Sunday 25 December 2022

A Peaceful Day in the Bush with the Herd | Day 2 of Trails for Trunks

Good morning, Joshua. Good morning. Are you ready today for Trails for Trunks? Yes, I am ready for Trails for Trunks this morning. All right, let's go. How are you? My name is Blessmore. We have got Chriswell. Now we are going to take the elephants out to the bush. So we are going to walk with the elephants. They are all feeding, they are enjoying the benefit of the day. And today we might walk up to three kilometres away from us, because elephants they are not territorial, they are home range. The more they get less food, the more they can walk for some long distances. So there we go. Trails for Trunks. We're doing it for World Elephant Day over the weekend of the 12th to 14th, it's throughout the whole weekend, so you can choose which day. So you can still do it. We are doing it on Saturday for World Elephant Day on the 12th for elephant awareness. And this is HERD elephants. Meisiekind, waar's jy? Kom, meisiekind. Good day, everyone. We are raising awareness for elephants for World Elephant Day.

So what we're doing is we are walking with the elephants. So we challenge you to walk with us and to participate in this event. If we can walk 10k, you can do more. So you can swim, you can cycle, you can walk, or you can run. Whichever you would like to do. Thank you. And she looks like Pisa. And look who's coming. We've got someone following us.


This is Sebakwe. Hi, my boy. And then we've got Mambo. Mambo and Lundi are here. Who's that one behind? I see someone is throwing dust. Hey, my boy. Hey, Sebakwe. You can just see Sebakwe is huge. He's really big. I think he's in his prime now. Jabu coming up at the front. There's Somopane. Hey, Jabu. Hey, my boy. Hey, Jabu. That's Somopane. We've got Bubi over here. That's Fish. Hello, Bubi..

African instruments here

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