Saturday 28 January 2023

Meet African Fashion Designer Co-founder of Award-winning Clothing, Accessory Brand Eloli

from cameroon to south africa  to british bow coverage   for the past 10 years this cameroonian brand  has dedicated time energy into creating a brand   that represents african fashion by simply mixing  african fabrics with classic clothing materials   colors creativity and elegance is what this  brand is all about hi there i'm pamelanga and   this is the startup africa show on your favorite  youtube channel tuna cheki today i am taking you   out of your world out of my  world to go to eloli's world guys welcome welcome welcome i'm so excited  to be here i'm so excited to be in this space   i'm joined by the professional fashion designer  creative director dedicated mother and wife and   she's an all-round elegant queen please  welcome fesi eva thank you thank you for   having me thank you so much for coming i am in  a loli world oh yes this is the world that we   kind of stepped into very colorful very bright and  i'm so happy to be here you're welcome i actually   saw you guys um on an interview i watched a  crgb interview where you came last year oh   yeah and i was like wow it's really cool and i  really stopped you instantly i went on instagram it is beautiful in buffalo i'm from kumba  and buffalo is what we speak so elole means   it is beautiful or it's good it's pleasant  it's definitely beautiful and lovely is not   just colors creativity also sisterhood so you  built this with your sister deep or yes divorced   right so how did that kind of happen generally  speaking my sisters and i are not from the same   age group so we never had the time to vibe  together yeah i always had my big sisters who took   care of me but then in 2012 we happened to all be  together as young women and for the first time we   started talking about fashion in a different  light and telling ourselves we could we could   create something together we're very different  i'm the cool toned one my second sister suma is   very vibrant when you see colors like fuchsia and  red that's her and our older sister is kind of a   mix of both and the brand was the perfect way to  blend all our characters in one we can definitely   see that it's definitely a lot of elegance  color it's like a mixture of you're mixing   classical fabrics and then you're just putting a  little bit of yeah it's like really showing that   africa is colorful and bright absolutely  and you talked about 10 years i mean 2012   um 2012 yeah 22 it was december 23 exactly 10  years of hard work dedication and international   recognition and winning an award how was that  even how did that happen well i'm based in yeonde   my sisters are based in well then my sister was  based in toronto and our first sister is based in   london so having them in other countries made it  easier i need to be honest because when people ask   me they attempted to think a loli is just me  because they tend to see me more in cameroon   but without my sisters we would never with  certainty we would never have had the coverage   we had when we did so my sisters were there  on the ground attending events meeting people   doing all the pr work at the back while certainly  i was here putting the clothes and stuff together   yes they were having everything else done  so that's what we talked about sisters   one of the really nice pieces from a loli's  world they have a bunch of clothes for kids   for grown women if you roam get  some oh my gosh i really like capes   i'm gonna try this one this nice little  jacket i think it goes in my outfit   it's looking cute or whatever first of all  is the fabric can you feel the one thing   i'm so i'm i'm just so pleased to be here  because you just have to appreciate the hard work   and the textile and it just shows that 10 years  10 years is nothing child because they have   invested time and energy and i'm just gonna try  on this crew outfit i just i like the fact that   they're mixing different things you know like  sometimes african prints they're just one print   and it's like oh yeah cute design in one print but  here you have different prints different fabrics here different prints different fabrics we  have leather we have the african print we   have like the classic you know everyday  you can find this anywhere and just like   it's every day but not every day like talk to  me but don't talk to me i hope i look cute child   so they're just everybody children they dress men  and wherever you are in the world you need this   outfit i mean this would look really cute with  like jeans high-waisted jeans i would think and   a nice t-shirt inside and you would look cute on  a budget or not all right how did you even feel   personally for you guys as how did like at that  moment we're like wow you're on british bowl but   really in a word did that at that moment where you  like this actually makes sense because sometimes   you're starting as an entrepreneur like at  the beginning it's like you're hustling you're   hustling is this making sense and then once you  get that link it's like yes exactly we're like   we are on to something we need to be serious  we had to get more organized we had to build   a team at the time we didn't have this store  no storefront we had just social media pages   instagram just started becoming a thing and all  of that so we had to put our act together i think   at the time we hadn't even registered the comp  the company completely these are things i've   never said but it's the truth of owning a a small  business exactly so we had to put our act together   and become officially a brand wow so that clicking  point of getting the the word and everything was   like you know what we're gonna take it seriously  we're gonna open it and only all all the words i wanted to know because you're the fashion the  creative director you're the fashion designer   when you're designing these collections is it like  you know how artists create their albums they're   really scary they're like my song come out i hope  people like it do you go through that same process   honestly before i never felt that way because  designing is something i do naturally i'm   naturally a creative person i draw naturally  i do artistic things naturally but as some   of you might know two years ago i had a son my  beautiful son hansel and things kind of changed   for me so i had to i had a hard time adjusting  juggling everything and it was difficult to   to visualize things as i did before yeah but  luckily enough around last year my mind the mommy   brain started taking a step back so yes i could  i could create again i could visualize again so   yes it wasn't easy but i'm glad we did this yeah  and what's the what's the inversion with this new   collection how do you make it different from the  other one yes so this collection firstly is called   amin i'm going to say it was because it's still  but for ami which means aiming to soar and to us it's been such a long time coming i've had  to go through so much where i've had ups and downs   there are many times where honestly i just wanted  to look yeah close up and focus on on other things   i happen to be a lawyer as well so i had times  where i would think should i just be practicing   should i but after all this while we've been able  to survive and in calling the collection aiming   soaring it's our way of saying we can only  go higher from this point there's no turning   back yes we can only go forward so that's what  you want that's what that's art inside yeah yes i feel like it's only up from  here you can't do anything   that has always been the vision at the time  when we created the brand people were in need   of african clothing of quality yes see so that's  what it is about it's about creating clothes   that reflect the amazing african the boss ladies  the boss the kings and the queens out there in a   relatable way every day people want to look good  there's no reason why we should look good only   during events because african fashion before used  to be all about events but now we're introducing   we're not sorry we're not introducing african  fashion is already part of our everyday life so   that's why it really is about adding on to exactly  i mean now we're seeing i think there's like a   kind of a movement now where african things are  kind of moving a bit more we see africans pushing   through and just seeing that there's a cameroonian  brand that's also part of the movement and that's   actually like warming and just like okay we need  to highlight we need this we need to say that   we are doing things people we are doing and we're  going places so yeah we're definitely going places   i'm being styled by the fashion designer the  creative so please some light and some gab on here so guys can we see me   i can't even talk anymore this is giving me  ah you know i love an opportunity to shine   do you like my outfit do you like my outfit  okay he said yes he likes it someone said i   look like michelle obama or something so  i should practice my presidential week vote for me this is the model for elise and this  is the male shirt one of the shirts on the pieces   that they're wearing it's kind of similar to what  i was wearing we're mixing leather and fabric   and it's the details when we get the zoom in you  guys will understand the details and it's really   heavy and especially here in cameroon we like to  we're blessed to have so many different fabrics i just want to ask you one last  question where can we save you   what is your aspiration with the brand  our aspiration is to have a lolly   at the disposal of everybody who wants to be  afro-centric in an amazing way so for all those   out there who want to be part of the african  movement because africa is having a moment   suddenly the music industry the fashion industry  the sports industry everything is coming to   glorious light and we want for everybody to be  a part of it it's not just a cameroonian thing   we named eloli after our first place but it's not  just our baby we want eloly to be the world's baby   we want elole to be accessible everywhere we ship  worldwide for that reason we try to make our our   public we try to be in touch with our public and  certainly it's always perfect but this year we   intend to be all over the place we intend to  be out there yes and in touch with the public   we would love to see a loli's world everybody's  everywhere everywhere every way thank you so much   thank you thank you so much for having me you guys  already see its colors it's brightness it's africa   it's available online you can hit up um the lowly  world on instagram i'll put all their contacts and   details in the description box they ship worldwide  and you do not want to miss this opportunity to   wear such elegant bright and creative designs  thank you thank you that's it for this week's   episode of the start of africa show i hope you  enjoyed that and if you haven't yet please go   check out our last week's episode where we at  and we chatted with nick catch you next time   on the start of africa show the pan african show  that doesn't just talk about entrepreneurship   but meets the entrepreneurs right where they are  i'm your host and remember africa is watching you

african instruments

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