're here to support you because yes he's a business owner I'm here I'm trying to learn achieve that but that doesn't mean that we're not people that we're not people like you who have those same experiences so if anything you're invited you're invited to come here to custom looks and just talk we want to talk we want to hear your story so if you're not only my friend his friend your friend a friend out there anyone who wants to meet up and be friends here on the continent we welcome we want to see you here that's really what we wanted I like that we're almost at the end of the conversation I'm enjoying this this is absolutely amazing I'm really proud of what you're doing here in the business that you've established here in Ghana um you've worked with a lot of you know football I see the Ghana Football what are some of the clients you've had over the years you know since you established this album well I mean individually I I even lose track my science always tell me about that um I mean well as a business we try to you know have a core area right um I believe in a three piece you know that the professionals the pastors and the politicians you know because when we start those are the people that wore our product so we we galvanized ourselves in that area now you know I I was I I teach my my sons people do business with people who they have relationships with saying you know simple as that so in Africa the biggest thing you can do is build relationships you know because those dynamics mean more to a person than seeing a TV commercial I mean I haven't turned a commercial right so because of that you know going out meeting people the right people let them know who you are what you're trying to do you know and and I think what has helped others people know my heart you know I was very successful in America I was chilling you know I'm saying I I could have been sitting in my hot tub for the rest of my life you know but I decided to come because I needed to make a difference you know um and Rising tide raises our ships and and me being successful is great but he being successful Smith over here being successful and boys back here being successful hajira back there I'm saying even oseman and his silliness very successful that means more to me because I've already reached a point where I can die with a smile on my face but the smog is bigger when I see them enjoying some of the things that they may not be have had the opportunity to okay how long have you been working um so what what is what are you doing right now okay so I'm doing this time brother okay yeah can you tell me you know how is it like working with Mr Club um I've worked couple of places right in I've been here for two years I experienced a lot here like you know this important thing I saw that's what I I learned I keep quotes I've been here for two years and I learned a lot I've never experienced this thing very much yes I learned it here and with Aquarius I would say it's a very grateful man I've never met a man like him before that's to me okay yes wow so you've done a lot too if it's not because of here you would have never used this version before yes so you've learned a lot I've learned a lot my name is Ambrose yeah how long have you been working I'm working with custom look CCS now six years now how's it been like working with you for what oh it was it was the advantage the advantage it was like yeah we are like a family you know a worker in others place before I was here but in a way they treat people it was very bad but here we are like a family so we are home what have you learned you know over the years oh I learned more things more things in fashion we learned different place before we come but yeah we learn more so what is your name how long have you been working yeah yeah now before working with this company what were you doing so I just finished learning the way and I start here to work with um it's somehow cool somehow cool but you know what sometimes somehow stressful but it's part of the work would you say you've learned something new working yes please yes because this is my first time so first time to get this opportunity good one so that is what's fueling us and we believe that we can help more you know we can continue to provide more the the one thing I will say you know America say what you want to say but America isn't Industries you have company people who have worked 40 years 50 years have retired have a solid pension and able to live a good afterlife we want to be able to do that for our people too and say I look forward to the day that they could say oh you know I've been with this company 20 years and when I first came I was here and I they have a house they have their family they're taking and they know that this industry working for this company putting a commitment and being part of this Vision that we have has awarded them with a lifestyle that is quality and they can take care of their kids and everything else and that's what we want to build that's what we're trying to interject and uh you know we're family here I'm saying like you saw me correct all night like one of my sons here right and there's always that knucklehead son that you have to go right that's him right but it's it's and it's very because it's different in the west we're capitalistic so everything is made on Capital well this person caused the business this much he has to go I'm saying and it's you know you can run that but here yeah he cost us this much but there's going to be that day he's going to come through for you over and above I'm saying then then it's like uh okay I'm saying offset that girl with the bad and that's how you deal right because our people work from their heart right we don't have enough no they're not lazy they work from their heart so if you can't get them passionate don't don't confuse lack of passion with lack of work I'm saying everybody moves on enthusiasm if I'm not motivated a person is not going to do the job man you're saying they're lazy not necessarily laziness is what is the prize for that work is not motivational you know so you got to find ways that's means maybe hip pain a better salary you know maybe you have a better work conditions such that the person feels that it's a better situation for them I like that now listen if I don't message you all brothers and sisters in the dash for watching us our final message to them well my final message my sisters and brothers in their diaspora there's always the same message come come come you know you have to see things for yourself but I think the most important thing is you have to understand your roots you know a lot of African-Americans are confused they're confused because you grew up in an environment that was designed to not answer questions but to indoctrinate you with a certain philosophy independent of your question there are so many things that I lived in America that I didn't understand because you know what's interesting is even though I was gone in I too was stripped of my culture so I went down seven I'm saying so it's not like I I thoroughly understood my culture at seven years old so I I got stripped of it because from seven o'clock from seven years old I started learning America and so by the time 25 years Kevin my parents said come back I was like nah my first day back and I was like no no hot water and and bucket I don't know because this tripped me so for me I had to come back and re-relearn my culture accept certain things and one of the things I can definitely say is our people work with their heart and and I think as a diaspora if you were to come here what you're going to see something that is miraculous miraculous and we can describe it all we want but you don't you you just have to do it for yourself because it's an intangible feeling here's that feeling no matter where you go as an African-American in the world Africa is the only place where your subconscious can relax anywhere in the world that you go if you are an African of African descent you will your subconscious must be on alert because that's Africa is the only place where your subconscious can take a break because the moment you land on this continent your subconscious says Ah this is what and that's why you get that magical feeling you get that connection why can't you shake it off we go to Jamaica and we go right back to work we go to Mexico we're right back to work we'll go to Nassau we'll go right back to work we'll go to Europe we'll go right back to work we'll come to Africa we can't shake it off and you don't understand that's because that's your spirit that's the ancestors all of those innate abilities that in you that the system has tried to put to rest made you forget when you come here your subconscious connects to it again and it's just a different level of bonding and connection I'm saying I I describe I've been trying to describe it for since 2005 to everybody and what I can tell you is a hundred ten percent those who finally make and have enough Faith to come they don't they you know what they say to me I wish I would have listened to you earlier that's not been one person though I wish man because I can't describe that to you you just got to know your subconscious will have a connection that you've never had in your life so they should come home you should come home saying I agree all right we'll message you out for the dash friends not only to come home but learn your home you know this is very important uh respectfully if you continue to be an American here in Ghana Ghana will weed you out because Ghana is made for ghanaians as much as you want to be American and yeah man you're gonna establish this and we're going to do it at this pace we're gonna do it look at this I make I do music production um so we have something at Tempo in America we run at 120 Tempo every day one here in Ghana we run at 80 so it's fine our work gets done and our work gets done at a certain Pace right it isn't any less efficient in your work in a way it's just done differently until you really accept that and say you know what let me play on a slower Rhythm right but one thing they don't realize is 120 can fit into 80.

The beats are the same if you just add more so if you learn more you do more that same productivity and that same level of oh I'm up doing this you can have in God all of this energy that you had if you had a nine to five and you're here now in Ghana you have time on your hands just just go around read the streets go find Town go sit at a pub where people are speaking nothing but treat and you don't know a single word and just sit there and if you don't know something ask because it's never about uh just like yeah you should come here you'll have that relief in that stress but how to keep it and how to stay here and be connected is finding your peace what have what what is going to bring you back because at one point or another especially if you have family a job business you're going to have to go back maybe for some time or maybe an extended amount of time but what will bring you back what is your thing that will bring you back whether that be business a friend or even a girl you met you say oh this girl's love my life you still want to go back sunshine it's all there but you need to kind of experience that you can get that in other places but I think again the level of Freedom knowing that this is where you are even if you're not from Ghana you are on the motherland so one way or another that Journey you'll keep on finding that direction you may be all the way down in South America maybe where you're from you didn't know she'll find out one way or another but you do have to make this I like that guys thank you so much for giving me this amazing uh interview having this conversation it really means a lot to me thank you so much thank you and uh guys if you did enjoy this episode please go check them out they are doing huge here on the content I'm going to leave every single information in the description contact them your church you have an organization you're moving to Ghana but you want your chair to be customized you are traveling tour anything you can possibly think of when it comes to Fashion that the people you need to contact so you know check them out and uh yeah without further Ado guys let's say bye today all right bye-bye peace out I'm guava Samoa and I'm a doom of someone and you are watching web Nation Africa

african instruments

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