Friday 25 November 2022

The hunter and the elephant face to face

It is a large mammal of the family Elephants and the order Proboscis, the gestation period of an elephant is 645 days. There are two types of elephants: the African elephant and the Asian elephant Elephants are spread throughout sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Elephants are the only surviving proboscis Elephants are the largest living terrestrial animal. Male African elephants can reach a height of 4 meters (13 ft) and weigh 7,000 kg (15,000 lb). These animals have many distinctive features, including a long proboscis used for many purposes, and their incisors grow into canines They serve as tools for moving objects and digging, and as a weapon for combat Elephants also flap their large ears, helping them control the change in their body temperature African elephants have large ears and concave backs, while Asian elephants have small ears and convex or flat backs.


Elephants are herbivores and can be found in various environments including savannas, forests, deserts, and swamps. Elephants prefer to stay near water.

African instruments here

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