Sunday 22 January 2023

Cute Baby Elephant Orphans Raised By British Students

COMM: For an abandoned elephant calf the world can be a scary place. But lucky for Fiela, an eight-week-old orphan, These British elephant nannies are providing round-the-clock care. COMM: Abigail Hearn, Melissa Dora, Lisa Olivier and Paige White take it in turns to look after the vulnerable youngster at Kynsna Elephant Park in South Africa. COMM: Abigail, from Brighton, has seen Fiela's progress first-hand. Abigail: I've known Fiela since she was born, I was there as she was born, She started off as a very feisty elephant and she's still very feisty.

Abigail: Fiela! That's my hair; I just washed it. Abigail: When I came here after I graduated university, I did the last of my safari qualifications and then I came to the elephant park for my placement, and I just never left. COMM: Fiela has had to be hand-fed because her mother rejected her soon after birth. Lisa: She generally has two litres every two hours but she doesn't always drink it so you can kind of see when she's hungry.


COMM: Young elephants spend all of their early lives with their mothers and can panic if they find themselves alone -- so the nannies must even sleep beside Fiela. Abigal: She's practicing stretching it so she's just trying to get all the muscles working. COMM: But for these elephant nannies, looking after Fiela and her friends is the opportunity of a lifetime. Abigail: I couldn't have asked for a better job, back in the UK it's something that nobody else has that experience and I just love telling them my stories and it's just fantastic. COMM: To prepare her for adult-life, Fiela is being encouraged to spend more time with the main herd. And though the nannies have formed an incredible bond with her, they know that, ultimately, her place is with them. Abigail: It's gonna be very sad when she's finally out in the herd and we don't have to be there anymore, they've accepted her as being part of the herd, it's just that she needs to accept them instead of having us as our primary herd as it were.

She needs to now choose them over us. It'll be more rewarding seeing her there. COMM: For now, Fiela continues to enjoy the company of her human herd. But one day soon her British nannies hope to see her roaming free again..

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