Tuesday 31 January 2023

A Nigerian fashionista at Lagos Fashion Week


Hi Metropolis viewers! My name is Omi, and welcome to Lagos. As some of you may know, Nigeria is not the most rewarding to individuality. It's a bit like the saying you have in the Netherlands: "Just act normal, that's already crazy enough." But more and more people in Nigeria, not afraid to be themselves. They celebrate their individuality through their fashion. Uche is one of them. Let's go meet him. My style is very... non judgmental. And... experimental as well. I am very rebellious. I mean, what people say I can't wear... is what I want to wear. In this part of the world, there is this stereotyped idea... of what men should wear. Or how they express or how they want to dress. <Stuff like that. So I'm always -not consciously- but because it's just what I do...

At the end of the day I am always rebelling... against that idea, or that belief. I mean, this is what I want to do, so... This is what I will do. If people say: 'You can't wear this'... or: 'You're doing too much'. I mean that's like very... the opposite of what being African means. Because Africans, I mean, original Africans... in their original sense, we are very expressive. A lot of things were not based on gender... It is based on energy. What energy you exhibit. I'm wearing me. He is wearing him! Africans in general, and Nigerians as well...

Are more like show-offs. For very little events... they want to out-dress everyone. They are not really worried about the weather. They are not really worried about the occasion. If they have it, they are going to wear it. Now the whole society wants us to conform to something. And be a certain way... and it's just so... It is so blatant here. In this part of the world. But I am very grateful that more people are beginning to break that barrier. O my god, you made it? I designed this outfit. I designed this entire outfit. And I had some help making it... I think everything was put together in two days. I create most of my looks from scratch. Even the detail here, the rings and all that. So I'm pretty much my own stylist. Tonight is the finale of the final showday... of Lagos Fashion and Design Week. It's a very packed show today. There is Sisiano, there is I.AM.ISIGO.


Orange Culture. The expectations are just off the roof this evening. I'm walking for Orange Culture. He is the last designer of the list. He's closing the entire show. I guess that's a big deal. And to be in that show... is even a bigger deal for me. I have a voice. It may not be that big... Probably not everyone is listening... But someone is listening. This is like a generation of change. And I guess that in the next fifty years, or hundred years... We will be battling something way different, because there's always something to battle in every generation.

But hopefully it's not going to be gender identity... or something like that. Uche is part of a generation of change. He is showing that fashion can be a celebration of individuality. Thanks for watching the video. Don't forget to leave your comments below. Bye Metropolis viewers!.

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